Freudian Slip? MSNBC's Martin Bashir Claims Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner

July 1st, 2011 4:09 PM
On the July 1 edition of "Martin Bashir," the MSNBC anchor after which the show is named made a statement that reveals a great deal about his worldview. [Video after break]

MSNBC's Martin Bashir: Mitch McConnell 'Suffering Some Kind of Mild De

June 29th, 2011 5:04 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir, who once argued Sarah Palin's bus tour was in "breach of federal law," attacked Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday, wondering if the 69-year-old Republican is "suffering some kind of mild dementia or long-term memory loss?" Excoriating McConnell for rejecting tax increases as part of a potential budget deal, the former ABC "Nightline" anchor regurgitated a litany…

MSNBC's Bashir Defends Media Not Hitting Obama for Gaffes

June 28th, 2011 4:13 PM
With apologies to King Solomon, as a dog returns to its vomit, so a biased MSNBC anchor repeats his tired talking points. [video follows page break] On the June 14 edition of his eponymous program, conservative New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp hit Martin Bashir for marveling at Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn.) June 13 debate performance, given her history of gaffes. At the time,…

MSNBC's Bashir: Romney 'Insensitive' to Unemployed, Pawlenty a 'Coward

June 17th, 2011 5:37 PM
In a segment today with Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus, MSNBC's Martin Bashir did his level best to trash the 2012 GOP presidential field, mocking Tim Pawlenty as a "coward," Mitt Romney as an "insensitive" rich guy, and Michele Bachmann as gaffe-prone. What's more, when Jacobus sought to turn her appearance into an opportunity to remind viewers of Obama's ownership of the economy and on…

MSNBC's Bashir Plays Softball With Planned Parenthood President

June 7th, 2011 9:24 AM
Martin Bashir tossed softballs at Planned Parenthood head Cecile Richards on his eponymous MSNBC program on Monday, letting his guest spout her talking points in defense of her abortion-providing organization. Bashir even went so far to use a phrase in vogue with the pro-abortion left in one of his questions: "Do you think this is, in effect, a war on women?" [Audio available here; video…

Video: Bashir's Non-Response Response After Scolding Palin's 'Illegal

June 2nd, 2011 5:07 PM
As NewsBusters reported first, MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir insisted on his May 31 program that Sarah Palin's Northeast bus tour amounted to a "breach in federal law." After a number of sites linked to the original NewsBusters piece, Bashir responded today to the "abusive messages" he's allegedly endured in the fallout of his controversial remarks, although he avoided addressing his bizarre…

Luke Russert Impales Weiner With His Own Words

June 1st, 2011 3:48 PM
MSNBC's Luke Russert on Wednesday pressed Congressman Anthony Weiner with a very simple question: Is the picture of man in underwear that was sent out on the Representative's Twitter account his? Weiner responded, "You know, I can't say with certitude." Russert began by wondering, "That's not a picture of you?" After a lengthy non-answer, he reasonably pointed out, "But, Congressman, you…

Martin Bashir: Sarah Palin's Bus Tour a 'Breach of Federal Law

May 31st, 2011 6:11 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on May 31 insisted that Sarah Palin's bus tour amounts to a "breach of a federal law." Anchoring his eponymous program, Bashir scolded, "In fact, the whole thing could be in breach of a federal law because the United States Flag Code establishes important rules for the use and display of the stars and stripes, the flag of the United States." [Video embedded after the…

Martin Bashir Parrots Attacks on 'Vicious,' 'Paranoid,' Sarah Palin, Q

May 24th, 2011 4:43 PM
An eager Martin Bashir on Tuesday parroted vicious claims by a former Sarah Palin staffer and repeated attacks questioning the sincerity of the ex-governor's Christian faith. The MSNBC host offered almost no skepticism or tough questions. Instead, he chided, "Love thy neighbor? Not in Sarah Palin's playbook. Her former aide tells all." In a tease for the segment, Bashir intoned, "Vindictive…

Martin Bashir Intentionally Says 'S--ty' On The Air

May 13th, 2011 4:46 PM
It's one thing to accidentally let a vulgarity slip when you're on live television, but intentionally doing it when you are a news commentator is a completely different thing. With this in mind, one has to wonder why MSNBC's Martin Bashir did this on the show bearing his name Friday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Harps on Gingrich's Past, Omits Clinton's Perjur

May 12th, 2011 6:02 PM
The day after Newt Gingrich announced his candidacy for president, MSNBC's Martin Bashir took the opportunity to rail against the Republican contender for criticizing former President Bill Clinton's adulterous behavior while he was engaging in sexual transgressions of his own. On his eponymous program today, Bashir admonished the former House speaker's "hypocrisy" but failed to mention even…

MSNBC's Bashir Asks Tancredo: 'Would You Have Preferred Obama's Death

May 10th, 2011 6:17 PM
For the second time in less than 24 hours I find myself wondering how an American television "news" network could have assembled such a collection of ignoramuses. After MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Monday evening claimed the Founding Fathers would have understood the need to raise the debt ceiling in order to protect the country's credit rating, Martin Bashir on Tuesday actually asked former…

Beck and O'Reilly Defend Breitbart, Wonder How Long MSNBC Can Stay In

April 22nd, 2011 9:23 AM
The outrage over Martin Bashir's absolutely pathetic interview with Andrew Breitbart Wednesday continues. On Thursday's "O'Reilly Factor," the host and his guest Glenn Beck wondered how long MSNBC can stay in business with commentators behaving this way (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Breitbart Challenges MSNBC's Bashir to Take a Lie Detector Test

April 22nd, 2011 12:48 AM
Following Martin Bashir's absolutely pathetic interview with Andrew Breitbart Wednesday, the conservative publisher has proposed a $10,000 bet with the perilously liberal MSNBC host. "I’m willing to take a lie detector test next to him on anything," Breitbart told WOR radio's Steve Malzberg Thursday, "if he’s willing to take a lie detector test next to me talking about whether he read my book…