Ted Turner Advises CNN Not to Follow Fox News Opinion Model

January 14th, 2010 5:41 PM
Since Lou Dobbs left CNN in November, citing a mutual agreement between he and CNN President Jonathan Klein that involved CNN going in a different direction, CNN's ratings have plummeted. But Ted Turner, founder of the first truly 24-hour cable news channel, doesn't see anything wrong with the channel's heading. CNBC's Joe Kernen asked Turner if he had any problems with CNN's direction during…

Joy Behar: Sarah Palin’s ‘Base Doesn’t Even Read

December 29th, 2009 10:18 AM
Joy Behar expressed confusion about the success of Sarah Palin's book because, according to the CNN Headline News/ABC talk show host, a lot of the former governor's "base doesn't even read." Behar slammed Palin, as well as Glenn Beck, Carrie Prejean and other conservatives  during her "look back at 2009" edition of the "Joy Behar Show" that re-aired over Christmas weekend. An "…

Behar Politicizes Rush Limbaugh Wedding to Make Gay Marriage Plea

December 17th, 2009 11:56 AM
UPDATE: Sources tell NewsBusters Limbaugh-Rogers wedding slated for June 2010, which was reported as July 4, 2010 by Behar. It's probably no surprise, but conservative talker Rush Limbaugh isn't going to get a break from the liberal cheap shot artists on cable television in the wake of the news he will be getting married to Kathryn Rogers on July 4, 2010. On HLN's Dec. 17 broadcast of "The Joy…

Roseanne Barr: Palin is 'Slave to Right-Wing Men,' 'Against All Other

December 12th, 2009 12:43 AM
Friday's Joy Behar Show on CNN Headline News showed a pre-recorded interview with Roseanne Barr in which Barr opined that, although Sarah Palin is "likable," the "stuff she says is half nuts," and she's "half crazy and out of her mind." Barr -- who herself has a recent history of doing such bizarre things as appearing in Heeb magazine dressed as Adolf Hitler removing Jewish gingerbread cookies…

Joy Behar: ‘Tis the Season…to be Gay

November 25th, 2009 12:15 PM
"Don we now our gay apparel" took on a different meaning during Joy Behar's CNN Headline News program Nov. 24. According to the panel Behar spoke with, the holidays are a great time for gay people to come out of the closet. They are also a good time to knock religion and push the gay agenda. Actor Jeffrey Self, one of the three gay panelists, told Behar "I think also [coming out] is a nice…

Joy Behar, George Lopez Label Todd Palin a 'Bum' for Being a Stay-at-H

November 20th, 2009 11:55 AM
After introducing Lopez on her CNN Headline News program last night, Behar played a clip of Lopez's HBO special in which he said, "There are a lot of politicians that would be Latinos and a lot now who are Latino. Sarah Palin, Latina. Believe me. She's got all the signs. She works and her husband don't."   Later in the segment, after commenting about Palin's lack of experience, Lopez stated…

Behar’s Hurt Feelings: Complains Palin’s Anti-Elitism Tack is 'Div

November 18th, 2009 10:46 AM
HLN host and "The View" panelist Joy Behar doesn't care much for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and it's obvious from her language. Just a day after snidely attacking former Miss California Carrie Prejean, Behar dedicated the top of her Nov. 17 program to go after Palin and insult her, calling her "incoherent." "It wasn't just one interview. It was a series of incoherent sentences and lack of…

Joy Behar: Prejean's Sex Tapes Out 'Just In Time For The Holidays

November 17th, 2009 9:30 AM
Comedienne Joy Behar on HLN Monday jokingly accused former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean of releasing seven additional sex tapes "just in time for the holidays." Surprisingly able to do simple arithmetic, Behar quipped, "Maybe she made one for each night of Hanukkah."This nicely set up guests Perez Hilton, Heidi Montag, and Spencer Pratt to join in the Prejean bashing.Particularly vile and…

Hollywood Morality: Teen Sex on TV Okay Because Real-Life Teens Do It

November 6th, 2009 2:58 PM
According to actress Sandra Bernhard, no "kid is going to watch something about sex and then run out immediately and do it." Bernhard commented during a Nov. 5 segment on CNN's "Joy Behar Show" that focused on the upcoming threesome episode of CW's "Gossip Girl." Behar asked Bernhard and her fellow panelists, actresses Aisha Tyler and Fran Drescher, what they thought about the Parents…

Behar to Coulter: People Are P**sed Off Because Fox Lies A Lot

October 23rd, 2009 11:39 AM
What would the current debate about the White House strategy to demonize Fox News be without Joy Behar's opinion on the subject?Fortunatley, the comedienne and "View" co-host took the opportunity to raise this issue Thursday night with her guest conservative author Ann Coulter, and great fun was had by all including folks in the studio who couldn't hold back their laughter.The fireworks began…

Gore Vidal: Obama 'Too Intelligent' for America; Vidal Adds He Wanted

October 23rd, 2009 8:08 AM
If you haven't gotten your daily dose of left-wing crazy, strap yourself in. On CNN Headline News Oct. 22 broadcast of "The Joy Behar Show," left-wing author and conspiracy theorist Gore Vidal shared his thoughts about President Barack Obama. He said he thought the 44th President of the United States might be a little overqualified - at least as far as his intelligence. "I like him," Vidal…

Behar: Palin 'Wants to Be the Next Paris Hilton'; Reagan, Bush Were 'M

October 20th, 2009 2:06 PM
If you have been a regular viewer of CNN Headline News' "The Joy Behar Show," you've probably seen the nightly cheap shots at conservatives, usually in the form of jabs at Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. But on Behar's Oct. 20 program, the HLN host used a panel discussion with liberal flamethrower/comedian Janeane Garofalo and S.E. Cupp, conservative author of "Why You're Wrong About the Right" to…

Actor Richard Belzer: Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck 'Fascist Stooges'; Fox

October 16th, 2009 9:02 AM
Ever since CNN HLN's "Joy Behar Show" has splashed on the scene, it has become little more than a show dedicated to bashing conservative, specifically former CNN HLN host, now Fox News host Glenn Beck.   The Oct. 15 broadcast of host Joy Behar's show was no different. First it tackled the issues of the day, like Arianna Huffington's take on whether or not Vice President Joe Biden should resign…

'Wonder Woman' Joins the Glenn Beck Bashing on 'The Joy Behar Show

October 14th, 2009 12:10 PM
Perhaps having a slot on Glenn Beck's former network wasn't enough for the newly minted host of CNN Headline News "The Joy Behar Show." Instead, she obviously finds bashing Beck is the way to reach her audience.  For the fourth time in the 11 broadcasts of her show Behar, also a co-host of ABC's "The View," dedicated a portion of her Oct. 13 show to discussing Fox News host Glenn Beck. The…