NY Times: 'Republicans Seize' on Laws to 'Broaden' Very Late Abortions

February 1st, 2019 2:41 PM
After legislative moves in New York and Virginia to allow abortion far into the third trimester, accompanied by gruesome commentary in which proponents of the Virginia bill let slip that letting an infant die would be allowed both during and after delivery, the New York Times finally caught up with the caustic debate on Friday’s front page, under awful headlines, pro-abortion blandishments, and…

Fox News Highlights Plan to Legalize Abortion Until Birth in Virginia

January 30th, 2019 3:09 PM
On Wednesday morning, Fox News Channel gave attention to another state where Democrats are pushing for an extreme plan to legalize abortion up until birth, this time in Virginia. Over the past week, FNC has also given attention to the recently passed legalization law in New York that has so far been ignored by CNN, MSNBC, and the broadcast networks. Hours later, Democratic Governor Ralph Northam…

FNC Highlights 'Extreme' NY Law Legalizing Late-Term Abortion

January 27th, 2019 7:37 PM
The weekend editions of Fox and Friends on Fox News Channel spent a substantial amount of time highlighting the "outcry" over an "extreme' new law recently signed by New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo that would allow abortions to be performed all the way up until right before birth. The weekend anchors even hosted an OB/GYN who argued that an abortion to save a woman's life would never be…

Behar to De Blasio: Your Free Health Plan Sounds Like 'Small Govt'

January 16th, 2019 12:35 PM
Only on The View would you hear a host compare the radically leftist mayor of New York City to “a Republican.” That happened on Wednesday’s show, when the hosts gave Bill De Blasio a tougher shake than most news programs do, but still praised his socialist health care plan that guarantees free health care for illegal aliens. That’s when Joy Behar weirdly praised the mayor’s plan as sounding like…

Hypocrisy Alert: Ocasio-Cortez Bans Press From 'Listening Tour' Events

August 17th, 2018 4:40 PM
Liberals have long believed in the motto: “Do as I say, not as I do.” The latest example of that philosophy took place on Sunday, when rising Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used the occasion of a campaign “listening tour” to prevent members of the media from attending the event, which was otherwise open to the public.

CBS Tosses Softballs to Radical Socialist Who Wants to Abolish ICE

June 27th, 2018 12:35 PM
In a shocking upset overnight, a far-left socialist who wants to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) prevailed over a long-time Democratic incumbent in a New York congressional primary on Tuesday. Yet, despite CBS This Morning scoring an exclusive network interview on Wednesday morning, the hosts only tossed softballs and ignored Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s hard-left views…

Liberal Actress Demands, ‘Abolish’ ICE, Protect ‘Our’ Undocumented!

June 21st, 2018 1:05 PM
On Thursday’s The View, the hosts talked with Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon, who is challenging Andrew Cuomo for his seat in New York’s gubernatorial race. The radical activist only got softball questions from the friendly hosts, despite saying some pretty controversial things at the table.

NYC's War on Academic Excellence

June 13th, 2018 5:38 PM
“I also have a dream.” This rallying cry, handwritten on a simple white placard held up by an Asian-American mom at a protest this week against liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to radically transform New York City's public schools, says it all. A new civil rights struggle in education has exploded — yet the national media and the usual celebrity voices for equality and justice…

Uber-Lefty NYT Article Blames Ride-Sharing Program for Taxi Suicides

May 3rd, 2018 1:18 PM
New York Times reporter Emma Fitzsimmons took the paper’s hostility toward the massively popular Uber ride-sharing program down to a personal level, blaming it for suicides of taxi drivers, in Wednesday’s “With Uber on Duty, Cabdrivers Confront A Desperate Future.” The online headline deck: “A Taxi Driver Took His Own Life. His Family Blames Uber’s Influence -- A series of suicides in New York…

GOP Guest Slams CNN Claim Arresting Illegals May Not Cut Crime

April 29th, 2018 8:09 AM

On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, substitute anchor Ryan Nobles debated the guest instead of interviewed her. During a discussion of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo threatening to sue ICE for rounding up illegal immigrants in his state, substitute anchor Ryan Nobles essentially claimed that there is no evidence that arresting criminals reduces crime as he debated former Republican New York…

NYT's Style Mag: 'Terrifying...Bogeyman' Reagan Sowed NYC Fear

April 25th, 2018 6:55 PM
The New York Times devoted the latest edition of its fashion mag, T Magazine, to marking the early 1980s in New York City, but used prominent pieces to bash President Ronald Reagan as a "terrifying" Christian-right ogre. From the introduction: "...with the inauguration of a conservative president who was no great friend to the arts, or to marginalized groups, including immigrants, the poor and…

NYT: State's ‘Version of Joe Arpaio’ Cracking Down on 'Undocumented'

March 21st, 2018 7:19 PM
On no other issue does the New York Times betray its liberal slant as it does on illegal immigration, and on Wednesday reporter Liz Robbins reacted with predictably liberal alarm in her “news” story about a sheriff in New York State who had the audacity to agree to help enforce national immigration law through Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE: “Sheriff Joins Federal Immigration…

NBC Gushes Over Left-Wing Actress Announcing Run for NY Gov

March 20th, 2018 4:12 PM
In a fawning, nearly three-minute long report on NBC’s Today show, correspondent Sheinelle Jones touted Sex and the City actress and “progressive activist” Cynthia Nixon announcing her candidacy for New York governor, providing a primary challenge to incumbent Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Dem Suggests '2nd Amendment' Anti-Trump Tactic; Most Outlets Ignore

March 20th, 2018 12:55 PM
A week ago, as seen in a video which gained some national attention on Monday, New York Congressman Thomas Suozzi, answering a constituent's question about President Donald Trump, suggested that "the Second Amendment comes in" as a factor "if the president was to ignore the courts." Eight years ago, the press treated a statement by Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle referring to "Second…