NYT Again Harps on ‘Handmaid’s' as ‘Newly Relevant’ in Trump's America

April 26th, 2017 10:57 AM
Television critic James Poniewozik was featured on the front of the New York Times Arts section on Tuesday with another look by the paper at the “newly relevant” Hulu version of the feminist dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale.” The Trump-baiting headline: "Making Dystopia Fresh Again -- Drawing on an Atwood novel that feels newly relevant." And another bogus lefty reference to current events is…

NYT: ‘Handmaid' Tale of ‘Repressive Patriarchy’ Resonates in Trumpland

April 21st, 2017 2:01 PM
Is there any more the media can do to promote a new Hulu show, The Handmaid’s Tale, as an ominous parallel to the Donald Trump administration? Yes, apparently: A feature on the front of next Sunday’s New York Times Arts section, yet again promoting the show, based on the dystopian feminist novel by Margaret Atwood, which drops on Hulu April 26. Katrina Onstad, a Canadian journalist and movie…

Hollywood Reporter: ‘Handmaid’ a 'Timely Warning' on 'Despotic Forces'

April 15th, 2017 12:26 PM
Hollywood Reporter critic Daniel Fienberg found ominous parallels in The Handmaid’s Tale a series on Hulu that debuts its first three episodes April 26. The subhead: “Hulu's all-too-timely adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel is one of the spring's best new shows and makes Elisabeth Moss an immediate Emmy contender.”  

George Lopez's Show Hilariously Mocks PC Transgender Terms

April 13th, 2017 12:34 AM
Not even the fictional world is safe from the transgender trend. TVLand’s Lopez is one of the latest shows to bring up the ongoing fight for representing less than 1 percent of the population, but it may also be one of the few to take an honest look at how ridiculous it is for a change. 

TBS Comedy Moms Want Threesomes and Gay Sons

April 12th, 2017 12:56 AM
Tuesday night’s episode of TBS’s comedy The Detour, “The Dilemma,” featured quite a few dilemmas for main characters Nate (Jason Jones) and Robin (Natalie Zea). But one dilemma in particular ended up being a breeze…how to find someone to participate in a threesome.

Homeland Depicts Brave Female President Against Violent Right-Wing Mob

April 2nd, 2017 11:51 PM
As predicted, Showtime’s Homeland continues its practice of pretending right-wingers are behind all forms of fake news with a new added twist. This time, the slew of obviously faked news comes with a mob of angry ill-informed protesters reacting badly to it. Where have we seen that before?

'DC's Legends of Tomorrow; Pokes Fun at Trump in Dark Reality

March 30th, 2017 12:32 AM
Apparently, subtle hatred of our president exists across many dimensions of the DC universe. In a reality-bending episode of the CW show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the icing on the top of the dark timeline cake is Donald Trump. 

'Supergirl' Equates 'Make America Great Again' Phrase to Slavery

March 20th, 2017 11:30 PM
Even when it comes to alien politics, CW’s Supergirl can’t help but insert its liberal thoughts in everything. This time, in an episode focusing on another planet on an entirely different galaxy, the writers felt the need to add a “Make America Great Again” dig. And it's just as forced as you’d think. 

'Homeland' Blames Right-Wing for Fake News 'Sock Puppet' Accounts

March 19th, 2017 11:56 PM
Man, Showtime’s Homeland really doesn’t like Alex Jones or anyone who supports him. This week’s episode marks not only the third time the character based on him was a plot point but the second time he’s been saddled with the “fake news” label, this time with the help of a few thousand fake social media accounts.

Showtime's 'Homeland' Parodies Infowar's Alex Jones

February 19th, 2017 11:47 PM
Showtime’s Homeland is really working on trying to get back on the good side of liberals this season, even after empathizing with terrorist sympathizers and demeaning Israeli settlers. But if they want a medal for that, they’ll have to wait a lot longer than six seasons. Until then, we have to deal with their next appeasement to the liberal crowds: an Alex Jones parody.

Trump Knows, Media Don’t: One-Sided ‘Free Trade’ Isn’t Free Trade

January 3rd, 2017 2:16 PM
The media remain steadfast in their opposition to now-President-elect Donald Trump.  In their attempts to deny him first the office and now legitimacy therein, they have come up with all sorts of shorthand descriptives that are either vague or outright disingenuous. One of the most annoying of these - is “Donald Trump is anti-(free) trade.”

‘House of Cards’ Creator: Bombard Trump Hotel With Phone Calls

December 21st, 2016 3:45 PM
The last-ditch Electoral College revolt failed, so now Hollywood Lefties begin turning to other means to undermine the President-elect. Beau Willimon, the man behind the popular Netflix series ‘House of Cards,’ has been working on a new project that has nothing to do with TV. 

Rolling Stone Loses 'Jackie' Case; Bar for 'Malice' Appears Lower

November 5th, 2016 3:00 PM
On Friday, a Virginia jury determined that Rolling Stone magazine defamed former University of Virginia associate dean of students Nicole Eramo when it published, and then refused to fully retract, its 9,000-word November 2014 "A Rape on Campus" story — and that the magazine did so with malice.

Budweiser Mercifully Drops Lib Schumer/Rogan Ads

October 31st, 2016 9:07 AM
How could this fail to sell beer? Take two unattractive, unfunny, big-mouth celebrity liberals, put them in an unfunny, unimaginative political campaign format, have them talk down to the audience with some tired lefty talking points, and watch sales soar!