CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit

October 6th, 2009 8:20 AM
Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin?? Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama. CNN couldn't help themselves. They actually fact checked the jokes.  [Update, NBStaff, 10:35 am Eastern: Transcript of CNN segment added below.]The transcript of CNN’s “fact-checking” report, which aired 28 minutes into the 6 pm Eastern hour of…

Behar’s Beck Obsession -- Maher: 'We’re Going to Find Glenn Beck D

October 1st, 2009 8:13 AM
Perhaps this is going to be a common theme of CNN Headline News "The Joy Behar Show." For the second night in a row, two out of two shows - Behar went after the former CNN Headline News host, now Fox News host Glenn Beck as a head of the conservative movement. On her Sept. 30 show, Behar guests included HBO "Real Time" host Bill Maher and conservative author and columnist Ann Coulter. One had a…

Bette Midler Warns Glenn Beck Could Set Off a Rwanda-Like Civil War in

September 30th, 2009 7:50 AM
Update at bottom (2:03 p.m.): Beck fires backIt's just what the primetime cable news lineup needed - another hour-long program tilted toward left-of-center politics with character assassination on conservatives. CNN Headline News debuted its "The Joy Behar Show" on Sept. 29, which included appearances by lefty comedian Jeanane Garofalo, CNN's Jack Cafferty and actress Bette Midler. Garofalo…

Barbara Walters Hails 'Fearless', Intelligent 'View' Co-host Joy Behar

September 23rd, 2009 11:50 AM
"She is fearless. There's an intelligence there as well as the humor," insists Barbara Walters about none other than, wait for it, "The View" co-host Joy Behar. Washington Post's Howard Kurtz relayed that gem in his Style section front-pager, "Oh, Joy! Gift of Gab Gives Host New Gig," about Behar's new primetime gig on HLN (formerly known as CNN Headline News).Yes, this is the same Joy Behar who:

The View's Joy Behar Gets Own Show on CNN Headline News

September 8th, 2009 10:59 AM
See? It really does pay to be a Bush-hating conspiracy theorist.Just ask The View's Joy Behar who just landed herself a job as the host of her own program on HLN, the network formerly known as CNN Headline News.Even though this is clearly a joke, I kid you not.Just try to keep a straight face as you read the following Associated Press report (h/t Big Hollywood):

Fox Remains #2 Cabler With Top 11 News Programs

April 29th, 2009 10:55 AM
As the Fox News Channel continues to be berated by America's new president along with his Party and liberal media minions, the cable network keeps drawing in more and more viewers.In fact, it has been the second most-watched ad-supported cable network for nine straight weeks, and now sports the top eleven cable news programs.Adding insult to injury, TVNewser reported Tuesday that FNC is now…

CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break

April 17th, 2009 4:48 PM
CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 - Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put her over the edge.Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed…

'Anti-CNN' TEA Party Reporter Rejected for Gig at Fox News - Twice

April 17th, 2009 2:34 PM
CNN's Susan Roesgen, whose anti-TEA Party pseudo-reporting made her a legend in her own mind, and a biased Obama-flack hack in ours, is in the news on her own (de)merit again today.One peculiar line from one of her peculiar rant-filled reports was that the TEA Parties were being "anti-CNN" because they were "highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."Well it turns out she wasn'…

CNN's 'Anti-Government' TEA Party Reporter: Obama as Hitler? 'Offensiv

April 16th, 2009 12:31 PM
CNN reporter Susan Roesgen became a pseudo-"journalistic" anti-hero yesterday for her obnoxiously belligerent interview of one Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party participant and her overall assessment of the more than 750 events around the country as amongst other derogatory things "anti-government."  But in another segment, she delved into rank hypocrisy the likes of which we rarely find even in…

Saturday Funnies: Glenn Beck Presents Obama's National Anthem

October 25th, 2008 9:22 PM
It's Saturday night, which means that our good friends at NBC are getting ready to skewer John McCain and Sarah Palin. As such, here's a little balance from our friend Glenn Beck (h/t NBer GregE):

'Showbiz Tonight' Trumpets Hasselbeck 'Controversy

September 10th, 2008 4:54 PM
Is an implicitly mild anti-Michelle Obama comment worse than an overt anti-Catholic remark? According to the CNN Headline News show "Showbiz Tonight" on Monday September 8, they apparently are. While they ignored Joy Behar’s inflammatory remarks comparing the saints to mental patients, they were all over Elisabeth Hasselbeck for revealing that Michelle Obama provided a list of forbidden questions…

Sarah Palin on 'Glenn Beck

August 31st, 2008 3:06 PM
Presumptive Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin was on "Glenn Beck" in June to discuss things like oil, ANWR, and polar bears.As media have been bludgeoning voters for the past 48 hours with the Governor not being qualified to be vice president -- this despite Barack Obama's limited accomplishments -- I encourage readers to watch the following video and read the full transcript:

CNN Launching Fake News Comedy Show

March 25th, 2008 3:46 PM
Interesting news today out of Los Angeles. Looks like CNN is going to try and tap the political entertainment market that was formerly served by the departed "Half Hour News Hour." My comments below the fold: Headline News will be sacrificing newsmakers to the comedy gods with "Not Just Another Cable News Show," a half-hour skein set for the 7 p.m. timeslot Saturdays and Sundays starting April 5…

NB's Noel Sheppard on 'Glenn Beck' Dissects Anatomy of Left-wing Smear

March 11th, 2008 12:28 PM
NewsBusters Associate Editor Noel Sheppard appeared on the March 10 "Glenn Beck" program on CNN Headline News to discuss the left-wing Web's recent smear of the radio host. Beck was taken out of context for comments he made about Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). [See Sheppard's related March 8 blog entry here.]Video (4:18): Windows Media (15.7 MB), plus MP3 audio (1.94 MB). Here's the transcript:…