NYTimes Hits Rush & Co. on Floyd: ‘Conservative Media Outrage Machine'

June 3rd, 2020 9:39 PM

Sunday’s New York Times tried to put “law and order conservatives,” not liberal riot supporters, on the defensive in the violent aftermath of the unjust death under police custody of George Floyd in Minneapolis: “Floyd Case Presents Ideological Challenge for Law-and-Order Conservatives.” The text box: “Even Limbaugh and Pirro can’t defend an officer’s actions.”


MSNBC Host Hints Rioters No Worse Than Pro-Trump Protesters

May 30th, 2020 7:27 PM

On Saturday morning, MSNBC weekend anchor Kendis Gibson had difficulty seeing a difference between peaceful anti-lockdown protesters in Michigan and violent protesters in Minnesota who are looting and committing arson -- other than a racial difference -- as he fretted over President Donald Trump condemning one, but not the other.

NY Times Says Pandemic Should Stop 'Me First' Conservatism

May 30th, 2020 9:00 AM

The New York Times lead National “news” story on Friday was a full-page opinionated attack on conservatives by NewsBusters regular Jeremy Peters, who once again used the coronavirus pandemic as a cudgel: “‘The Crisis of 2020,’ Predicted in 1991: What’s Next?” Peters first marveled at how the 1991 book “Generations” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, “which introduced a provocative theory that…


Reporters Justify Violent Riots As Patriotic: Like ‘Boston Tea Party'

May 29th, 2020 5:30 PM
This afternoon on CNN Newsroom, sports journalist LZ Granderson seemed to justify the rioting, looting, and arsons happening in Minneapolis and all over the country Friday as patriotic. Speaking to host Brooke Baldwin, Granderson compared the violence to the Boston Tea Party and claimed that was a “riot” as well.  

Public Radio 'News' Man: GOP, Inject Your Lungs 'With a Bullet'

April 25th, 2020 7:19 PM

Some liberals keep ruining the idea that public radio is an oasis of civility and nonpartisanship. Take Bob Collins, a longtime political editor at Minnesota Public Radio. Anthony Gockowski of the Minnesota Sun site pointed out some Twitter savagery from Collins (account name @MyLittleBloggie). Many tweets are just the usual Democrat hack stuff -- Trump should resign, his supporters are rats.…

Disturbing News In the Midst of a WashPost Puff Piece on Ilhan Omar

July 7th, 2019 8:49 PM
On July 7, the Washington Post front page frets for over 3,500 words on "The complicated American story of Ilhan Omar: The congresswoman's refugee narrative was made for the rancor and racial division of the Trump era." But once again, the exploiters of racial rancor are "conservative blogs" poking around in Omar's weird marital and political history, not the divisive liberal newspapers who side…

NY Times Employs Disreputable Tactics to Embarrass MN ‘Islamophobes'

June 21st, 2019 2:50 PM
The front of Friday’s New York Times featured campaign reporter Astead Herndon making a detour to Minnesota to name and shame local alleged Islamophobics. The headline: “Resettled Refugees Unsettle a Mostly White City -- Anti-Muslim Backlash as Somalis Start Over in Minnesota.” A front-page photo caption: “John Palmer reads conspiratorial websites at a restaurant each weekday in St. Cloud, Minn…

CNN Skimps on Worst Details of Franken Sex Harassment

August 2nd, 2018 9:45 AM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota understated former Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken's history of sexual harassment as she asked Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar if she thinks he should run for Congress again.

MSNBC Covers Black Police Shooting Victim 10-1 Over White; CNN 2.5-1

April 9th, 2018 9:46 AM
As the dominant news media inform viewers of controversial police shooting cases in which there is debate about whether the officers acted lawfully, there has been a blatant double standard in spending substantially more time on victims who are black, even though blacks only make up a little more than one out of four suspects who are killed by police, with whites outnumbering blacks in the count…

TV Station Puzzled by More Guns, Less Crime in Minnesota

February 18th, 2018 6:48 AM
On Thursday, Minneapolis station WCCO reported on guns and crime in Minnesota. Anchor Frank Vascellaro's introduction: "More people are carrying guns than ever before, but the crime rate remains low." Imagine that.

CBS Omits Details From Castile Police Shooting Trial

June 19th, 2017 6:01 PM
As the three broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday informed viewers that former Minnesota police officer Jeronimo Yanez was found not guilty of committing manslaughter last year against black motorist Philando Castile, CBS conspicuously omitted two facets of the case that help explain why he was acquitted. More than a year ago, Castile was tragically shot to death by Officer Yanez after…

After Attack, Univision Reverts to Worrying about Anti-Muslim Hate

September 23rd, 2016 4:41 PM
In what is clear reversion to form, Univision has chosen to air one-sided coverage that could best be described as Islamist apologia. The most recent instance comes in the wake of the terrorist attack at a shopping center in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

NYT Happy Over VA Felons Voting, Casts Doubt on Terror Convictions

June 7th, 2016 8:25 AM
The front of the National section of Monday’s New York Times featured two race-and-ethnicity-charged reports from Minnesota and Virginia, one trying to corrode confidence in three Islamic terrorist convictions of Somalis in Minnesota, the other on a “Racially Charged Fight” over granting blanket voting rights to felons in Virginia, a move expected to benefit the Democratic nominee in November.…

Obamacare Medicaid Clawback: Shocking Because the Press Has Ignored It

March 8th, 2016 4:37 PM
Beginning early in 2014, shortly after its initial disastrous rollout, there has been a virtual blackout on anything resembling negative coverage of the "Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. It hasn't been due to a lack of horror stories: plan cancellations, shocking rate increases, shrunken provider networks, co-ops going out of business, etc. It's because the nation's establishment press has…