Breitbart to Bashir: 'You're Insinuating I'm Racist Which is What MSNB

April 20th, 2011 10:25 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir did an extremely contentious interview with Andrew Breitbart Wednesday wherein it was clear from the get-go the goal was to paint the conservative publisher and the Tea Party he's affiliated with as racist. This became obvious to Breitbart after Bashir asked his opinion of a truly offensive picture of Barack Obama leading Breitbart to fire back, "You're trying to…

GOP Rep. Blasts Liberal Media for Failing to Question Obama's Budget

April 15th, 2011 5:10 PM
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) demanded an answer to a question today that the MRC has been asking for years: why do so many journalists refuse to ask President Barack Obama tough questions? On the April 15 edition of MSNBC's "Martin Bashir," Walsh pressed the anchor after which the program is named on why he and his colleagues are such Obama sycophants, pointing to the media's unwillingness to…

MSNBC Praises Obama's 'Soaring' Speech, Calling On 'Wealthiest America

April 14th, 2011 3:37 PM
On his 3PM ET hour show on MSNBC on Wednesday, host Martin Bashir enthusiastically reacted to President Obama's budget speech: "'We will invest in the future of America,' that's what President Obama just said in a much-anticipated speech on the budget....He offered a series of broad proposals and said it's time for the wealthiest Americans to pay their way and share in taxes." Moments later…

MSNBC Passes Off Environmental Alarmist, Anti-Nuclear Activist As Expe

March 31st, 2011 4:23 PM
Filling in for Martin Bashir on his eponymous program on Thursday, MSNBC's Richard Lui treated viewers to an alarmist environmentalist's take on news of trace amounts of radioactive iodine being detected in milk from cows in two West Coast states. It's believed the radiation is linked to the failed Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. After noting that the Environmental Protection Agency has…

Martin Bashir Gives Soapbox to Anti-nuclear Activist

March 15th, 2011 6:07 PM
On his eponymous program today, MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir interviewed a liberal environmental activist aiming to scare viewers into believing that nuclear energy poses an imminent threat to the safety of the United States. Bashir allowed a spokesman for Friends of the Earth, a left-wing environmental group, to declare nuclear facilities in California dangerous and unsafe, but neglected to…

Martin Bashir Bashes Walker, Christie, and Kasich for Making Teachers

March 8th, 2011 5:29 PM
Less than two weeks into his new gig anchoring the 3 p.m. Eastern hour at MSNBC, Martin Bashir has already called the Tea Party "disingenuous," hailed Obama's response to the crisis in Libya, and supported raising taxes on the rich. This afternoon Bashir added another item to that liberal laundry list. While President Barack Obama was delivering a speech on education reform in Boston, the…

Chris Matthews Swoons Again: 'Everything' Obama's Done 'Has Been Good

March 4th, 2011 5:42 PM
Professional Obama fan Chris Matthews appeared on Friday's edition of the Martin Bashir show to slam the President's critics and to swoon, "Everything he's done has been good for this country." Matthews went on an extended rant against those who oppose Obama, theorizing, "...They go back to the old nativist root, this old dark night of the soul thing that people worry about, a black man in a…

Martin Bashir and Bernie Sanders Agree: Hike Taxes on Wealthy and Oil

March 3rd, 2011 5:10 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir has only been on the job for a few days, but the newly-minted anchor is already letting his liberal flag fly. On his eponymous program today, Bashir was dumbfounded as to why Congress is reluctant to hike taxes on the rich and end tax deductions for oil companies. "Why won't Congress simply do what the people want?" lamented Bashir, interviewing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-…

Flashback: New MSNBC Host Martin Bashir Once Spun FL Community as 'Ca

March 3rd, 2011 11:50 AM
MSNBC host Martin Bashir, whose new 3pm show premiered on Monday, has quickly adapted to his new home. Over three programs, he's lauded the "outstanding" coverage of left-wing anchor Ed Schultz and also featured the liberal Rachel Maddow and Dylan Ratigan. Perhaps this shouldn't be too surprising. On August 7, 2007, as co-host of ABC's Nightline, Bashir derided Ave Maria, a planned Catholic…

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Hails Obama Response to Libya As 'Measured,' Sla

March 1st, 2011 6:08 PM
"President Obama has been taking a truckload of flak from the right for his measured response to the crises embroiling the Middle East," MSNBC's Martin Bashir harumphed as he opened his "Clear the Air" commentary on the March 1 program. "Measured is my word because it's certainly not one that right-wing pundits have been using," Bashir complained. Of course the term "measured" implies…