Press Won't Connect End of Jobless Benefits With Faster Job Growth; Kr

July 6th, 2014 9:45 PM
Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made a very interesting and logical correlation Friday. The press has predictably failed to make the connection or even to relay Krauthammer's point, simply because it leads to the default assumption that conservatives were right on an important economic issue. To be clear, the point Krauthammer and National Review Online's…

LAT's Paul Whitefield: Make Bush and Cheney Try to Fix Iraq Mess They

June 15th, 2014 11:48 PM
Paul Whitefield "is a 30-year veteran of the Los Angeles Times who is copy chief of the editorial pages and a writer/scold for the Opinion L.A. blog." He also has a serious but far from unique case of Bush (and Cheney) Derangement Syndrome and an extraordinary ignorance of the history of last decade's war in Iraq, which included a victory in 2008 the U.S. press, with rare exceptions, refused to…

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Senseless’ and ‘Wrong’ to Punish Me

May 16th, 2014 10:08 AM
Did you catch the story about those conservative Republican male chauvinist pig politicians in Florida who think that it was a waste of time to pass a bill which would make it a crime for a guy to secretly administer an abortion-inducing drug to a spouse or partner he impregnated? How utterly outrageous ... Wait a minute ... It was Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman…

WaPo Editors Insert Error Into National Review Writer's Submission, Th

May 13th, 2014 9:58 AM
File this under "Epic Fails: Layers of Editors." National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru submitted a requested column to the Washington Post’s Outlook section. After several rounds of mutually agreed-upon edits, the geniuses at WaPo made a final change without consulting Ponnuru. That change inserted erroneous information into what had been an otherwise clean column. The Post then published two…

Death Panel? Mass General Reportedly 'Has Had a Unilateral Do Not Resu

May 12th, 2014 9:30 PM
Early this morning, award-winning author and bioethicist Wesley Smith posted at National Review on a Sunday Medical Futility blog entry. That entry previewed a presentation scheduled to occur on morning of Sunday, May 18, the third day of the American Thoracic Society International Conference in San Diego. The topic: "Unilateral Do-Not-Attempt Resuscitation Orders In A Large Academic Hospital…

Jonah Goldberg: Media Herd Stampedes To Expose 'True, Feral Nature of

April 25th, 2014 1:20 PM
In his “Happy Warrior” column in the April 21 National Review, Jonah Goldberg reports on how “Press Shows Bias.” In this case, it’s the case of California state Sen. Leland Yee, whose remarkable attempts to smuggle guns and even missile-launchers went mostly ignored in the national media. The most notable omitter was CNN, which tweeted it covers state officials “just about never.” (On April…

Media Ignore César Chávez’s Opposition to Illegal Immigration, Rac

March 27th, 2014 1:45 PM
Rather than dismissing his contrary views as sour grapes, the media simply ignore César Chávez’s opinions that stray from liberal orthodoxy. Chávez was a 1960s and 70s union leader who promoted unionization and Californian farm workers’ strikes. The farm workers of the time were predominantly Latino. He is particularly famous for the Delano grape strike: a five-year strike and boycott against…

Media Coverage of 'Anti-Gay' Arizona Bill Slammed as 'Deceitful,' 'Dis

February 27th, 2014 9:11 PM
Soon after Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed S.B. 1062 -- a Religious Freedom Restoration Act that would have given business people the right to cite religious beliefs when refusing service to homosexuals -- gays and liberals began cheering and celebrating the decision, which received extensive coverage in the three network morning shows. However, many people who disagreed with the veto…

FCC Abandons Intrusive Media Survey That Never Even Got Underway in Te

February 24th, 2014 7:58 PM
According to a report by Tim Cavanaugh, news editor of National Review Online, the Federal Communications Commission “has pulled the plug on its plan to conduct an intrusive probe of newsrooms” as part of a “Critical Information Needs” survey of local media markets. FCC spokesperson Shannon Gilson issued a news release that indicated in the course of the commission's review and public comment…

Photographer Who Took Obama ‘Selfie’ Shot Now Says He’s ‘Asham

December 15th, 2013 4:04 PM
Right now, the White House press corps is in a shouting match with the Obama Administration over the White House's refusal to allow media photographers to take pictures of various presidential events. While the left-leaning journalists are tossing around words like "propaganda" to describe the official photos which are being released, the recent trip President Obama took to South Africa for the…

Not News: Colo. Recall Petition Gatherers and Signers Were Harassed an

November 30th, 2013 8:42 PM
If Tea Party sympathizers and National Rifle Association members harrassed a gun-control petition effort at even one percent of the level of what recently occurred in Colorado at the hands of gun-control advocates, it would have been prominent national news. During the several weeks, supporters of gun control menaced and intimidated petition gatherers and petition signers in Colorado who were…

Another 'Obama Lied' Euphemism About Obama's 'Cherished' Law, This Tim

November 17th, 2013 9:07 AM
At the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, who has been the wire service's lead reporter on Affordable Care Act matters for years, came up with a new euphemism to describe the now-broken unconditional guarantee made dozens of times by President Obama, at least 27 Senate Democrats, and many House Democrats, namely that "If you like your plan-doctor-provider…

Networks Hype Threat of Default, But Were Wrong about ‘Fiscal Cliff

October 16th, 2013 11:18 AM
Between the government shut down and the debt ceiling limit about to be crossed Oct. 17, the news media is screaming like the house is on fire. The Obama administration has also warned of dangers. Of course, that’s nothing new. In many cases following the Obama administration’s reports and threats, the networks were hysterical in their coverage of the “fiscal cliff” and the sequester in late…

New Republic's Advice to Obama: Roll in the Tanks and Blow Up 'Intrans

October 2nd, 2013 11:28 AM
On Tuesday, Julia Ioffe, senior editor for the liberal New Republic publication, all but suggested that President Obama needed to use military force against Tea Party conservatives in Congress. Ioffe likened the current federal government shutdown to the 1993 constitutional crisis in Russia, where then-President Boris Yeltsin ultimately ended the impasse by dissolving the parliament, and had…