
Video Venom: 40 TV Shows Slam ‘A**hole’ Trump, Praise ‘Communism'

March 13th, 2019 11:09 AM
Entertainment media continue to wage war on President Donald Trump and conservatives, with major networks, cable TV, and streaming services hurling insults and ignorant opinions at every opportunity. In February alone, at least 40 separate entertainment programs attacked conservative values and/or President Donald Trump while promoting a hardcore progressive agenda.  

Disney CEO Confronted on Kimmel’s Blackface: We Consider ‘Context’

March 8th, 2019 12:14 PM
Disney CEO Bob Iger on Thursday was confronted about media hypocrisy when it comes to blackface. Two of ABC’s hosts, Jimmy Kimmel and Joy Behar, have both used blackface in the past. Yet, Iger insisted that “context” must be considered for these cases. (ABC, as a reminder, is owned by Disney.) 

Ghoulish Kimmel Smears CPAC as the ‘Largest Gathering’ of Anti-Vaxxers

March 5th, 2019 5:48 PM
What a pathetic stable of late-night comics we have in America which, of course, includes ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel. On Monday’s show, the Trump portion of Kimmel’s monologue contained a ghoulish swipe at conservatives and CPAC attendees as the “largest gathering” of anti-vaxxers and heard from President Donald Trump, who Kimmel suggested has dementia.

Kurtz Hits Media Hypocrisy on Liberal TV Stars Wearing Blackface

February 24th, 2019 3:10 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz show on Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz gave a commentary in which he highlighted recent media double standards on the issue of whites wearing blackface, including the firing of Megyn Kelly from NBC's Today show simply for mildly defending the practice, when several prominent liberals affiliated with NBC and in other places have openly done routines in blackface in the…

33 TV Shows in Jan. Slam ‘Terrorist’ Trump, Praise Abortion

February 11th, 2019 11:30 AM
Entertainment TV is far worse than news when it comes to progressive bias and hatred for conservative people and views. A cross section of nightly programming on major networks, cable TV or popular streaming services is loaded with anti-conservative, anti-Trump propaganda. January features at least 33 separate entertainment programs that attack conservative values and/or President Donald Trump…

Kimmel Praises Radical Esquire Writer: 'I'm Very Fond of Your Work'

January 31st, 2019 10:12 PM
During Tuesday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, the eponymous ABC host brought on longtime lefty and current Esquire writer Charles Pierce. Kimmel praised Pierce and encouraged his audience to check out his work: “If you have an internet connection, read “‘Politics With Charles P. Pierce’ multiple times a day on”  After introducing Pierce, Kimmel told him “I love you. I’m very fond of your work…

Kimmel Mocks 'Dopey People' Donating to Wall GoFundMe Page

December 21st, 2018 3:55 PM
During Thursday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, the eponymous host took several shots at President Trump during his opening monologue. It did not take long for Kimmel to begin mocking the people donating to the GoFundMe page set up to secure money for the border wall, claiming that “a lot of these people are dipping into their meth money for this.”

'Woke' Kimmel Lets Borat Sexualize Melania Trump

November 17th, 2018 1:30 PM
Once upon a time Jimmy Kimmel took direct aim at modern feminists. His Comedy Central series The Man Show, co-hosted by Adam Carolla, took an aggressively male stance on, well, everything. It started with girls, or “Juggies,” jumping on trampolines. The nubile, mostly nameless women did as told for the proverbial “male gaze.” Other bits were equally unwoke by modern standards. Remember when…

Kimmel Begs, 'Superman' Obama Must Come Back, Save Us from Trump!

November 16th, 2018 9:48 AM
ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel was next in line to assist former First Lady Michelle Obama in promoting her new memoir. On Thursday night’s show, the liberal host used that opportunity to beg Obama to convince her husband to enter politics again, comparing him to Superman and President Trump to his evil arch nemesis, Lex Luthor.

Liberal ‘Comedian’ Jimmy Kimmel Lobbies Audience to Defeat Ted Cruz

October 24th, 2018 3:55 PM
Far-left ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel on Monday urged those in Texas to defeat Ted Cruz and elect liberal senator Beto O’Rourke. Prefacing a “question for those of you in Texas,” the Jimmy Kimmel Live host mocked, “Whatever side you're on, Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter. Imagine how hilarious it will be if Ted Cruz is forced to kiss his bully's ass in front of the world and then loses…

Bozell & Graham Column: Downplaying Jimmy Kimmel's Bullying

October 6th, 2018 7:10 AM
ABC late night-host Jimmy Kimmel has been honored for his weepy episodes, but the media skip over his meaner "humorously" suggesting Brett Kavanaugh penis should be chopped off, and having anti-Trump porn star Stormy Daniels describe the allegedly tiny penis of the President of the United States. Some people imagine Kavanaugh as a high-school bully. Kimmel acts like one as an…

Kimmel: We Should 'Cut That Pesky Penis' of Kavanaugh's Off

September 26th, 2018 3:54 PM
During Monday’s edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the eponymous host weighed in on the 11th hour sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  The conversation turned quite graphic at one point, with Kimmel suggesting that Kavanaugh should sacrifice his penis in exchange for his Supreme Court seat.

WashPost: Attacking Trump Is Good Business for Late Night Comics

September 4th, 2018 9:09 AM
The Washington Post knows a thing or two about being partisan as a business strategy. So the paper brought a rare level of expertise to a Friday article about how super-charging late night comedy shows with anti-Trump shtick is good for business and gaining a more loyal fanbase. According to The Post, being woke doesn’t work for all entertainers, but for many willing to commit to the political…

Kanye Defends Supporting Trump: Liberals, Media ‘Can’t Bully Me’

August 10th, 2018 8:37 AM
Rapper Kanye West sat down with ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show Thursday night to talk about a his career, family life and his support for President Trump. After famously meeting with President at Trump Tower last year, he has been ostracized by the media for his continued and unlikely support for Trump. West addressed the backlash he’s faced for his decision, blasting the left and the…