Desperate Piers Morgan Tweets Wish for Constitutional Amendment Not to

September 13th, 2013 11:44 AM
It's comforting to know that some things don't change. Even though the news is dominated by the explosive situation in Syria and the tumult over the provisions of ObamaCare, Cable News Network's Piers Morgan still found time on Thursday to devote to his favorite subject: gun control. “I'd like to suggest a new amendment to the Constitution: the right NOT to be shot/killed by a gun,” the…

Politico Pair Puzzled How GOP, 'Party of Hawks,' Has Gone 'Dovish' on

September 9th, 2013 9:45 AM
No website outdoes the Politico when it comes to looking at the world through Beltway-stereotyping glasses. A post this morning on Republican congressmen and senators' views towards attacking Syria exemplifies that outlook. Apparently, in the fevered minds of Alex Isenstadt and James Hohmann, a GOP lawmaker learning about any idea to intervene militarily automatically salivates at the…

CBS Plays Up The Absence of Republican Speakers at King Anniversary

August 29th, 2013 5:17 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Jeff Pegues spotlighted the lack of GOP speakers at the 50th anniversary commemoration of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech: "Noticeably absent from this event, the GOP...the two most senior Republicans in the House...were invited to speak but declined." However, Pegues failed to mention that the event organizers didn't make much of an effort to get…

Liberal Blogger Learns the Hard Way What It's Like to Be Conservative

August 20th, 2013 4:10 AM
As conservatives, we know what happens every time we criticize the policies of the liberal occupant of the White House: We're instantly branded as “racist” and “intolerant” while our views are quickly and summarily dismissed. However, Kevin Drum, a political blogger for the liberal Mother Jones website, has received similar treatment as he learned that no matter which side of an issue he…

LOL: Claim That Media Downplayed Benghazi Denounced as ‘Whopper of

August 6th, 2013 11:59 PM
In shining examples of the phrase “better late than never,” Conor Friedersdorf -- a staff writer on politics and national affairs at The Atlantic -- and Dylan Byers -- a media critic for the Politico website -- hammered conservatives on Monday for charging that the mainstream media had mostly ignored or minimized the attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11,…

Howard Dean: National Review's Rich Lowry a 'Right-wing Nutcase

May 30th, 2013 8:49 AM
When it comes to identifying nutcases, some might say that Howard Dean gleans valuable experience daily, while shaving. The failed presidential candidate put his expertise to dubious use on Morning Joe today, calling National Review editor Rich Lowry a "right-wing nutcase."  Lowry's sin?  Having written a column mocking Eric Holder, and President Obama's decision to put Holder in charge of…

Kurtz: 32 Years Ago Today, Berkeley Students Cheered Upon Learning Rea

March 30th, 2013 10:11 PM
Two years ago today, I chronicled wire service reports which appeared shortly after John Hinckley's unsuccessful attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981 reporting that schoolchildren in many parts of the country cheered when they heard that he had been shot. At the time, I suggested that school teachers and administrators who were appalled at the reactions might have…

National Review Eviscerates Racist Smears of Conservatives by NY Times

March 13th, 2013 4:44 PM
National Review magazine has published an excellent and comprehensive response to New York Times Book Editor Sam Tanenhaus's dishonest smear of conservative thought in a cover story for The New Republic. The article by National Review contributors Ramesh Ponnuru and Jonah Goldberg appears in the March 25 issue. After first explaining that for the left, "The explanation for conservatives’…

Sorry Dan and Piers, There's a Need for an AR-15 Rifle

January 23rd, 2013 5:16 PM
The scary-looking "military style" AR-15 has been the target of the hyper-emotional left in the media ever since the Newtown shooting.  Most notably, Piers Morgan tried to take conservative commentator and CNN contributor Dana Loesch to task for owing one.  Last night, Dan Rather said on Morgan's show that,"there is no need to have these high-powered assault weapons." But as it turns out, an…

Calling Susan Rice Incompetent is Racist, But Smearing Condi Rice as a

November 30th, 2012 4:26 PM
As NewsBusters colleague Kyle Drennan noted today, the liberal media has mobilized their legions to defend embattled U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, complaining that the criticisms leveled by Republicans are motivated by racism, sexism or both. But there most certainly is a double standard at play as Eliana Johnson of National Review noted in an excellent November 21 post in which she detailed…

MSNBC Asks Disgraced Dan Rather If Obama Video Smacks of GOP 'Desperat

October 3rd, 2012 5:31 PM
On Wednesday’s Jansing & Co., MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing tried to establish that there is one question “we can all anticipate and not be surprised by,” and that is a question to Mitt Romney about the 47 percent comments, because it had a “very negative effect” on voters. Jim Lehrer must repeat Obama's TV ads in a question? But what about the “other race speech” video of Obama from 2007?…

Reuters's Freeland Thinks Paul Ryan's Gotten 'Pretty Fabulous' Media C

October 1st, 2012 1:09 PM
In an irony of ironies, a CNN roundtable on media bias featured a liberal figure of the institutional media, Chrystia Freeland, claiming that Paul Ryan has gotten "pretty fabulous treatment" at the hands of the media. Her statement came on Sunday's Reliable Sources. "I think he's had pretty fabulous treatment in the press and maybe actually a lack of scrutiny of what he's actually saying,"…

More Obama Reelect-Presumptive Coverage at the Politico: 'America's Ne

September 30th, 2012 8:55 AM
Does anyone remember anybody in the establishment press speculating over who might hold Cabinet positions during a second Bush 43 term in the fall of 2004 without qualifying it with "if Bush is reelected"? Neither do I. But at the Politico on Thursday, the closest Josh Ragin got in an item found at the web site's "The Cable" section speculating on whether John Kerry or Susan Rice is better…

The War on Chick-fil-A, College Football Edition

August 22nd, 2012 2:40 PM
The war against Chick-fil-A, whose COO dared to support traditional marriage, continues. This time, the battlefield is college football – specifically, Chick-fil-A’s sponsorship of two college football games. editor Cyd Ziegler took to Huffington Post on August 20 with a piece titled, “Stop Chick-fil-A from Forcing College Football Players to Wear Their Logo,” which advocated…