Report: ABC Wouldn't Let Barbara Walters Name Traitor Edward Snowden a

December 7th, 2013 6:59 AM
“It’s a leak Barbara Walters doesn’t want you to know about,” the New York Daily News gossip column “Confidential” promised on Wednesday. “The ABC News doyenne pushed hard to have NSA leaker Edward Snowden at the top of her list of 10 most fascinating people of the year — but in the end was overruled by network brass,” said a source. Snowden did not cooperate. “She had a particular…

Barely National News: Almost a Year on, Sandy Victims Still Being Jerk

October 13th, 2013 5:25 PM
In a keister-covering dispatch at the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, which, based on its headline, is supposed to be a big-picture look at where recovery efforts from last year's Superstorm Sandy stand ("NORMALCY ELUDES MANY A YEAR AFTER SANDY HIT NJ"), reporter Wayne Parry spent the vast majority of his 900-plus words on problems residents are having with insurance companies…

The Toilet Paper: New York Daily News Mocks Boehner As Leading a 'Hous

October 1st, 2013 8:42 AM
Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty tweeted on Tuesday morning: “Once again, NY Daily News (Remember “Cry Baby”?) goes for the iconic #shutdown cover.” As in 1995, the Daily News is mudslinging at a GOP House Speaker during a shutdown. “HOUSE OF TURDS,” said the cover, as Speaker John Boehner seems to sit in Abe’s chair at the Lincoln Memorial with something dark dripping from his hands.…

Double Standard: AP's National Site Ignores Sacramento Dem's 'May Your

September 24th, 2013 10:06 AM
On Friday, Allan Brauer, the Sacramento County Democratic Party's communications director directed the following tweet (HT Twitchy) at Amanda Carpenter, a speechwriter for Texas Senator Ted Cruz: "May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases." Brauer's action got the attention of Leslie Larson at the New York Daily News and myriad national web sites across the…

90% of Top Newspaper Headlines Censor Islam in Nairobi, Pakistan Attac

September 23rd, 2013 1:03 PM
Dare a top newspaper journalist to play connect-the-dots and chances are he’ll fail miserably – at least with drawing the line between Islam and terrorism. In Nairobi, Kenya last weekend, Islamist militants took over a high-end shopping mall and began executing non-Muslims. In Pakistan, Islamist suicide bombers detonated at a Christian Church on Sunday.  Yet on Monday, September 23, 90…

WashTimes Writer Miller Notes Media 'Obsessed' with Linking AR-15 to N

September 18th, 2013 10:19 AM
At the New York Times on Tuesday, Michael S. Schmidt claimed that "The suspect in the killing of 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test-fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials." The portion of…

AP Promotes 'Devout Gay Jew' Drag Queen

August 3rd, 2013 9:57 AM
One of the most inaccurate things that secular reporters do in reporting on homosexuality and religion is in putting the words “devout” and “gay” right next to each other – even when it’s clear that the sympathetic gay characters in their stories are shedding their religious traditions in favor of their gay identity. The New York Daily News carried a story with the headline “Shahar Hadar, 34…

An MSNBC Kind Of Candidate: Weiner Says He's 'Leaning Forward

June 6th, 2013 8:34 AM
MSNBC and Anthony Weiner: made for each other like a frank and a bun? Today's New York Daily News reports that when NYC mayoral candidate Weiner got into an argument on the campaign trail yesterday, he boasted that despite his mistakes, "I am still gonna be out there leaning forward."  "Lean Forward" is of course MSNBC's lefty slogan, featured in many promos that NB has analyzed, as here and…

CNN Insider: 'Wolf Blitzer to be Gradually Phased Out and Replaced Wit

June 2nd, 2013 4:25 PM
He's been at CNN for 23 years, and one could make the case at times the face of the network. Yet according to a report by the New York Daily News, Wolf Blitzer's air time is going to decline until he's finally replaced by a "younger, hipper host."

NBC Brings On Liberal Columnist to Hail Gay NBA Player, Demand Supreme

April 30th, 2013 2:37 PM
Amid the celebration on Tuesday's NBC Today over the "groundbreaking" "game changer" announcement by NBA player Jason Collins that he is gay, co-host Matt Lauer brought on liberal New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica, who ranted: "I hope that the league of old men and women on the Supreme Court are paying attention to this....Because same-sex marriage and the constitutionality is now going…

Imagine That: Mosque Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended Gave Money to Two Terr

April 21st, 2013 11:30 PM
Both the Los Angeles Times and the New York Daily News, the latter crediting wire service assistance, have reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the now deceased older brother accused of committing the Boston Marathon bombings, was thrown out of a service at the Islamic Society of Boston, the Cambridge mosque he attended, about three months ago. I wonder if anyone in the media will notice the terror…

AP Fails to Tag Longtime Dem Arrested in Alleged NYC Mayor Election-Ri

April 2nd, 2013 10:22 AM
Here's a case of "name one party and not the other." Though there is no question that arrests made this morning in connection with an alleged plot to rig the 2013 New York City mayor's include Republicans, and that they of course should be identified as such, there is also no question that the very first person named in the breaking Associated Press story which follows the jump is a Democrat…

CBS Punts on Felony Strangulation Charge Against Former Anchor; Report

February 23rd, 2013 12:32 PM
On Wednesday, the New York Daily News reported that Rob Morrison, an anchor for CBS's New York City affiliate WCBS, had quit his job after being arrested the previous weekend for an alleged assault on his wife, CBS MoneyWatch anchor Ashley Morrison. While this news story has been picked up by CNN, the New York Times, and UPI, CBS's own morning and evening newscasts have yet to report on it.…

Unbiased? 18 of 20 Top Newspapers Push Gun Control in Editorials

January 22nd, 2013 10:21 AM
At one time, newspapers were America’s source for news and current events. Today it’s a completely different story. While President Obama has declared a push to ban or limit types of guns, the nation’s major newspapers are nearly unanimous in their support of gun control. The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and other most-popular papers led the list. The consistent theme of almost…