NRO's Hanson: Obama-Loving Media Have Committed Suicide

October 31st, 2008 11:32 AM
The media's abysmal coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign has been the equivalent of a mass press suicide that has signaled the end of journalism.So wrote National Review contributor and Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson Friday in a scathing rebuke of all those so-called impartial journalists who sacrificed their souls and whatever was left of their integrity this year to…

Bill Whittle Rips Media's Epic 'Fail' on Obama's 2001 WBEZ Interview

October 27th, 2008 1:32 PM
At National Review Online today, Bill Whittle does a tremendous job dissecting the content of Barack Obama's 2001 interview at Chicago public radio station WBEZ. But he also has some insight into the source of the audio and some choice words for a media elite that has spent nearly two years failing to do even the most basic digging into the Democratic candidate's background and associations. Here…

CNN’s Griffin Acknowledges ‘Botched’ National Review Quotation

October 23rd, 2008 11:30 PM
CNN investigative correspondent Drew Griffin appeared on Thursday’s Newsroom and Situation Room programs to explain how "in no way did I intend to misquote" from a recent article by National Review’s Byron York: "This exchange aired just once in the 6 pm hour, and as soon as the National Review brought it to our attention at 7:05, we immediately realized the context could be misconstrued. We cut…

Stanley Kurtz: Media Near-Silent on Obama Ties to New Party and ACORN

October 20th, 2008 9:18 AM

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Highlights ‘Defecting’ Conservatives Against

October 15th, 2008 8:05 PM
During Wednesday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez tried to portray that there were many so-called conservatives who were "defecting," in his words, from John McCain over his selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. His list of conservatives, which he read prior to an interview of National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru, included homosexual activist Andrew…

Frum Accuses Maddow of Increasing the Ugly Tone of Politics

October 14th, 2008 4:17 PM
National Review's David Frum on Monday accused MSNBC's Rachel Maddow of intensifying the ugly tone that exists in politics today.Appearing on "The Rachel Maddow Show," the former Bush speechwriter, after watching the first part of the program from the Green Room "in horror," was apparently "unprepared for the sarcasm and anger" that is the show's -- and the network's! -- trademark. As a result,…

Finger-Wagging Smith Scolds McCain Rep Over NYT Ayers Article

October 6th, 2008 9:21 AM
Good thing Nancy Pfotenhauer wasn't in the same studio with Harry Smith this morning. The Early Show anchor might have broken out his hickory stick.  Like a hectoring school marm, Smith scolded McCain adviser Pfotenhauer for what he deemed her insufficient citation of a New York Times article tracing Barack Obama's affiliation with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers.Wagging a stern finger at…

Olbermann: National Review Editor Masturbated During Palin Debate

October 5th, 2008 12:06 AM
Just when you thought Keith Olbermann couldn't go any lower, he plunges to new depths that seem almost unimaginable for someone pawning himself off as a journalist.On Friday, the "Countdown" host actually told his viewers that National Review editor Rich Lowry's published opinion of Sarah Palin's performance during Thursday's debate "read like soft core porn." MSNBC's leading on-air personality…

The End of an Affair: McCain Realizes Media Dislike Him

September 17th, 2008 1:30 PM
John McCain's early love affair with the press has been well-chronicled. He was a "maverick" most loved because he went against his own party--best loved, in fact, when he produced legislation like McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform. As Rich Lowry points out, they liked him for more than just that, they liked him because he gave them such extensive access.Since 2000, John McCain had thrived…

Palin Punditry and Prose You Won't See in the Papers or on the TV News

September 6th, 2008 10:46 AM
First, Bill Whittle at National Review Online. That will be followed by observations of commenter "Tom W" (not yours truly) at Pajamas Media. If they indeed reflect what is happening on the ground, you won't hear about it from the Associated Press, or read it in the New York Times, or see it on the Big Three Networks news or cable shows -- which is why it's so necessary to post items like this…

Update: Still No Movement on Ayers-Obama Annenberg Papers

August 21st, 2008 2:27 PM
In my post on Tuesday, I wrote about Stanley Kurtz's efforts to access the Annenberg Challenge files housed at the University of Illinois-Chicago. These files documented an educational initiative started by Bill Ayers and chaired by Barack Obama.At that point, only AP writer Pete Yost had written anything about the story. Additionally, U of I rep Bill Burton issued a press release. Since that…

Media Call Obama's 'Economic Disaster' Exaggeration a 'Sharpened Attac

August 20th, 2008 1:46 PM
Perhaps it's the pied piper effect, but when Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama speaks, the media follow right along in lockstep. The word "disaster" can invoke images of the aftermath of hurricanes, tornados or tsunamis. But, on the campaign trail where there are political points to be scored - it's one quarter of a slight economic contraction followed up by two quarters of…

CNN Gives Pass to Democrats on Anti-Drilling Vote Maneuvers

July 25th, 2008 3:43 PM
The dilemma of high gas prices might be addressed if congressional leaders would all just get along. From CNN correspondent Kate Bolduan's perspective, the political differences on energy policy are little more than a "partisan standoff" between Democrats and Republicans. "Even before the votes were counted on the latest energy proposal, the partisan standoff was clear," Bolduan said on the…

'As Goes Paris, So Goes Wheeling, West Virginia

July 24th, 2008 8:36 AM
Many McCain fans are no doubt bracing for the waves of European adulation that are about to break over Barack Obama, the MSM avidly reporting the scenes.  With polls showing Obama with a 50+ percentage-point lead across the Old Continent [the French leading the Obamaphile way at 64-4%], the Dem candidate is assured of ecstatic crowds wherever he goes.  Euro-Obamamania begins in Berlin today, with…