Omission Watch: Obama Panders to Gay Marriage Advocates With Congratul

December 22nd, 2011 7:48 AM
The national media love to appear deeply cynical about politicians and their phoniness. But not when it comes to Barack Obama and "gay marriage." Obama campaigned in 2008 by publicly opposing it, and yet no one in the media condemned him like he was one of those troglodyte social conservatives -- because no one believed he was sincere. Now Obama is signaling to the gay Left that he's really in…

Planned Parenthood Urges 'Talking Turkey' on Abortion Over the Holiday

December 16th, 2011 11:34 AM
Planned Parenthood’s New York City affiliate has posted an article telling visitors to its Web site how to successfully discuss abortion around the “holiday table.” The article, “Talking Turkey: 8 Easy Steps for Discussing Reproductive Health and Justice at the Holiday Table,” also includes a quiz to help people prepare for “touchy questions about your politics over the dinner table.”

NYTimes Unleashes 'Vitriol' at NYPD Whose Behavior 'Raises Unsettling

October 31st, 2011 4:34 PM
Turns out there’s one union the New York Times is not totally enamored with: The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, New York City’s largest police union. Saturday’s front page featured a hostile anti-police story by N.R. Kleinfield and John Eligon related to charges of wide-spread ticket-fixing, “Officers Unleash Vitriol as Peers Are Charged in Ticket-Fixing.”   The reporters didn't seem…

NYT's Overheated OWS Rhetoric: 'Wealthiest of the Wealthy Control More

October 27th, 2011 2:21 PM
Sam Roberts, who also hosts the New York Times’s weekly political podcast “The Caucus,” had a left-wing take on a study on income disparity in Wednesday’s edition suggesting it justified the left-wing Occupy Wall Street Protest: “As the Data Show, There’s a Reason the Protesters Chose New York.” Included was a graphic on “The New Gilded Age,” with an income disparity chart sourced from the left…

NYT's Stelter Promotes Wall St. Protest Coverage; His Tea Party Report

October 14th, 2011 11:44 AM
New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter was in St. Petersburg, Fla., but that didn’t stop him from marking his media colleague’s burgeoning coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement for Thursday’s “A News Story Is Growing With ‘Occupy’ Protests.” Stelter hyped the increasing media coverage that the lefty aggregation “Occupy Wall Street” has been granted as it spreads to other cities,…

NYT's Krugman Disappoints His Leftist Legions: 'Why I'm Not in Zuccott

October 13th, 2011 5:26 PM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman’s Tuesday morning blog post no doubt left his hordes of leftist fans bereft: “Why I’m Not In Zuccotti Park.” That’s the space in Lower Manhattan that’s been occupied by the loose affiliation of leftist Wall Street protesters for four weeks running. The brief item in full:

NY Times Touts 'Unexpected Success' of Wall Street Protest; Almost Ign

October 6th, 2011 1:22 PM
The left-wing, anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street camp-out in Lower Manhattan stretched into its third week, bolstered by an influx of labor unions. The story made the front of Thursday’s New York Times along with a large photo of protestors in Foley Square, “Seeking Energy, Unions Join Wall Street Protest.” It’s a far cry from the paper’s coverage of the first major Tea Party rally in…

NYTimes: Anti-Capitalism Protests a 'Populist Campaign...Clearly Tappe

October 4th, 2011 2:41 PM
In Tuesday’s “Anti-Wall Street Protests Spreading to Cities Large and Small,” New York Times reporters Erik Eckholm and Timothy Williams bolster the “populist” left-wing activists protesting against greedy bankers (among other items of the standard left-wing wish list) in Lower Manhattan. While the Times’s coverage of conservative Tea Party rallies pointed out the most extreme and “fringe”…

After Arrests, NY Times Takes Seriously 'Occupy Wall Street' Claims of

October 4th, 2011 7:53 AM
Occupy Wall Street, the floating leftist protest in Manhattan that’s camped out in downtown Manhattan in an endless protest against...something, attempted to migrate to Brooklyn this weekend, blocking vehicle traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and resulting in mass arrests. The New York Times, whose attitude toward Tea Party rallies was invariably hostile, blasted support throughout the weekend…

New York Newspaper: We Strongly Oppose Using Tragedy for Political Ga

September 23rd, 2011 4:06 PM
The paper of record for upstate New York is at it again, letting their readers know that Republicans and Tea Party members should essentially do as they say, not as they do. The Albany Times Union has criticized Republicans for playing political games with a recently defeated bill that provides $3.65 billion for disaster assistance.  The problem, it seems, is that the bill included offsets…

Albany Times Union: Obama Tax Hikes Not Class Warfare, Just ‘Fairne

September 21st, 2011 1:11 AM
It’s good to see the editorial board at the Times Union isn’t even bothering to mask their liberal bias these days.  Via a blog known as The Observation Deck, which boasts some of the more prominent members of the newspapers staff, including editor and vice-president, Rex Smith, editor-at-large, Harry Rosenfeld, and publisher George R. Hearst III, the Union has been printing some of the most…

FNC Highlights Bloomberg Decision to Exclude Clergy from 9/11 Ceremony

August 28th, 2011 11:49 AM
Friday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC gave attention to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's decision to exclude all clergy from taking part in the upcoming commemoration of the 9/11 attacks. Substitute host Juan Williams introduced the segment.

ABC Plugs Gay Marriage as Economic Stimulus, ‘Former Republican’ B

July 25th, 2011 7:21 AM
 On Sunday’s World News, ABC correspondent T.J. Winick filed a report in which he presented same-sex marriage as a way to stimulate the ailing economy - potentially of the entire nation - by getting lots of new married couples to spend money on weddings.   Winick also featured a soundbite of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg criticizing Republicans for opposing same-sex marriage. And, as…

CBS Frets Gay Marriage Not National Enough, But Will Also Cause Some C

July 25th, 2011 6:58 AM
 As Sunday’s CBS Evening News recounted the day of marriage ceremonies for gay couples in New York state, where same-sex marriage has just been legalized, correspondent Jim Axelrod spent much of his report focusing on all the marriage benefits couples will not enjoy because the federal government does not recognize such unions. But he also found a consequence for some couples who may lose…