
Cuomo: God Will Ask at Pearly Gates if You’ve Been a Good Progressive

March 8th, 2018 7:08 PM
While Stephen Colbert and CBS picture God as favoring Oprah Winfrey over Donald Trump for president, the liberal media don't find it outrageous when liberal Democrats claim God will judge your record to see if you were a "good progressive." Imagine a Mike Pence saying God would ask if you were a "solid conservative," and you can see the double standard. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo used his…

CBS Frets About Tax Law’s Impact on Blue States, Skips Crazy Spending

February 7th, 2018 12:47 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Wednesday whined about the impact that the new Republican tax law will have on blue states, singling out New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and California. Yet, incredibly, reporter Alex Wagner’s entire report managed to never mention that these states have the highest taxes in the country and are wildly in debt. 

High Taxes Produce a Moving Experience

January 25th, 2018 6:18 PM
One reason Democrats seem so fixated on importing illegal immigrants and allowing their children to stay and become citizens may be the exodus from high-tax and traditionally Democratic states. Anecdotal evidence is usually not helpful in determining trends, but when stories begin to accumulate and sound the same attention must be paid. Two friends of mine, who are longtime California residents,…

NYT Again Downplays Radical Islam in NYC Terror: ‘Disturbed Loner'

November 2nd, 2017 12:45 PM
The terrorist truck attack in Manhattan by an Uzbekistan national, inspired by ISIS propaganda, was the ostensible subject of Max Fisher and Amanda Taub’s “The Interpreter” column in Thursday’s New York Times. But it was more of an exercise in trying to weaken the link between “terrorism” and radical Islam. The authors gain revealed their liberal priorities by fretting over even labeling such…

MSNBC Analyst: NYC Terror ‘Not Islam,’ What About 'Radical Catholics?'

November 1st, 2017 11:43 AM
Just hours after news broke that a radical inspired by ISIS drove into a bikepath, killing eight people and injuring over a dozen others, MSNBC was already out deflecting blame from the radical religious ideology behind the attack. The network’s terrorism analyst, Malcolm Nance, defended Islam, saying it wasn’t responsible for Tuesday’s terror attack. He even brought Christianity into the mix,…

Journalists Whine About Guns After Terrorist Uses Truck to Kill 8

November 1st, 2017 10:41 AM
The morning after a deadly terror attack in lower Manhattan, journalists in the left-wing media couldn’t get their heads around a deadly attack that didn’t involve guns. Eight people were killed and several others injured in New York City Tuesday afternoon, after an Islamic radical motivated by ISIS mowed down pedestrians in a bike path. Liberal journalists took to Twitter, and some even used…

Press Ignores NY Times's Absurd 'Honest Mistake' Defense in Palin Suit

July 11th, 2017 8:55 PM
On Friday, a lawyer for the New York Times, arguing before a Manhattan federal judge, claimed that the paper made "an honest mistake in posting the editorial" claiming that Sarah Palin directly incited the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in 2011.

Chelsea-and-Ivanka Political Satire to Benefit Planned Parenthood

July 7th, 2017 3:18 PM
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Actresses Melissa Rauch and Zosia Mamet are set to perform The Secret Lunches of Chelsea and Ivanka on New York July 24. Naturally, all proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood.

Univision oculta razón tras su retiro del Desfile Puertorriqueño NY

May 26th, 2017 4:57 PM
Por fin Univision cedió a la presión, uniéndose a Goya, JetBlue, AT&T, la cerveza Corona, los Yankees de Nueva York, Coca-Cola, el New York Daily News al retirar su auspicio corporativo del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York. Pero, Univision al fin, no pueden darle la cara a sus televidentes para decirles la verdad sobre su retiro del desfile.

Desfile fracasado para un terrorista fracasado

May 26th, 2017 12:35 PM
Se sigue desmoronando la edición de este año del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York. Los auspiciadores corporativos siguen huyéndole al desfile, tras su decisión catastrófica de honrar al terrorista convicto de las FALN, Oscar Rivera López, con el título de "Prócer Nacional de la Libertad" antes de marcharlo por la Quinta Avenida. Mientras líderes como Melissa Mark-Viverito, la Presidenta del…

Humiliated, Univision Hides Lead From Report of Own Parade Withdrawal

May 25th, 2017 11:37 PM
Univision finally caved under pressure, joining Goya Foods, JetBlue, AT&T, Corona beer, the New York Yankees, and Coca-Cola in withdrawing their corporate sponsorship from the embattled National Puerto Rican Day Parade. But Univision being Univision, they can't even bring themselves to tell their viewers the truth about its parade pullout.

A Failed Parade For A Failed Terrorist

May 25th, 2017 4:46 PM
The wheels continue to come off of this year’s edition of New York City’s Puerto Rican Day Parade. Major sponsors continue to flee the Parade after its catastrophic decision to bestow upon convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera its first-ever “National Freedom Hero” designation right before marching him down Fifth Avenue. As leaders such as City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito seek…

Goya Foods Refuses to Sponsor Terror, Quits Puerto Rican Day Parade

May 16th, 2017 3:19 PM
Goya Foods, the nation's oldest and best-known Hispanic food company, has withdrawn its support from the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City, given the Parade's recent decision to become a vehicle with which to honor unrepentant FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera. But what of the other sponsors?

NBC Fears Trump Security in NYC ‘Bankrupting’ Local Businesses

December 22nd, 2016 2:03 PM
Teasing an upcoming report on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer hyped fears that security measures in New York City for Donald Trump were driving local shops and restaurants out of business: “Up next, is increased security for the President-elect around Trump Tower bankrupting nearby businesses?”