National Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet th

August 12th, 2012 12:01 PM
UPDATE: Maddow responds. She's touted by the liberal media as one of the brightest commentators on television, yet MSNBC's Rachel Maddow got thoroughly demolished by National Review editor Rich Lowry on Sunday's Meet the Press. When continually asked by Lowry to defend the President's $700 billion Medicare cuts in ObamaCare, Maddow repeatedly refused making herself look tremendously foolish…

Rich Lowry: After Chick-fil-A 'Bullying of Opponents of Gay Marriage I

August 5th, 2012 7:54 PM
National Review editor Rich Lowry made a tremendously pessimistic prediction on PBS's McLaughlin Group this weekend. "Despite the heartening support for Chick-fil-A – we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people flocking to the restaurants - private sector and government bullying of opponents of gay marriage is the wave of the future" (video follows with commentary):

Ramesh Ponnuru Tells CNN's Roland Martin Don't 'Just Be a Political Ha

August 4th, 2012 12:02 PM
Roland Martin and National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru had a heated debate Friday about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) unsubstantiated claims regarding Mitt Romney's taxes. Toward the end of the battle on CNN's OutFront, Ponnuru marvelously told his opponent, "You've got to call these things as you see them, not just be a political hack for your team" (video follows with transcript…

Liberal Media Cheer on Pro-Gay Discrimination

June 18th, 2012 2:38 PM
The week of June 16-June 24, 2012 has been designated by the homosexual community as Gay Pride Week, during which LGBT people take pride in their triumphs over “violence and discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgendered individuals.” Funny, but they’re not making much noise about using government to discriminate in favor of their lifestyle. One Canadian activist even declared: “We’ll…

For Not Having 'Members,' the New Party With Which Obama Was Associate

June 9th, 2012 12:21 PM
At National Review (here and here), Stanley Kurtz has proven beyond doubt that Barack Obama sought the far-left New Party's endorsement in 1996. In the process, he has rendered a central claim made by the Obama campaign at its "Fight the Smears" web site in 2008 ("Barack Did Not Seek New Party Endorsement") and swallowed whole by the gullible establishment press utterly false. In 2008, Ben…

Eleanor Clift: 'Tea Party Will Cost the Republicans Control of the Sen

May 12th, 2012 5:25 PM
In the wake of Richard Mourdock's landslide victory over Republican Senator Richard Lugar in Indiana's primary Tuesday, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift made what some might consider a staggeringly stupid prediction on Friday's McLaughlin Group. "The Tea Party will cost the Republicans control of the Senate" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

National Review's Salam Schools Klein, Vanden Heuvel and Zakaria on Te

March 4th, 2012 8:57 PM
National Review's Reihan Salam on Sunday proved once again that liberal media members no matter what their number are no match for one well-informed conservative. On CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, Salam took on the host, Time magazine's Joe Klein, and the Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel on a far-ranging discussion about how both sides of the aisle view taxes, the Tea Party, and social change with…

Rich Lowry Schools Eleanor Clift: This Is a 'Flat Out Tax and Spend Bi

February 18th, 2012 5:23 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift on PBS's McLaughlin Group Friday voiced predictable praise for President Obama's just released budget claiming you can't "drastically cut a deficit before you invigorate the economy or you’re going to look at a lost decade." National Review's Rich Lowry quickly refuted this nonsense telling his progressive co-panelist, "This isn’t a Keynesian budget. It’s a flat out…

AP Report on Institute Burning in Egypt an Exercise in Reality Avoidan

December 26th, 2011 10:44 PM
A month ago, Aya Batrawy at the Associated Press's Egyptian bureau described those who ransacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo as "protesters," and absurdly asserted in the face of contrary evidence I was able to find in about five minutes that "the historic 1979 peace treaty with Israel ... has never had the support of ordinary Egyptians." Last week, in the wake of the burning -- more like…

USA Today Ignores Anti-Religious Hatred of Tebow

December 6th, 2011 4:16 PM
Many journalists recognize that Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has become a lightning rod for religious conflict in America. What some columnists seem less willing to recognize is the intense hatred that he has engendered among those offended by his Christianity. A Dec. 6 USA Today article by Reid Cherner, "Why Tebow Stirs Debate," acknowledged that Tebow's very public expressions of…

Hell Freezes Over: Rich Lowry Says 'Eleanor [Clift] Has Hit It On The

December 4th, 2011 5:45 PM
For conservatives, hell may have frozen over on Sunday. Rich Lowry, the editor of the National Review, said on PBS's McLaughlin Group referring to the perilously liberal Newsweek columnist named Clift, "Eleanor has hit it on the head" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Rich Lowry Pushes Back Against Dyson's Charge Republicans Are Racist

November 27th, 2011 6:46 PM
As is to be expected whenever he's in front of a camera, Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson, appearing on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, accused Republicans of exploiting "racist elements" in the society. Fortunately for viewers, the lone conservative on the panel, National Review editor Rich Lowry, pushed back against this nonsense (video follows with transcript and commentary):

LAT's Oliphant Lets Joe Biden Babble Away, Part 1 of 3: On the Origins

October 6th, 2011 6:01 PM
In a report filed at the Los Angeles Times's Politics Now blog earlier today, Washington Bureau reporter James Oliphant relayed a number of whoppers delivered by Vice President Joe Biden without anything resembling a challenge. Breaking Biden's bilge into three sections, they involve his claim about the historical origins of the Tea Party, which Biden characterized as a collection of "…

CNN Host Promotes Liberal Morgan Freeman's Demand That Obama Get 'Figh

August 24th, 2011 12:25 PM
Costello related how Freeman "ran into him [Obama] on the golf course and he said, he said he wanted to tell the President to quote, 'Get pissed off, get fighting mad.'" After reporting that New York Times columnist Charles Blow has written about how Obama needs to be tougher, she asked Blow what he thought about Freeman's comment. Then Costello followed that up with another gem, as she…