Column | Cuomo to Conservatives: Leave New York

January 24th, 2014 6:56 PM
Everyone "knows" it is conservatives who are mean-spirited, intolerant, censors of speech with which they don't agree, anti-gay, anti-black and anti just about everything else, right? We know this because the left keeps telling us so. Which is why in this era of increasingly corrosive language -- note the overuse of the f-word in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" -- and acidic political…

Angry Ed Schultz Rips Into Jake Tapper for Daring to Question Liberal

January 3rd, 2014 3:38 PM
  MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz, who has previously frothed over "bastard," "slut," "dirt hole" conservatives, on Thursday attacked Jake Tapper for offering a mild critique of liberal New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's inauguration. During the ceremony, speaker after speaker slammed the outgoing Michael Bloomberg, comparing the city under his tenure to a "plantation." On his CNN program, Tapper…

Daily Beast's Daly Hails De Blasio Inaugural Manifesto, Says Leftist M

January 2nd, 2014 1:16 PM
Even as he hailed Bill de Blasio's "progressive revolution," The Daily Beast's Michael Daly sought to downplay fears that the newly-sworn-in mayor was a radical leftist intent on soaking the rich. Instead Daly practically painted a picture of the Democratic politician as a drum major leading the "march" to a more "equal" New York. While noting de Blasio was a "leader speaking much the same…

Name That Party, 'War on Women' Division: Democratic N.Y. Assemblyman

December 22nd, 2013 9:07 PM
Let's get it out of the way up-front, and excuse the "too much information" element via the New York Post: New York State Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak is a Democrat who has been accused of having "tormented three workers with lewd antics such as sending a video of himself supposedly receiving oral sex, suggesting they shack up with him in hotels and ..." — sorry, readers who really want to know…

Barely National News: Almost a Year on, Sandy Victims Still Being Jerk

October 13th, 2013 5:25 PM
In a keister-covering dispatch at the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, which, based on its headline, is supposed to be a big-picture look at where recovery efforts from last year's Superstorm Sandy stand ("NORMALCY ELUDES MANY A YEAR AFTER SANDY HIT NJ"), reporter Wayne Parry spent the vast majority of his 900-plus words on problems residents are having with insurance companies…

Daily Beast Features Article Actually Praising the NYPD

August 27th, 2013 11:46 AM
Slamming the New York Police Department for its stop-and-frisk policy has been something of a favored sport by the left this summer. So imagine my pleasant surprise to find a positive piece about New York's finest at the Daily Beast this morning. "Thank the Cops" read a teaser headline in the lightbox dominating the top left column of the page. "They may not have gotten any love at the VMAs,…

Editor Involved in Interactive Gun Owner Maps, 25 Others Laid Off at J

August 11th, 2013 2:06 PM
Just before Christmas last year, the Journal News in New York's Westchester County north of New York City published maps containing "the addresses (and names) of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties," and announced their intention to add Putnam County. A firestorm of outrage ensued, but the stubborn paper's operators held out for almost four weeks before finally…

NPR: Soda Ban Ruling a 'Setback' in Effort to 'Change Unhealthful Food

July 31st, 2013 1:27 PM
As I argued yesterday, the unanimous state court ruling in New York blocking Mayor Mike Bloomberg's ban on fountain soda cups larger than 16 ounces in capacity would be portrayed in the liberal media as a setback to a well-meaning public health effort and a boon to big business. True to form, taxpayer-subsidized NPR is peddling this spin to readers of its website while completely ignoring how…

NYC Soda Ban Loses Again in Court; Politico, WSJ Portray as 'Blow' to

July 30th, 2013 5:45 PM
Today another New York state court upheld an earlier decision in March that invalidated outgoing Mayor Mike Bloomberg's much-maligned "soda ban" which restricts many establishments in the Big Apple from selling soda cups larger than 16 ounces in capacity. As the media report on the court ruling, watch for a) the media to paint the ruling as a "blow" to an "ambitious," well-meaning effort by…

Abortion or Bust! Pro-Choice Extremism Doomed 10-Point 'Women's Equali

June 24th, 2013 7:13 PM
A stubborn, doctrinaire insistence by hard-line abortion rights advocates that a bill titled the Women's Equality Act must not pass without language further liberalizing the Empire State's abortion laws doomed the bill to failure in the New York State Assembly, the New York Times's Thomas Kaplan reported today. Even so, the Times did its best to shield the abortion lobby -- groups like NARAL…

The Continuing Disgrace of Anthony Weiner, Brought to You by the Liber

June 3rd, 2013 5:15 PM
From time to time, Americans manage to elect extraordinarily corruptible people—and these walking moral catastrophes, in turn, pass laws for us, enforce those laws for us, presume to lecture us, and run, in general, as much of our lives as they can gets their hands on. It's not that we don't care about being governed by vulgarians, and it's not that we're pathologically gullible—so what is it?…

‘Rent is Too Damn High’ Guy Runs for NY Mayor, Bashes Economic Rec

April 25th, 2013 12:23 PM
Two years ago, Jimmy McMillan ran for New York governor and became a viral sensation, with more than 7 million Youtube views.  Now the creator of The Rent is Too Damn High party is running for New York City mayor and has expanded his platform is his new rap anthem video. In the first 30 seconds of his video, the news reporter declared that rent in New York is at an all time high. “Critics say…

Disgraced Journal News Removes Gun Owner Map

January 18th, 2013 9:36 PM
The suburban New York paper that caused a nationwide uproar over its online interactive map of gun permit owners in two counties has finally removed the chart from its website. The map prompted thousands of complaints to the paper which also prompted the anti-gun paper to hire its own armed guards supposedly to protect its employees. The removal of the map was preceded by a new state law…

Another Day, Another Burglary at a House ID'd on N.Y. Paper's Interact

January 18th, 2013 9:53 AM
Another home included in an interactive map of gun permit holders published by the Lower Hudson Valley’s Journal News shortly before Christmas has been burglarized. This time, according to the related report at Newsday, "The thieves ransacked the house Wednesday night, breaking into two safes on the home's third floor and stealing a third safe." The third safe, in what was either an amazing…