
CNN’s King Admits Media Will Bury Comey’s ‘Damning Account’ of Lynch

June 8th, 2017 3:52 PM
While the Comey hearing into Russia was and remains a big story, CNN’s John King admitted Thursday afternoon that the media will not give much (if any) attention to Jim Comey stating that he was disturbed by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch telling him in the midst of the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal that he should refer to it as “a matter,” not “an investigation.”

CNN Claims Kushner Was ‘Treasonous,’ Later Admit He’s Not a Target

May 28th, 2017 11:15 AM
The liberal media have been circling and acting as though they smell blood in the water since The Washington Post reported that close Trump adviser, Jared Kushner wanted to set up a back channel with the Russians so Trump could discuss Syria. This, on top of reports that investigators would like to simply talk with Kushner and ask him some questions. The prowling continued on CNN’s Inside…

Weeks Later, Press Finally Notes DNC Chair's Descent Into Profanity

April 23rd, 2017 10:39 PM
The combination of losing the House, and then the Senate, and then the presidency (to Donald Trump, of all people), while losing over 900 other legislative and executive branch seats in states throughout the land, has apparently led Tom Perez, the Democratic Party's new chairman, to believe that the party must curse its way back into power to properly motivate the faithful. Knowing that such a…

Even CNN's John King Scoffs at Susan Rice's Unmasking Excuse Flip-Flop

April 4th, 2017 7:05 PM
In stark contrast to his CNN colleagues Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon who have desperately tried to downplay the significance of the revelations about former National Security Adviser Susan Rice unmasking the names of members of the Donald Trump campaign team on intelligence reports, Inside Politics host John King scoffed at Rice's change of stories about her role. When someone known for liberal…

Blackout: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC Skimp on Gorsuch Hearing

March 20th, 2017 5:00 PM
On Monday, the liberal broadcast networks and cable outlets tag-teamed to ignore live opening day coverage of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to become the next Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, instead spending over 11 hours of coverage on the FBI Director James Comey, addressing allegations of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

CNN Panelist Scolds: We Cannot Have a 'Grown-Up' Budget Conversation

March 19th, 2017 10:56 AM
Following the White House’s release of a proposed federal budget on Thursday the liberal media went into a frenzy as they framed it as an assault against old people, the poor, and cancer research. But according to The Federalist’s Mary Catherine Ham on Sunday’s Inside Politics, that’s the childish behavior Washington had become known for. “No one wants to cut anything,” told the CNN panel, “And I…

Acosta Wonders If Women’s March Could Mean a Democratic 'Resurgence'

March 8th, 2017 8:22 PM
Filling-in as host of CNN’s Inside Politics on Wednesday, chief White House correspondent and Trump sparring partner Jim Acosta did his part for the Day Without a Woman protesters by wondering if it’s symbolized “the makings of a Democratic Party resurgence” and hinting that it would behoove President Trump to remain quiet about this.

‘The Fix Is in!’ CNN Loses Its Mind Not Getting Questions to Trump

February 15th, 2017 4:30 PM
Batten down the hatches, folks. On Wednesday after the press conference between President Trump and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, pure and utter panic set in on CNN as Inside Politics host John King and White House correspondent Jim Acosta bemoaned that “the fix is in” because “it would be nice, if the conservative outlets the President is calling on would ask him tough questions.”

CNN Panel Whines: Trump ‘Whiffed’ Statement on North Korea Launch

February 12th, 2017 10:56 AM

News broke late Saturday night that North Korea launched a missile in a show of force during the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the United States. During a quickly put together media event PM Shinzo Abe spoke first to condemn the launch and was backed up with a brief statement of support from President Donald Trump. But that wasn’t enough for CNN’s Inside Politics, whose Nia-Malika…


WashPost Writer: Trump/GOP Will Be ‘in Trouble’ for Saying ‘Illegals’

February 5th, 2017 11:39 AM
With CNN’s recent boasting of increased sales of George Orwell’s 1984 in response to President Donald Trump, and with their accusations of the administration gaslighting the country, it’s quite hypocritical of them to have a panelist on that appears the be practicing his own doublespeak. During Sunday’s Inside Politics, Washington Post writer Ed O’Keefe hammered the president and Republicans for…

Obama Remarks on Castro Death Called 'Incredible Dismissal of Reality'

November 28th, 2016 5:14 PM
During Sunday morning's edition of the Cable News Network's Inside Politics program, host John King read part of President Barack Obama's statement on the death of Fidel Castro before asking why the Democratic occupant of the White House did not mention the brutalities the 90-year-old dictator inflicted on his fellow Cubans for six decades. Guest panelist Ed O'Keefe of the Washington Post…

CNN Distorts Flynn to Appear He Called 'All' Muslims, Islam a 'Cancer'

November 28th, 2016 11:24 AM
Over the past couple of weeks on various CNN programs, and as recently as yesterday on CNN's Inside Politics, CNN has been touting two edited clips of retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn which dubiously suggest that the incoming National Security Advisor was claiming that all of Islam or all 1.7 billion Muslims in the world constitute a "cancer." But in both clips -- from two different…

WashPost’s Phillip: Clinton Scandals Are Too ‘Complicated' to Explain

October 24th, 2016 4:32 PM
On the Monday edition of CNN’s Inside Politics, Washington Post political reporter Abby Phillip employed a tiresome tactic to deflect away from any number of the Clinton scandals and particularly the revelations via WikiLeaks because it’s all “too complicated” to explain to voters in building a case against her.

Press Minimizes Exposure of Hillary Ridiculing Sanders Supporters

October 3rd, 2016 9:29 PM
The press is going to extraordinary lengths to minimize the visibility of Hillary Clinton's damaging and disparaging February remarks at a fundraiser about how Bernie Sanders' supporters "are living in their parents’ basement," and how half of them don't know what ('just like Scandinavia') means" — stereotyping digs which don't survive even the most rudimentary efforts at fact-checking.