
CNN Panel: Clinton Knows Her Opponent Better than They Know Themselves

September 25th, 2016 12:17 PM
The Sunday before the first presidential debate of 2016 was filled with analysis and speculation about how the candidates were going to perform. It was the same on CNN’s Inside Politics were their panel touted Hillary Clinton’s ability to debate.  Host John King played a clip of Clinton leaving Senator Bernie Sanders speechless after slamming his questions about her speaking fees as a smear,…

CNN Panel: No 'Parallel' Between Trump and Clinton on Birther Issue

September 18th, 2016 11:24 AM
CNN’s Inside Politics tried to rewrite the history book on Sunday, by continuing the media’s new claim that Hillary Clinton’s campaign didn’t lean on birtherism in 2008 to fight then Senator Barack Obama. While anointing Trump the leader of the “Birther movement” they flat out denied Clinton had a hand in lending the conspiracy credence. Host John King hyped Donald Trump’s announcement that he…

CNN Pair: Clintons' Tax Return Shows How 'Middle-Classy' They Are

August 15th, 2016 7:30 AM
The Hillary Clinton campaign released the 2015 joint federal income tax return filed by Mrs. Clinton and her ex-President husband Bill this week. Among other things, the Clintons reported total income of over $10.7 million, incurred income and self-employment taxes of over $3.6 million, and deducted $1 million for a charitable contribution to (imagine that) the Clinton Foundation. According to…

Henderson: 'Law & Order' Has 'Racist Undertone,' Election 'About Race'

July 26th, 2016 5:16 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Tuesday's special edition of Inside Politics, CNN senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson warned that "a lot of people" believe that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's invocation of "law and order" has a "racist undertone." Moments later, she went on to assert that the election is "all about race in a lot of ways," before backing off slightly by adding…

AP Journalist Wants Us to Believe Brexit 'Leave' Voters Didn't Mean It

June 26th, 2016 7:11 PM
An example of how unhinged press bias builds on itself was on display Sunday morning on CNN's Inside Politics. Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer told other panel members who were criticizing Hillary Clinton for her lack of an in-person public statement on the the results of Thursday's Brexit referendum that they should doubt the legitimacy of the result. She did so by referring to "all the…

CNN's Zeleny: House Dem Sit-In Supported by 'Vast Majority of Country'

June 26th, 2016 3:02 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Inside Politics, CNN's Jeff Zeleny asserted that, although the House Democratic sit-in to protest in favor of more gun control was a "stunt," that it was a "stunt that the vast majority of the country supports." The CNN correspondent was presumably reacting to a flawed CNN poll which host John King had just cited claiming that 90 percent of respondents…

Ron Fournier Slams ‘Irresponsible’ Trump and ‘Disingenuous’ Hillary

January 31st, 2016 5:32 PM
On a special hour-long Sunday edition of CNN’s Inside Politics, panelist and National Journal writer Ron Fournier resumed his strong disdain for Republican frontrunner Donald Trump by lambasting him as having “bigoted” and “sexist rhetoric” for a man who makes “irresponsible comments” which exhibit “his shallowness on policy.”

CNN's King Whitewashes Clinton Rape Charge Re: Question to Hillary

December 5th, 2015 4:30 PM
On Friday's New Day, when co-host Alisyn Camerota brought up Hillary Clinton being asked a question about her husband's history of forcible rape and other sexual assaults, CNN's John King whitewashed the accusations against former President Bill Clinton as he only vaguely recounted the behavior, and even ended up lamenting that the question must have been a "sad trip" and "not a pleasant trip…

CNN’s Henderson: GOP ‘Race Baiting’ Created Trump

July 12th, 2015 9:23 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics, CNN political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson argued that Donald Trump’s controversial remarks surrounding Mexican immigrants were a problem of the GOP’s “own making.” The former Washington Post reporter sounded like a Democratic strategist when she told the CNN panel “a lot of the sort of politics around race, and sort of race baiting have defined the Republican Party…

Ron Fournier Compares Mike Huckabee to Segregationist

June 28th, 2015 9:14 AM
During a discussion on CNN’s Inside Politics about the political impact of the Supreme Court ruling legalizing same sex marriage, National Journal reporter Ron Fournier rushed to compare Mike Huckabee to segregationist former Democratic Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas.  

CNN Suggests GOP Might ‘Overreach’ on Clinton Foundation Scandal

April 26th, 2015 10:04 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics, CNN’s John King argued that despite the numerous scandals the Clintons have dealt with over the years one “thing the Clintons have benefited from in the past is Republican overreach.” The CNN host then asked the Washington Post’s Robert Costa, formerly of National Review, if “there is a risk in overplaying it as they have in past Clinton scandals?”

Jonathan Martin: Part of GOP Driven By ‘White Resentment Politics’

April 19th, 2015 10:36 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics on CNN, New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin eagerly used a controversial speech by NRA president Wayne LaPierre to argue that part of the GOP base is driven by “white resentment politics.” 

Networks Continue Blackout of Obama Comparing Christianity to ISIS

February 6th, 2015 4:20 PM
Following zero coverage on Thursday evening of President Obama drawing a moral equivalency between ISIS and Christians, the networks continued their blackout into a second straight news cycle with no mention of it on any of their Friday morning newscasts. The evening broadcasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC combined to exclude any mention that the President told attendees at the National Prayer Breakfast…

Predictable CNN Suggests Tea Party Could Destroy GOP

December 7th, 2014 12:31 PM
On Sunday, CNN’s Inside Politics spent several minutes hyping the supposed headache Tea Partiers could give GOP leadership despite the Republican Party winning their 54th Senate seat following Saturday’s runoff in Louisiana. During the discussion, Robert Costa of The Washington Post insisted that Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is trying “to govern responsibly and he wants to set the party up for…