
Pelley to NYPD Head: ‘What Does a Black Man...Have to Fear From' NYPD?

December 4th, 2014 10:19 PM
During an appearance on Thursday’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Bill Bratton was asked by anchor Scott Pelley if African-American men had any reason to be afraid of the NYPD and what he was going to change about policing in the aftermath of the Eric Garner case.  After Batton told Pelley what was changing about the way officers in the…

From Queens to Texas, NY Times Spreads Its Broad Pro-Abortion Bias

October 16th, 2014 11:37 PM
Two abortion stories in Thursday's New York Times, one on a fight over Texas abortion clinics that could wind up at the Supreme Court, the other a local story about a Planned Parenthood..."health clinic for women" opening in Queens, put on display the paper's broad and deep bias on the topic.

Public Radio Goofball Attacks GOP Rep. Who 'Lives Off' Taxpayer Money

October 1st, 2014 5:21 PM
Sometimes, public radio employees don’t seem to realize they rely on taxpayer support. Our former colleague Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon underlined that in a story on Congressman Chris Gibson (R-New York). An unnamed employee of WIOX radio in the small town of Roxbury, New York (which runs NPR News programs overnight), dismissed Gibson as someone who should “find a real job like…

NBC Gives News Christie Cleared of Charges In Bridgegate Only 38 Secs

September 18th, 2014 9:09 PM
An enormous development in the Bridgegate scandal broke late Thursday afternoon when federal officials reported that they have cleared New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013.  When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this huge development, ABC and CBS punted on the story and refused…

NYT Blames Hamas, Israel Equally For End of Cease-Fire; Story Ignores

August 19th, 2014 11:59 PM
Over at Hot Air on Tuesday night, Mary Katharine Ham pointed to a headline at the New York Times, present at its web home page as well as at the story itself, which equally blames Hamas and Israel for the end of their cease-fire: "Rockets From Gaza and Israeli Response Break Cease-Fire." Someone needs to tell Isabel Kershner and Jodi Rudoren that it's the "rockets from Gaza" which broke the…

Barely News: Teachers Union Head's Promise to 'Punch' Common Core Oppo

August 14th, 2014 2:58 PM
Give the New York Daily News credit for surfacing a video which originally appeared at Ed Notes Online, a publication whose "about" page says it opposes "the education corporate-based reforms ... undermining the public school system" and exposes "the motives behind the education deformers." The video shows Michael Mulgrew, the president of New York City's United Federation of Teachers,…

Young Black Man Punches, Drops 72 Year-Old NYC Man on Tape; Local Repo

August 12th, 2014 10:54 AM
A brief report at the neighborhood web site DNAinfo in New York City, which describes itself as "New York's leading neighborhood news source" with "award-winning journalists" on staff, exemplifies how weak and negligent reporting on urban crime can be. A video capture of an assault in the City's West Greewich Village area shows a young black man first punching and knocking to the pavement a…

NBC: Brooklyn Bridge 'Embarrassment' Occurred While NYC Mayor Was on E

July 23rd, 2014 3:23 PM
While all three network morning shows on Wednesday covered the American flags on top of the Brooklyn Bridge being bleached white by unknown vandals, only NBC's Today mentioned that the incident occurred while left-wing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was on vacation: "This embarrassment for the city comes while its mayor, Bill de Blasio, vacations in Europe, which itself has brought…

MSNBC: GOP Old Miss Race 'Really Nasty,' But Rangel's 'One of the Grea

June 24th, 2014 5:30 PM
Ronan Farrow opened his MSNBC program Tuesday with these words: "Who can steal Magnolia State voters?" The opening words on the screen behind him were: "Mississippi Mud," followed by a chyron reading "Stealing the Magnolia State." Farrow's reporting quickly emphasized, several times, that the primary was a Republican one, and that it had gotten "nasty."   Several minutes followed, with NBC's…

Column: What the Papers Won't Tell You About the 'Central Park Five

April 24th, 2014 5:58 PM
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is demanding a quick settlement of the lawsuit brought by the five men convicted of one of the most sickening crimes in the city's history: the attack on the Central Park jogger in 1989. The plaintiffs are demanding $50 million apiece -- for going to prison for a rape that they committed, as detailed in Chapter 13 of "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Destroying…

Column: The Left's Drive to Regulate Is a Drive for Control

March 28th, 2014 6:19 PM
Some statements and arguments are so asinine that you'd have to be an academic or a leftist to take them seriously. Take the accusation that Republicans and conservatives are conducting a war on women. Does that mean they're waging war on their daughters, wives, mothers and other female members of their families? If so, do they abide by the Geneva Conventions' bans on torture, or do they engage…

Left-Wing NYC Mayor Cuts Ribbon for New 'Today' Show Plaza

February 25th, 2014 8:25 AM
On Monday, the hosts of NBC's Today invited left-wing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to perform a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly-renovated plaza outside Rockefeller Center's Studio 1A, with Matt Lauer gushing: "And look who stepped in here, the new mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio. Mr. Mayor, it's nice to see're here for a great help us cut the ribbon…

NY Times Champions Gay Men's Surrogate Child Purchase For the 'Post Ma

February 22nd, 2014 4:57 PM
In an utterly typical flourish, the front of the "Thursday Styles" section of The new York Times featured two gay men and a tot over the headline "And Surrogacy Makes 3: Surrogate baby-making, through restricted in many states, has been growing among gay men." Times reporter Anemona Hartocollis told the utterly unopposed story of New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman and his partner David Sigal…

Nearly 50 Mayors Abandon Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Group; Will Media Report

February 6th, 2014 5:39 PM
On Wednesday, Mayor John Tkazyik explained in the Poughkeepsie [N.Y.] Journal that he and almost 50 other mayors have dropped out of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). The reason they left? They all felt Bloomberg was using the organization to trample on the Second Amendment rather than to push for the stricter enforcement of existing…