UN Official Advises Against Voting for Romney: Will the Media Report

October 22nd, 2012 8:40 PM
According to the initial report in The Canadian Press, UN special rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights Ben Emmerson has an urgent message for the American people which essentially adds up to a presidential endorsement for Barack Obama.  A Romney/Ryan administration, Emmerson warned, would use torture on enemy combatants detained at U.S. facilities, and could point to their…

CNBC Host Asks Jets Owner if He Knows Whether Tim Tebow is Still a Vir

October 10th, 2012 3:40 PM
As far as Joe Kernen of CNBC's Squawk Box is concerned, the word 'virgin' and Tim Tebow  are synonomous. Apparently, there can be no conversation about Tebow without bringing it up in a mocking manner for what is essentially a deliberate and faith-based decision. In an interview with New York Jets owner Woody Johnson on Wednesday morning, the conversation transitioned from politics to…

Where Is Maureen Dowd's 'Absolute Moral Authority' Column For Karen Va

October 9th, 2012 1:04 PM
Joel Gehrke at the Washington Examiner (HT Meredith Jessup at the Blaze) reports that Karen Vaughn, mother of Aaron Vaughn, a member of Navy SEAL Team 6 and one of 30 American servicemen, including 21 other SEAL Team 6 members, killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan three months after the May 1, 2011 execution of Osama bin Laden, says in a video released yesterday by Veterans for a Strong…

NY Times Editor's 'We Were Fooled By People Who Made Up Their Names' N

October 9th, 2012 10:54 AM
  In her September 26 report in the paper's Fashion & Style section ("Last Call for College Bars"; Sept. 27 print edition), Courtney Rubin at the New York Times devoted over 1,600 words to a portrayal, primarily in Ithaca, New York, home of Cornell University, of the declining college bar scene. Rubin described the travails of, among others, Michelle Guida, Vanessa Gilen, Tracy O’Hara,…

Broadway Star Resents Giuliani for Ruining Times Square: 'I Can't Wait

September 28th, 2012 10:50 PM
Broadway star Patti LuPone gave an interview to the DC gay mag Metro Weekly, in which she unloaded several strange bursts of liberal celebrity-speak. The most notable one was resenting Rudy Giuliani for cleaning up Times Square into an “arcade” and wishing Times Square was “tawdry and dangerous again.” In case you thought there would be absolutely no one who missed drug dealers and…

NPR Promotes 'Notable...Gay and Catholic' Woman as Next Mayor of New Y

June 25th, 2012 3:19 PM
When it's Sunday on National Public Radio, it must be time to announce the Catholic Church is out of step with  modern times. On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR granted a soft-soap eight-minute interview to New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the front-runner to succeed Michael Bloomberg as Mayor. NPR touted: "Christine Quinn has a notable biography. She's from an Irish family, she's…

NY Times Disdains Biased Media Owner -- A San Diego Conservative Charg

June 11th, 2012 7:44 AM
David Carr of The New York Times wrote an unintentional laugh line for Monday's paper: "There is a growing worry that the falling value and failing business models of many American newspapers could lead to a situation where moneyed interests buy papers and use them to prosecute a political and commercial agenda." No! Could you believe a newspaper would follow a political agenda based on what…

Dennis Miller: Pelosi is 'Vile' and 'Distasteful,' But 'I Don't Hate H

June 6th, 2012 11:50 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, during the show's regular "Miller Time" segment, comedian Dennis Miller lambasted House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi as "vile" and "distasteful," but contended that "I don't hate her." The discussion of hate came about as host Bill O'Reilly began the segment by asking about a survey by the New York Post listing the most hated people in…

CNN 'Conservative' David Frum Hails Bloomberg's 'Visionary' Soda-Pop R

June 4th, 2012 1:13 PM
It’s amazing that CNN put out a press release last October touting “Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and conservative columnist David Frum have joined the network for the 2012 election season.” (Italics mine.) David Frum is not a conservative. Look no further than his latest CNN opinion piece, “Bloomberg’s Visionary Plan Against Obesity.” “Some object that the mayor's proposal to…

NYTimes Gushes Over Bill and Hillary Clinton, 'Great Neighbors' 'Remar

May 31st, 2012 12:36 PM
Peter Applebome, New York Times reporter and writer of the paper's"Our Towns" column, talked with residents of Chappaqua, New York pondering if they will be lucky enough to have Bill and Hillary Clinton as "‘Great Neighbors,’ but for How Long?" (Applebome also lives in Chappaqua, according to his New York Times bio.) It's an extremely homey, gushing story about two Democratic politicians,…

NYT's Keller Hints Arguments Against Gay Marriage Are Just Arguments A

April 17th, 2012 9:50 AM
Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller wrote on how four Republican state senators put gay marriage over the top in New York State for the Times Sunday Magazine, "When Is a Flip Not a Flop? -- The Fate of the Republicans Who Supported Gay Marriage." Keller stated righteously that "It is difficult to construct an argument against marriage rights for gay people that doesn’t sound like…

NYT's Gail Collins to Gun Rights Supporters: We Don't Want Your Kind H

March 29th, 2012 12:35 PM
Support the Second Amendment and gun rights? Gail Collins doesn't want your kind in her town. In her Thursday New York Times column, "More Guns, Fewer Hoodies," the paper's former editorial page editor dropped her trademark (attempts at) humor in her attempt to use the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida to call for severely limiting access to firearms: "Really, just leave us alone. If you don’t…

NBC Panelist Donny Deutsch: Tim Tebow Joining NY Jets 'Will Be His Wat

March 27th, 2012 4:40 PM
Responding on Tuesday to NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer wondering if Tim Tebow would be the "right fit" for the New York Jets, advertising executive Donny Deutsch predicted the faithful quarterback was doomed: "Wrong. Couldn't have made a worse move. This will be his Waterloo. New York will take him down. We are a very tough, jaded city. They're not going to buy this unconditional love." Lauer…

New Yorkers React to MRC's 'Don't Believe the Liberal Media' Billboard

March 1st, 2012 9:33 AM
The crew from MRCTV headed to heart of New York City to see what passers-by thought of the Media Research Center's two giant 'Don't Believe the Liberal Media' billboards in Times Square. Considering New York is the center of the liberal media universe, the response from average New Yorkers was quite positive. Take a look after the jump: