The New Yorker's Racialized Trump Paranoia

August 29th, 2015 7:47 PM
Call it Trump paranoia. Or Trump Derangement Syndrome Be afraid. Be very afraid. That is the unsubtle message from The New Yorker magazine this last week as its cover flap promoted the notion in big and bold white letters. "TRUMP And The White Nationalists: By stoking paranoia about immigration, Trump has energized the far right and is creating chaos in the G.O.P."

New Yorker Writer: Guns 'Have an Almost Entirely Symbolic Function'

August 28th, 2015 5:55 PM
The Catholic writer Flannery O’Connor famously and emphatically rejected the idea that the host used in the Communion rite is a mere symbol. Gun owners might have a similarly negative response to Adam Gopnik’s claim that guns “have an almost entirely symbolic function.” “No lives are saved, and no intruders are repelled [by the use of guns]; the dense and hysterical mythology of gun love has…

Orwellian Reporter: 'Planned Parenthood Means Fewer Abortions'

August 24th, 2015 7:16 AM
With Planned Parenthood’s back against the wall following the advent of more videos exposing the selling of baby parts, their apologists are growing desperate in their attempts to prevent its defunding. Case in point is Michael Specter, a staff writer at The New Yorker and former New York Times and Washington Post reporter, who spreads the usual counterintuitive spin that defunding Planned…

PBS: Obama Eulogy 'One of the Great Moments Anyone Has Ever Seen'

July 6th, 2015 11:11 PM
Only on PBS would it be considered part of a Fourth of July celebration to have the editor of The New Yorker gush over Barack Obama’s most “progressive” accomplishments. It’s also quite like PBS to have this journalist conclude that he feels about Obama just like you would feel about  “your favorite ball team.” The program was the late-night talk show Charlie Rose, and the gushiest moment from…

New Yorker Writer: ‘Rational Thought’ Wins, Conservatives Lose

July 2nd, 2015 12:31 AM
Pope Francis’s encyclical on climate change. Last week’s Supreme Court decisions on Obamacare and same-sex marriage. California’s new mandatory-vaccination law. What all these have in common, according to Michael Specter, isn’t merely that they’re correct, but that they’re manifestations of “rational thought.” Three of those events, of course, were highly unpopular on the right (the vaccination…

New Yorker Writer: ‘Guns Don’t Protect Anyone From Anything’

June 23rd, 2015 5:38 PM
Racial issues, not gun issues, understandably have been at the forefront of most media coverage of the Charleston massacre, but Adam Gopnik suggests that in any such mass shooting, the firearm is the salient factor. “Mental health, the enduring structures of racism—these are issues that we have to deal with, too,” wrote Gopnik in a Tuesday column. “But they are not at the heart of the tragedy.…

Mika Schools New Yorker Editor Who Bragged of Condescending to Trump

June 22nd, 2015 9:37 AM
The screencap shows New Yorker editor David Remnick, on today's Morning Joe, raising his hand to proudly plead guilty to condescending to Donald Trump, whom he had just called a "comical blowhard" in regretting that he was "conceivably a player" in the presidential race. Mika Brzezinski is no fan of The Donald on the issues, so give her extra credit for sticking up for his relevance to the race…

New Yorker June 1 Cover Excludes Black, Female GOP Candidates

May 28th, 2015 8:31 PM
Old stereotypes die hard — especially the ones which have long been false. The June 1 cover of The New Yorker Magazine depicts the Republican Party's current crop of declared and undeclared 2016 presidential candidates as an all-white-boys affair, showing seven of them in different locker-room postures, with Hillary Clinton peeping in through a window. How is this possible, you ask? Where are…

CNN's Toobin: Obama Will Be Blamed If Obamacare's Overturned

May 21st, 2015 11:12 PM
Via Instapundit, we learned CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has a piece in The New Yorker called “Obama’s Game of Chicken with the Supreme Court.” He imagines who will suffer if the Supreme Court rules against the Obama Administration in the Obamacare subsidy case, King v. Burwell. If individuals in more conservative states without state health exchanges lose their subsidies, Toobin says the…

CNN Panelists Agree: Clintons Helping Tony Rodham Not A Scandal

May 11th, 2015 4:23 PM
On Monday's New Day on CNN, the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza asserted that there was no wrongdoing in former President Bill Clinton helping his brother-in-law, Tony Rodham, get a job with former DNC head Terry McAuliffe (who's now the governor of Virginia): "Bill Clinton was not in office. It doesn't seem to conflict with her [Hillary Clinton's] job as secretary of state. If Bill Clinton helped out…

New Yorker Cheers: 'We're All Queer -- There Is No Normal'

May 8th, 2015 7:52 PM
One of many LGBT darlings in the “mainstream” media is Alison Bechdel, the Maddowesque lesbian cartoonist who invented the “Bechdel test” in her comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For" in 1985 – that a movie “must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.” Her autobiographical musical Fun Home is playing in New York, and Judith Thurman at The…

New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin Slams 'Fox News Justice' Scalia

April 29th, 2015 3:22 PM
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin blasted Antonin Scalia in a Tuesday column for The New Yorker, after the conservative Supreme Court justice cracked a joke during the oral arguments regarding the same-sex "marriage" cases. Toobin asserted that Justice Scalia's "rather refreshing" line in reaction to a pro-traditional marriage activist's disruption during the hearing was a "shocking, ugly moment…

New Yorker: Clinton Foundation Scandal Could Be 'Benefitting Hillary'

April 23rd, 2015 4:20 PM
In a desperate attempt to spin the escalating Clinton Foundation scandal as a positive for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, The New Yorker's John Cassidy argued in a Wednesday article that bombshell revelations about the controversy in the new book Clinton Cash "could end up benefitting Hillary."

HBO Star Lena Dunham Sinks Into Insulting 'Dog or Jewish' Controversy

March 30th, 2015 11:01 PM
Screenwriter and actress Lena Dunham has managed to put herself back in the limelight amid a new controversy. Dunham finds herself in the news not because her show Girls had season premiere ratings that plummeted by 40 percent, or the questionable incidents from her book Not that Kind of Girl that included passages of molesting her sister or falsely accusing an innocent man of raping her. No.…