
TV Drama: Religious Zealot Beats Woman to 'Repent and Embrace God'

July 28th, 2017 1:00 AM
Well, I’ll say this about Spike’s The Mist, I was only half-right about my recent prediction. Instead of a molesting priest, we get the fanatic of a violent one threatening heretics. I would say that’s a pleasant surprise, but what we get is hardly a pleasant substitute. Come to think of it, it’s not even a surprise.

AMC's 'Preacher' Calls Dick Cheney 'American Psychopath'

July 24th, 2017 10:56 PM
AMC's Preacher has been quite open on its anti-religious and ultra-violent style even in its second season, but tonight we’re looking at a slight change of pace. No, there is still plenty of blood and religious blasphemy to go around, but the latest episode comes with a new cheap shot against former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Pansexual Outs Homophobic Jock with Gay Kiss on 'The Mist'

July 21st, 2017 12:47 AM
As a show that’s supposed to be highlighting the downfall of social structure as monsters reign around the city, Spike’s The Mist is…surprisingly dull. Maybe it’s because the series depends on me caring about paper-thin liberal stereotypes as they dryly whisper through their been-there, done-that TV problems and are momentarily distracted by fog and the occasional gratuitous death scene. When…

AMC's 'Preacher' Tears Pages From Bible to Roll Joints

July 18th, 2017 1:13 AM
Season two of AMC’s Preacher has been relatively quiet if only for the fact that violence and crude behavior seem to be a weekly occurrence on the show. But now, the most recent episode gives us a reminder of about how staunchly anti-religious it can be by going after the Good Book itself: the Bible. Even in physical form, the Bible can’t catch a break.

Entertainment Weekly Remains ‘Woke’ on Feminism During Sleepy Summer

July 15th, 2017 2:13 PM
Entertainment Weekly magazine, once known for its pop culture reviews, now more for its feminist grandstanding, stuffed its summer double issue of July 21/28 with bits and bobs of chic liberal activism, particularly of the feminist variety. The News & Notes section was particularly political: “Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is the hero we deserve and the hero we need -- a fearless female walking…

AMC's 'Preacher' Has Pastor 'Minister' By Locking Women in Cages

June 26th, 2017 11:00 PM
AMC’s Preacher returned for a second season this week, and it didn’t waste a moment to get back to the gory, irreverent, and overblown show that people know and apparently love. Yes, the season opener proves we are in for more of the same, courtesy of another awful depiction of religion.

Stephen King's 'The Mist' Sprinkles Liberal Agenda With Blood and Gore

June 23rd, 2017 1:03 AM
The Mist just premiered on the Spike channel, and if the June 22nd pilot episode is anything to go on, we are in for a long, painfully dull, self-righteous, and gory season. After all, what else can we expect from a television show based on a story by Stephen King?

VH1 Show Features Woman Spanked While Reading the Bible in S&M Scene

June 13th, 2017 12:40 AM
The June 12th episode of VH-1’s Daytime Divas, titled “Coma Bump,” took a perverse twist with a storyline about the Christian host, Heather, and her husband, Andrew. As noted in last week’s pilot episode, the character is portrayed as a less than perfect Christian, but the writers took it to a whole new level this week.

Elle Smears Female Feminism Critics as Handmaid-ish Woman Haters

May 19th, 2017 11:35 AM
An Elle magazine story by Sady Doyle about an emerging character on the already-infamous show, “Has 'The Handmaid's Tale' Given Us the Scariest Anti-Feminist Villain Yet?”, smeared notable women like Christina Hoff Sommers, Camille Paglia, and Kellyanne Conwa,y who fail to adhere to the left-wing brand of feminism, as self-hating women and oppressive Handmaid villains in disguise:

Netflix Series Viciously Attacks Clarence Thomas: 'F*** His A**'

May 15th, 2017 8:24 PM
Aziz Ansari’s Netflix show Master of None returned for a second season on May 12, which means another chance to sneer at conservative culture and white people. This time, among other sins, the worst of the worst centers on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Irony Alert: NYT Sounds Page One Alarm Conservative Bias

May 13th, 2017 5:27 PM
Irony alert: Fear of conservative media bias made the front page of the New York Times. The front-page story in Saturday’s edition. featured media reporter Sydney Ember taking another bite out of Sinclair Broadcast Group, which owns local television stations in many markets: “TV Titan’s Tilt On the News Roils Its Staff.” The Times, you see, is worried about political bias – not the obvious…

Google and Facebook Are Now Driving the ‘News’ Media Cart

May 8th, 2017 11:45 AM
Our recurring joke - that is itself a ceaselessly recurring joke - is when we mention the “Media-Left,” we always follow it with “please pardon the redundancy.”  The Media-Left merger is now seamless.  I could hand you a New York Times article and a Daily Kos article - and you would be hard pressed to determine which is which (aside from the latter’s propensity for profanity). As Rush Limbaugh…

Oprah’s ‘Greenleaf’ Has Christian Fall to Same Sex Temptation

May 4th, 2017 1:59 AM
OWN’s Greenleaf, a drama that centers around mega-church Calvary World Ministries and the family who runs it (the Greenleafs), has featured the story of husband Kevin Saterlee (Tye White) and his struggle with gay desires since last season.

Netflix's ‘Girlboss’ Inspires Girls to Steal, Curse and Bash Jesus

April 27th, 2017 11:00 PM
If you’re a conservative who cringes whenever the Hollywood left sneaks political punches into movies and shows, brace yourself for the brand-new Netflix original series Girlboss, which premiered April 21.