NYT's Feuer Hurls Psych Slurs at Giuliani for Trump Support

November 14th, 2016 4:27 PM
Sunday’s New York Times went from positioning race-baiter Al Sharpton as a credible voice of anti-Trump dissent, to hailing the wisdom of another liberal MSNBC host: Chris Matthews. Matthews' horrified reaction to Trump-supporting Rudy Giuliani led off a contemptuous profile of the former NYC mayor, written by the eccentric reporter Alan Feuer: “America’s Mayor Rolls the Dice.” Feuer threw around…

Hidden Cam Talk: 'Lot of' NYC Voter Fraud; Liberal NYC Papers Quiet

October 12th, 2016 5:39 AM
The Democrats insist that "voter fraud is very rare" and that "voter impersonation is nearly non-existent." The press has consistently almost completely ignored evidence that voter fraud and voter impersonation are serious and growing problems. One can expect that indifference will continue to be the norm even after the latest video produced by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas. The video shows a…

NY Times Downplays, Delays and Spins Clinton-Lynch Encounter

July 4th, 2016 12:31 AM
The New York Times was extraordinarily slow to the draw in covering the controversial Phoenix airport meeting between U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. Its first in-house recognition of the Monday evening meeting took place Thursday evening, over 48 hours after the first media reports of it had appeared. That report by Mark Lander was relegated to Page A17 of…

NY Times Hates 'Theocratic' Pool Hours for Women -- With One Exception

June 7th, 2016 10:45 AM
Seth Lipsky of the New York Post found a dramatic contrast on swimming pools and religious orthodoxy on June 2 (and additionally mocked Monday by James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal). Call it Islamic privilege. The Times can't stand Orthodox Jewish women having sex-segregated swimming hours in a public space....but lauded it for Muslim women in February.

Clinton-Backer Schneiderman Insists Trump U Case Is 'Not Political'

June 2nd, 2016 5:29 PM
Thursday’s Good Morning America featured the Democratic Attorney General of New York, Eric Schneiderman, who has led the charge on the 2013 Trump University case in the state.  The prominent Clinton supporter insisted to co-host George Stephanopoulos (who is also a notorious Clinton Foundation donor) that the case was “not political!”

Of Course: Press Blame Long Airport Lines on TSA ‘Budget Cuts’

May 5th, 2016 11:24 AM
Almost any time a government agency or program fails to perform, those involved complain that they don't have enough money to properly do their jobs. Unless the matter involves national defense, the press gullibly swallows their contentions. The Transportation Safety Administration is the latest case in point. Lines at airport security checkpoints are already getting noticeably longer, and we…

NYT's Chozick Goes Over the Top With Hillary 'Love' After NY Win

April 20th, 2016 3:29 PM
Amy Chozick, chief Hillary Clinton follower and supporter at the New York Times, joined in the celebration of Clinton’s solid win in Tuesday’s New York primary on the front page: “Democratic Primary Triumph Is a Story of Love Rekindled.” Chozick went far beyond praise for a successful campaign, molding carpetbagging Clinton into a true blue New Yorker, dancing and playing dominoes all across the…

Zakaria Mocks Cruz on 'NY Values' While Plugging Drug Legalization

April 17th, 2016 7:05 PM
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS, host Zakaria used a segment promoting an effort to legalize heroin in Ithaca, New York, as a way to mock Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz's negative comments about "New York values," as the CNN host tagged the effort "a New York value that Ted Cruz would probably hate" and later concluded "Maybe Ithaca's bold proposal -- its New York…

NYT Shows Balance in Clinton-Sanders A1 Stories by Fawning Over Both

April 16th, 2016 3:16 PM
The New York Times has been accused of slanting its 2016 political coverage toward Hillary Clinton while stiffing Bernie Sanders. Well, in Thursday’s edition, there was balance: the paper’s coverage was equally effusive for both Democrats. While Hillary Clinton got a mawkish front-page celebration of her supposedly personal, secret work with black mothers whose children had been killed in…

Matthews Misrepresents What 'Simon Pure' Cruz Meant by New York Values

April 6th, 2016 9:47 PM
In Chris Matthews's mind, Ted Cruz's criticism of Donald Trump for exhibiting "New York values" was not about the social and economic liberalism of the Big Apple's cultural and political elite, but rather an attack on city life itself.

Most Stories Omit Spitzer's Dem Affiliation; AP Waits 14 Paragraphs

February 16th, 2016 1:52 AM
Yesterday, Matt Balan at NewsBusters noted that only two of the Big 3 broadcast news networks covered "the assault allegation against former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer that emerged over the weekend," and that only NBC mentioned Spitzer's Democratic Party affiliation. A broader look at news coverage of Spitzer's latest encounter with law enforcement indicates that omitting his party…

The Thing About 'New York Values'

January 15th, 2016 4:08 PM
Is the outrage over Ted Cruz' 'New York Values' hit on Donald trump really warranted?

Baltimore Sun Editor Wants Searchable Database of Gun Owners

January 8th, 2016 12:33 PM
Tricia Bishop, the deputy editorial page editor at Baltimore Sun, also writes a biweekly column. Bishop was impressed three years ago when the White Plains, New York-based Journal News published an interactive online map showing "the addresses (and names) of all pistol permit holders" in two Empire State counties. Very few others were. Though the outrage over the paper's move was (excuse the…

Nailed It! Mag Rips NYT Hit Piece on NYC Nail Salons, Workers Protest

October 28th, 2015 10:52 AM
The New York Times proudly unveiled on the front of its Sunday May 10 issue an"expose" of nail salons in Manhattan by Sarah Maslin Nir, "The Price of Nice Nails" (Nir also criticized white "gentrification" among Hurricane Sandy volunteers in 2012.) The first part focused on alleged "rampant exploitation" of workers, and is causing major damage to a local industry composed mostly of lower class…