
Jimmy Kimmel Helps Michelle Obama Tell Kids to 'Eat Your Effen' Vees'

August 21st, 2015 4:57 PM
During Thursday night's edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the ABC comedian helped first lady Michelle Obama make a public service announcement “encouraging kids to make healthier choices about foods” in a new campaign called “FNV,” which stands for “Fruits 'N' Veggies.” However, Kimmel pretended to be baffled by the effort's name, which he claimed stands for “Eat Your Effin' Vees” since he knows…

Saturday Night Funny Video: Segue of the Day on HLN

June 7th, 2015 12:25 AM
“Transitions between” serious and not so serious stories “can be a bit rocky at times,” FNC’s Bret Baier noted in setting up a clip, at the end of his Tuesday night show, of just such a transition from HLN’s Morning Express. ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live called the video its “Segue of the Day.”

ABC, NBC Move on from Perry Announcement, but Mock Him on Comedy Shows

June 5th, 2015 1:00 PM
After providing minimal coverage of former Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry’s 2016 announcement on Thursday night, ABC and NBC moved on from the story all together with zero mentions of Perry or the 2016 campaign on their Friday morning newscasts. Their late night comedy shows, however, spent plenty of time mocking Perry over his intelligence and eating of a corn dog back in 2011.

Chorus: Late Night Comics Mock Ted Cruz as Anti-Immigrant, Stupid

March 24th, 2015 11:41 AM
In a preview of the 2016 campaign, all five late night comics on Monday night mocked Ted Cruz, hitting the Republican as anti-immigrant, regressive and stupid. CBS host David Letterman didn't bother with a joke. Instead, he lectured, "Here's what I find interesting about Ted Cruz, he was born in Canada. His father fled to the United States from Cuba. Yet, Ted Cruz is against immigration. Isn't…

Kimmel to Obama: ‘Do You Have Hillary Clinton’s New E-Mail Address?'

March 13th, 2015 12:07 PM
President Barack Obama was both comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s main topic of discussion and guest on his late night talk show on ABC Thursday night, with topics in the opening monologue and sit-down interview ranging from softball questions about driving, seeing a dentist, and aliens, to substantive topics such as the letter 47 Republican Senators sent to Iran, Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and…

Sat Night Funny Videos: Weather Channel Banality, Rand Paul Shushes

February 7th, 2015 11:47 PM
Two videos tonight: First, Weather Channel “reporters had very little trouble filling 24 hours of storm coverage,” FNC’s Bret Baier explained Wednesday night in a setting up a compilation video produced by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, but “how valuable that reporting is, you decide.” Second, on Monday, Senator Rand Paul told CNBC anchor Kelly Evans to “shush.” On Wednesday night, CBS’s Late Show with…

Saturday Night Funny Video: New Year’s Eve ‘Pee Watch’

January 11th, 2015 12:17 AM
Jimmy Kimmel marveled this past Monday night at how the networks, which covered the New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City’s Times Square, found a new angle to emphasize, “and that new angle was none other than the human bladder.” Viewers of his ABC show were then treated to a compilation of clips dubbed “Pee Watch 2014.” Afterward, Kimmel offered an apt observation about when people don’t “…

Bill Maher Warns: 'Hundreds of Millions' of Muslims Back Terrorism

January 8th, 2015 3:30 PM
On Wednesday's Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC, Bill Maher reacted to the Islamist attack in Paris by beseeching his ideological fellow travelers to "turn toward the truth" about the Muslim world's opposition to "liberal principles." Maher underlined that "hundreds of millions of [Muslims] support an attack like this. They applaud an attack like this. What they say is – oh, we don't approve of violence…

Megyn Kelly Jokes About MSNBC Dominating White House Christmas Party

December 18th, 2014 3:02 PM
Fox News host Megyn Kelly appeared on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday night to talk about a variety of things including her attendance at the annual White House Christmas Party. Speaking to Kimmel, Kelly joked that while she was at the White House “boy did I see a lot of MSNBC anchors. I mean you couldn’t take two steps without hitting one...I think they got a few more invitations than we…

Saturday Night Funny Video: Buffalo Snow Vs Conditions in Southern Cal

November 22nd, 2014 11:52 PM
“The Buffalo area got slammed with more than five and a half feet of lake-effect snow early this weekend. It’s expected to get an additional three feet by tomorrow morning,” substitute FNC anchor Doug McKelway noted on Thursday night before mockingly setting up a clip by maintaining “this is nothing, though, compared to the extreme conditions that hit southern California.”

Late Night Funny: Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Government Waste

October 23rd, 2014 3:01 PM
On Wednesday night, comedian Jimmy Kimmel used Senator Tom Coburn’s (R-OK) annual Wastebook as an opportunity to mock the federal government’s continued waste of taxpayer dollars. The ABC late night host hilariously asked his audience if they could “tell the difference between a real government expenditure from Wastebook and an idea a stoner came up with on his own.” 

Saturday Night Funny Video: Who Is Joe Biden?

October 19th, 2014 12:36 AM
Vice President Joe Biden visited Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, prompting ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel to send a video crew out onto Hollywood Boulevard to ask: “Who is Joe Biden?” Of course, no one heard of him and several had some very creative, if ridiculous, answers.

Jimmy Kimmel Cracks Joke About Obama’s Incompetence and World Cup

July 2nd, 2014 9:48 AM
Even liberals and moderates have become disillusioned with President Obama’s failed policies and promises (Obamacare, anyone?) On Tuesday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, the late-night talk show host started the show by making a joke about Obama’s incompetence. Even Kimmel’s presumably liberal audience laughed. Kimmel began by joking that the World Cup has led workplaces to be less productive. It…

Saturday Night Funny Video: Was Godzilla ‘Caused by Global Warming

May 25th, 2014 12:47 AM
Liberals blame global warming for pretty much anything that happens weather-wise, so why not Godzilla too? Jimmy Kimmel sent a video crew onto Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles to ask passers-by about whether the movie creature Godzilla is real, surprisingly pressing one guy: “Do you believe these creatures are caused by global warming?”