Media Make Selling Soccer a Goal

June 9th, 2010 3:53 PM
Something about the soccer World Cup brings out the missionary in the mainstream media, and every four years they strive to bring the good news of "the beautiful game" to the ignorant American masses. This year is no different. The 2010 World Cup is set to begin in South Africa on June 11. More than just covering the month-long event, the media are already doing their best to hype it,…

Media Tout CBO Stimulus Numbers, Ignore Their Disconnect From Reality

May 27th, 2010 1:19 PM
Update - 5/27, 3:08 PM | Lachlan Markay: A new Harvard study finds that increased government spending actually reduces economic activity, contradicting the basic premise behind CBO's assumptions. Details below. Good economic news is so rare for the current administration, that when some does emerge, many in the media parrot it as fact without really examining the claims that undergird it. New CBO…

Thanks Obama: Left-wing Nation Magazine Facing $1 Mil Budget Deficit

May 20th, 2010 12:43 PM
The far-left Nation magazine is facing a $1,000,000 budget shortfall. Though it attributes it to a weak market for print journalism, conservative periodicals are doing quite well. In fact, the president the Nation worked so hard to elect could spell the magazine's downfall. The irony is delicious.The magazine's Washington Editor Chris Hayes wrote a fundraising email saying that "newspapers and…

Obama Repeats the Big Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Lie; Who in

April 29th, 2010 2:38 PM
An unbylined Associated Press item carried at NPR quotes President Obama as follows about Arizona's recently enacted immigration law-enforcement measure: The president is repeating a blatant falsehood about the Arizona law that has gained instant currency in the establishment press and leftist circles. It has no basis in fact, or in the legislation Grand Canyon State Governor Jan Brewer…

Newsweek: Obama's Nuke Policy 'Middle of the Road

April 7th, 2010 11:54 AM
President Obama is staking out "middle ground" on the new Nuclear Posture Review, Newsweek's Liz White insists in a 3-paragraph-long April 6 The Gaggle blog post.White concludes so because Obama is getting flak from allies on his left and critics on his right.  While it's true that in that sense, Obama is in the middle of criticism from both sides, in a broader historical sense, Obama is…

Liberal Journos Use End of '24' to Claim 'Torture,' Liken Intelligence

March 29th, 2010 1:22 PM
With the recently announced end of Fox's hit series "24," many liberal pundits are parading the show as a false depiction of the notion that "torture works." Contrary to their accusations, the Jack Bauer interrogation methods bear exactly zero resemblance to any actual interrogation techniques used by American military, law enforcement, or intelligence agents."On '24,' torture saves lives," the…

A Tale of Two Leaks: NYT Bashed Palin, But Won't Touch ClimateGate

November 24th, 2009 12:41 PM
The ClimateGate email leak has demonstrated in full force a glaring double standard in the mainstream media's coverage of leaked information. Too often, liberal media outlets jump at the chance to damage conservative figures by publishing sensitive information, but refuse to publish such information if it discredits or hinders the left's efforts.As Clay Waters reported yesterday, Andew Revkin,…

Even Liberal Dissenters in Firefighter Case Thought Sotomayor Goofed

June 29th, 2009 1:45 PM
Here's something most likely to go unnoticed as the mainstream media continues reporting on the fallout of the New Haven firefighter case. In his "Bench Memos" blog, National Review's Ed Whelan explains in "9-0 Against Sotomayor" how even the four liberal justices in today's Ricci v. DeStefano ruling thought Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor goofed in issuing summary judgment for New Haven…

As Specter Switches, the Ira Einhorn Saga Deserves Wider Mention

April 29th, 2009 12:10 AM
Ira who?The establishment media is saying almost nothing about the man who co-founded Earth Day, and who also happens to be in jail for life for murder. Arlen Specter's involvement with the Ira Einhorn case is an important event in the party-switching Senator's career that curious readers would want to know about -- if the establishment media cared to note it.You know they would be bringing out…

Former RNC Chair on Media: Refs Now Wearing Democrat Jerseys

March 29th, 2009 11:15 AM
Though there have long been concerns about liberal bias in the media, 2008 was the year the referees took off their striped shirts and donned a team’s jersey. So wrote former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie in his National Review piece castigating what has become of journalism in our country.  To be sure, the former counselor to George W. Bush, having watched his boss for…

Replacing Kristol: NYT Won't Guarantee Another Conservative

January 29th, 2009 3:15 PM
In what can only be interpreted as another blow to media balance & fairness, the New York Times has refused to guarantee that another conservative would replace fired columnist Bill Kristol.On Monday, it was announced that Kristol's gig with the New York Times had come to an abrupt end. My colleague, Noel Sheppard, quoting a report in the Daily Beast, noted the conflicting and contradictory…

Rush Limbaugh Responds to President Obama

January 24th, 2009 6:55 PM
As my colleague Tim Graham reported earlier, President Barack Obama, according to the New York Post, told Congressional Republicans on Friday to stop listening to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.National Review's Byron York got in touch with Limbaugh Saturday, and published his response to the President at NRO's Corner blog:

Karl Rove Documents Bush's Farewell, MSM Absent

January 22nd, 2009 10:00 AM
In addition to his regular pundit responsibilities at Fox News and sometime column in the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove has taken it upon himself to do the job of the MSM--reporting the news.Yesterday, my colleague, Noel Sheppard, noted the lack of coverage of President George W. Bush's homecoming in Texas. Only Fox News was present to cover what was, in Sheppard's words (and I agree), "one of…

ABC Wants You To Think This Photo Wasn't Staged

December 23rd, 2008 8:08 AM
ABC can't be so naive as to believe it wasn't a carefully calculated publicity stunt.  Surely the good folks at Good Morning America know it was anything but an invasion of privacy--that the Clintons wanted the world to see the image of a blissfully happy married couple tripping the sand fantastic. And yet .  . . GMA devoted a segment this morning to a collective tongue clicking in concern that…