Stephanopoulos Lauds The Clintons on Kimmel Show; Says Hillary's Popul

May 20th, 2014 3:52 PM
George Stephanopoulos may no longer be a paid partisan activist, but he most certainly helps Democratic candidates and causes from his perch as an ostensibly objective journalist. Witness the interview the Good Morning America co-host had with Jimmy Kimmel on Monday’s edition of Kimmel’s eponymous late-night ABC program, which served to butter up former President Bill Clinton and his wife,…

All Three Networks Tout Bill Clinton on Kimmel, Ignore Question About

April 3rd, 2014 12:46 PM
Despite a tragic shooting at Fort Hood, a major Supreme Court ruling and developments on Benghazi, all three morning shows on Thursday devoted time to Bill Clinton's discussion of aliens on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Yet, NBC's Today, ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning ignored a profoundly dumb question from the comic regarding Clinton running for vice president. [See video of the question…

Saturday Night Funny Video: Photos of Two Mayors in Action, Rob Ford v

March 15th, 2014 11:48 PM
A couple of weeks ago, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford flew down to Los Angeles to appear on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live – where Kimmel confronted him with sets of photos showing the very different approaches to his job and constituents compared to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. Some pretty humorous contrasting pictures in this clip from Kimmel’s March 4 program.

Saturday Night Funny Video: ‘Lie Witness News,’ Oscars Edition

March 9th, 2014 12:48 AM
In a fun feature on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, “Lie Witness News,” he sends a camera crew out onto the streets of Los Angeles to ask pedestrians about events that have not happened. But the people are too embarrassed or ill-informed to realize the fake-out and offer their opinions on the non-existent premise. Monday’s (March 3) Special Report with Bret Baier ended with an excerpt from an “…

Jimmy Kimmel Savages ObamaCare and Uninformed Young People Who Support

January 15th, 2014 11:08 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting for months, late night comics have been tearing the atrocious rollout of ObamaCare apart. Conceivably the best job done to date was by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel who during his opening monologue Tuesday evening absolutely savaged the law whilst ridiculing the uninformed young people in this country that have ignorantly supported something that clearly harms them (…

Tim Robbins: A Catholic Priest Took Me To See ‘Deliverance’ When I

December 19th, 2013 4:14 PM
Can you imagine a priest taking a group of altar boys to see the movie “Deliverance?” According to Tim Robbins, when he was an altar boy in New York City, at the age of ten or eleven, a priest at his church took him and some other altar boys into Times Square to see the R-rated film which contained a brutal homosexual rape scene.

Kimmel Presents Fox's 'Version' of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’: ‘M

December 13th, 2013 5:08 PM
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel began his program Thursday evening bashing the Fox News Network. After mocking Megyn Kelly and contributor Monica Crowley for claiming that the historical figures Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were white, he presented a trailer for a Fox News version of “It’s a Wonderful Life” wherein Henry Potter is the hero trying to preserve Bedford Falls as an example of free market…

Kimmel: Obama's Given More Speeches About ObamaCare Than Have Signed U

December 4th, 2013 10:26 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting the past few months, late night comics have been having a field day with the disaster that is ObamaCare. On ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday, the host spent a good part of his monologue trashing the program including an observation that “the number of speeches Obama has made about affordable healthcare is greater than the number of people who have actually…

Kimmel: President's Visit 'Turned LA Into the Traffic Equivalent of Ob

November 26th, 2013 10:38 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting for almost two months, the disastrous rollout of Barack Obama's signature piece of legislation has made him the butt of late night jokes. On ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday, the host repeatedly mocked the President's fundraising trip to California saying, "He basically turned the westside of Los Angeles into the traffic equivalent of the ObamaCare website" (…

Kimmel: ' Barely Functions Yet Every Single Porn Site in

October 22nd, 2013 11:18 AM
America’s late night comics have been tearing the President apart for the disastrous rollout of the ObamaCare exchanges. On Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday, the host said, “I find it fascinating that our national healthcare website barely functions and yet every single porn site in the world works like a charm” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC Does 5 Minute ObamaCare PSA Featuring Owen Wilson and Kareem Abdul

October 11th, 2013 4:02 PM
Although the folks at Jimmy Kimmel Live tried presenting it as a spontaneous skit, anyone with a lukewarm intelligence quotient knew they really were doing a five minute public service announcement for ObamaCare. If you think guest Owen Wilson was able to create all the charts he had AND get Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to join him AND have a choir that included the band Panic! at the Disco sing a song…

Oprah Gives Audience Member a New Car on Jimmy Kimmel Live

August 15th, 2013 10:30 AM
Was Oprah Winfrey trying to distract attention Wednesday from the stir she caused accusing a Swiss shop clerk of racism, or just doing PR for the new film she's starring in? Regardless of the answer, appearing on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live, Winfrey shocked a member of the studio audience with a new Ford Fusion (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Gay NBA Player’s Twin Brother Gets ‘I’m The Straight One’ T-sh

May 16th, 2013 3:21 PM
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel invited recently self-outed gay NBA player Jason Collins on his program Wednesday evening along with twin brother Jarron. At the end of the interview, Kimmel gave Jarron an “I’m The Straight One” t-shirt.

Harrison Ford: I Never Believed Anything George Bush Said

April 18th, 2013 5:51 PM
Harrison Ford took a cheap shot at former President George W. Bush Wednesday evening. Appearing on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, the actor claimed he never believed anything Bush said (video follows with transcript and commentary):