
Wrong: Todd Claims Overturning Roe V. Wade Makes Abortion 'Illegal'

January 26th, 2015 10:51 AM
While badgering Mike Huckabee on Sunday, Meet the Press anchor Chuck Todd inaccurately claimed that overturning Roe V. Wade would make abortion "illegal."

‘Meet The Press’ Panel Hits GOP Over Iowa ‘Freedom Summit’

January 25th, 2015 1:13 PM
Following Congressman Steve King’s (R-IA) Iowa Freedom Summit, which hosted several potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates, the panel on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday morning happily scolded the GOPers for attending the prominent conservative gathering. During the discussion, Helene Cooper, correspondent for The New York Times, argued that Republicans “in many, many ways are their own…

Chuck Todd Hypes 'State of the Union Curse' Plaguing GOP Response

January 19th, 2015 4:51 PM
At the top of NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd wondered if a Republican rising star could overcome a major obstacle that has occurred "year after year" for the GOP: "Can Iowa's Joni Ernst avoid becoming the latest victim of the curse of the State of the Union response?" 

Robert Gibbs: Hillary's Tenure at State 'Lifts Her Up' if She Runs

January 18th, 2015 7:15 PM
This just might qualify for whopper of the week, or at least this morning. Those drawn to politics will surely remember former Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs, whose bland guy-next-door facade failed to hide a chronic tendency to misdirect.  

David Brooks on MTP: We're at Adult Table; Coulter, Hebdo With Kiddies

January 11th, 2015 4:31 PM
Was it just coincidence that the only person consigned by purportedly conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks to the "kiddie table" on Meet the Press this morning was fearless conservative Ann Coulter? In a panel discussion on Charlie Hebdo's unvarnished brand of political incorrectness, Brooks divided those in the commentariat to the "adult" and "kiddie" tables. As to be expected,…

NBC Reporter Blames U.S. Foreign Policy For Islamic ‘Radicalization’

January 11th, 2015 2:18 PM
On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press spent the majority of its program discussing the fallout of the terrorist attack in Paris, France and how the world should respond. While much of the program focused on the challenges associated with identifying and stopping such attacks, NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin chose to partially blame American foreign policy for Islamic extremism. Speaking during a pre-…

Luke Russert: Boehner Survived GOP's 'Barking' 'Kamikaze Caucus'

January 6th, 2015 3:58 PM
Longtime journalist Tim Russert, who among many other things hosted NBC's Meet the Press for over 17 years, passed away suddenly in June 2008. His son Luke now works for NBC, and among other things is a Meet the Press panelist. Based on some of his more recent output, Luke is perhaps better described not a journalist, but as the network's desginated childish, mean-spirited namecaller. After…

Bernard Goldberg Calls Out Chuck Todd for Anti-Conservative Warnings

January 3rd, 2015 8:28 AM
Former CBS newsman Bernard Goldberg wrote about a moment on last Sunday’s Meet the Press and called it “Chuck Todd and the Rosetta Stone of Media Bias.” It was all in the introductions to the panel of guests. Why is it that the conservative is routinely identified as a conservative, but the liberals are given no label at all, no matter how liberal they might be?

Fox News Gets to ‘Bark’ While Old Media Have 'Reasonable' Talk?

December 29th, 2014 10:35 AM
On the December 28 edition of Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd moderated a discussion on the intersection of politics and comedy in American culture. Par for the course, the panel could not make it through the segment without taking a cheap shot at Fox News. W. Kamau Bell, formerly the host of the FX comedy series “Totally Biased,” argued that the comedy shows and Fox News get to “bark” while…

Ugly Behind the Scenes Turmoil at Meet The Press Revealed

December 22nd, 2014 2:25 PM
Washingtonian magazine has revealed some of the really ugly behind the scenes turmoil and backstabbings that accompanied the departure of Meet The Press host David Gregory. The revelations are both shocking and hilarious.

Bill Richardson Takes Wrong Cheap Shot at Jeb Bush Spanish Fluency

December 21st, 2014 3:01 PM
Former New Mexico governor and member of the Clinton cabinet, Bill Richardson, took a cheap shot at Jeb Bush on Meet The Press today. To make matters worse, his slam against Bush for poor Spanish language ability was completely wrong as we can see in a video interview with him in that idiom.

Year's Worst: Blue State Brigade Award for Biased Campaign Coverage

December 21st, 2014 11:57 AM
Continuing the review of the MRC's Best Notable Quotables of 2014, the "Blue State Brigade Award," showcasing the media's attempt to deny or deflect the anti-liberal wave seen in this year's elections that swept Democrats from power in the U.S. Senate.  

Reagan Biographer: RFK Got Reagan Fired From General Electric Theater

December 14th, 2014 6:39 PM
Americans owe the Kennedys, more specifically the late Robert F. Kennedy, a huge debt of gratitude. Without him, we might never have gotten President Ronald Reagan. This was hardly Kennedy's intention, however, when he unscrupulously threatened to cancel government contracts with General Electric unless the company fired the popular host of its Sunday evening television show, "General Electric…

Dick Cheney Calls Out Chuck Todd For Taking ‘Cheap Shot’ On CIA Report

December 14th, 2014 1:13 PM
On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press hosted former Vice President Dick Cheney to speak on the recent Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation tactics on suspected terrorists. While Cheney spoke out in defense of the program, moderator Chuck Todd asked his guest “when you say waterboarding is not torture, then why did we prosecute Japanese soldiers in…