
Notable Quotables: Do the Media Really Hate Hillary Clinton?

March 23rd, 2015 8:55 AM
This week, the New York Times laughably claims Hillary's "toughest foe" in 2016 will be the news media, even as CBS anchor Scott Pelley scoffs at the media "hyperventilating" over the ex-Secretary of State's e-mail scandal. Plus, the media rampage against Republican "traitors" after Senators point out they have a Constitutional role in approving treaties; and journalists have a sour reaction to…

Notable Quotables: Delaying Obama’s Amnesty = Putting History on Hold

February 23rd, 2015 8:52 AM
This week, after a federal judge delays implementation of President Obama's executive amnesty, the networks frame it as “a historic day... on hold,” and a ruling that “dashes American dreams for millions of families.” Also, a rogues’ gallery of journalists led by Dan Rather leap to the defense of suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams, while others in the media wish we'd stop talking about ISIS…

Bozell & Graham Column: Fifty Shades of Sickness

February 21st, 2015 7:45 AM
Here’s one obvious sign that we live in a profane world. Fifty Shades of Grey, the “mommy-porn” book turned into a movie, complete with its whips and chains and erotic punishment, debuted to far less controversy than The Passion of the Christ in 2004. The media toasted Fifty Shades as the biggest February movie opening weekend ever at $83.8 million, just a shade more than The Passion. But Mel…

Fox's Tantaros: Kerry Should Have Used 'Send in the Clowns' in France

January 20th, 2015 2:49 PM
On Fox News's "The Five" last week, the panel had some fun coming up with alternative songs and performers U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry could have employed in his visit to France last week. The video which follows starts with Greg Gutfeld exposing how the song used — "You've Got a Friend" as delivered by James Taylor, who was having a hard time even keeping his microphone properly…

U.S. High-Level Absence From Paris March Controversial — Except at AP

January 11th, 2015 11:59 PM
Thus far, the nation's de facto news gatekeepers at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, have utterly failed to address the growing worldwide controversy over the absence of U.S. representation above the ambassador level at Sunday's solidarity march in Paris in the wake of Wednesday's Charlie Hebdo massacre. Crowd estimates for the Paris march range from "hundreds of thousands"…

ABC, NBC, Others Decline to Show Cartoons of Muhammad (UPDATED)

January 8th, 2015 12:15 AM
Following the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Paris on Wednesday, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC joined other news outlets in not showing any of the controversial cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad from the Charlie Hebdo magazine during their evening newscasts. Despite initially telling Buzzfeed that they would not be showing any of the cartoons, CBS News did go forward and…

Dead Baby Headline: 'Two Fetuses Found Beside Road'

January 4th, 2015 8:09 AM
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “fetus” as “a human being or animal in the later stages of development before it is born.” So the Los Angeles Times (and other media outlets) are defying the dictionary with “Two fetuses found beside road in Fallbrook.” Times reporter Tony Perry dropped the F-bomb for a baby repeatedly in this short item (only the sheriff's spokesman was acknowledging birth…

NY Daily News Implies Sarah Palin Is a 'Ho, Ho, Ho!'

December 22nd, 2014 9:42 PM
The New York Daily News knows how to insult their least favorite people. On Monday, they were suggesting former governor Sarah Palin was a “ho, ho, ho.” The headline was: “Ho, ho, ho! Sarah Palin wishes fans holiday cheer as sweater falls down: Fans of the former GOP sensation must have been nice this year because Palin appears to have gifted them with the naughtiest Christmas present of all —…

NY Official Bans Fracking to Protect 'Child,' 'Family' He Doesn't Have

December 20th, 2014 9:59 AM
In discussing a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing announced Wednesday, the New York Daily News carried comments made by Howard Zucker, the state's Health Commissioner, about fracking's impact on public health. Zucker asked two rhetorical questions: "Would I live in a community with (fracking) based on the facts I have now?" and “Would I let my child play in a school field nearby or my family…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Hypocrisy Over Presidential Kids

December 2nd, 2014 10:49 PM
It’s an obvious rule: Never pick on a president’s family. Elizabeth Lauten, the formerly unknown “communications director” for two-term GOP congressman Stephen Fincher resigned after a national-media feeding frenzy over some stupid words about the president’s daughters on her personal Facebook page.

Al Jazeera America at One Year – Yes, it’s Still on the Air

August 20th, 2014 2:07 PM
The news that Al Gore is suing Al Jazeera America for millions of dollars owed him from the purchase of his Current TV network rocked the media world last week. After all, who knew Al Jazeera America still existed? But AJA is still there (probably), snug in the old Current TV channel slot on your cable guide. It’s just that you’re not watching. Neither is anyone else.

Barely News: Teachers Union Head's Promise to 'Punch' Common Core Oppo

August 14th, 2014 2:58 PM
Give the New York Daily News credit for surfacing a video which originally appeared at Ed Notes Online, a publication whose "about" page says it opposes "the education corporate-based reforms ... undermining the public school system" and exposes "the motives behind the education deformers." The video shows Michael Mulgrew, the president of New York City's United Federation of Teachers,…

Bloomberg Sticks to GOP-Bashing As NY Daily News Blasts Obama’s ‘S

June 4th, 2014 12:29 PM
Far too many journalists in the Washington-Gotham axis believe that any criticism of President Barack Obama must have its roots in cynical right-wing political opportunism and nothing else. At Bloomberg News, in a dispatch time-stamped June 4 at midnight, reporters David Lerman and Kathleen Hunter regaled readers with how the "Taliban Release Gives Republicans Fuel Beyond Benghazi." Some…

Major Newspaper Editorials Ignore or Praise EPA Controls 90 Percent of

June 3rd, 2014 4:19 PM
When the government pushes to destroy America’s biggest source of energy, you can certainly trust the media to jump on board. On June 1, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled drastic new limits on carbon emissions, mandating steep emission cuts within 16 years. It’s a move that may cost  hundreds of thousands of jobs each year, but only 13 of the 20 major United States newspapers…