Writer Urges 'Intelligent' Conservatives to Back 'Moderate' Hillary

May 14th, 2016 3:11 PM
Gopnik contended that if Donald Trump became president, his agenda could not be “bounded in by honest conservatives in a Cabinet or restrained by normal constitutional limits.” Therefore, he must lose in November, and toward that end, Gopnik urged “intelligent” conservatives to back Hillary Clinton, opining that their oft-discussed alternatives to Trump -- voting for a third-party candidate or…

New Yorker Writer: Ideal GOP Candidate Is ‘Maximally Crazy’

April 8th, 2016 9:19 PM
In professional-wrestling slang, a bad guy is a “heel,” and in a Tuesday piece, Adam Gopnik likened Republican politicians to heel wrestlers who aren’t completely up-front about how nasty they are: “You’re supposed to be maximally crazy, but you’re supposed to pretend to pay attention to the referee…You’re supposed to hit your opponent over the head with a chair, but you’re supposed to pretend to…

CNN Ties 'Racism' to 'Obama Derangement Syndrome'; Hits Reagan, Bush

April 3rd, 2016 6:06 PM
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, host Zakaria seemed to be doing an impression of the type of super-biased political panel one would expect to find at MSNBC in the form of four liberals pitted against one moderate Republican and no conservatives discussing the role of racism in opposition to President Barack Obama. New Yorker editor David Remnick charged George H.W. Bush used "racist memes…

Jane Mayer: Koch Brothers Reaping Racism and Hate With Trump Triumph

March 19th, 2016 2:36 PM
Journalist Jane Mayer issued another twisted attack on her own Enemy No. 1, the libertarian industrialist Koch brothers, from her New Yorker magazine perch. “Who Sponsored The Hate?” left no doubt as to who she thinks is responsible for the current Trumpian climate of political vituperation. Mayer has for years issued dark, often conspiratorial threats about the Koch brothers, the Midwestern…

New Yorker Writer to ‘Rational’ Conservatives: Vote For Hillary!

March 5th, 2016 3:05 PM
Adam Gopnik has some advice for “rational or far-sighted conservatives”: since it’s too late to deny the Republican presidential nomination to “the monster they’ve created,” Donald Trump, they shouldn’t hesitate to support the “reasonable, experienced mainstream centrist,” Hillary Clinton. Of course, Gopnik doesn’t think that’s likely to happen. He wrote in a Thursday post, “At this moment when…

New Yorker Writer: Soros, Bloomberg Not 'Big Money' Compared to Kochs

March 3rd, 2016 8:53 PM
According to liberal New Yorker author Jane Mayer, half a billion dollars is only “big money” if it’s coming from the Koch brothers. Mayer appeared on The View on March 3, 2016, to promote her latest conspiracy theory involving the Koch brothers: a new book entitled “Dark Money,” She claims to expose the Koch brothers “secret.” Their crime, according to Mayer? Wanting smaller government.

Revista New Yorker publica descalificación étnica de Cruz, Rubio

February 23rd, 2016 2:37 PM
La revista The New Yorker publica la más reciente en una serie de artículos cuya intención es de descalificar étnicamente a los senadores Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio.

New Yorker Mag Publishes Ethnic Othering Of Cruz, Rubio

February 22nd, 2016 5:07 PM
The New Yorker publishes the latest in a series of articles intended to ethnically disqualify Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Notable Quotables: Liberal Loathing for 'Troll-Like' Ted Cruz

February 22nd, 2016 9:17 AM
This week, liberal journalists announce their disdain for the "troll-like" conservative presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who "operates below the level of human life," while USA Today says socialist Bernie Sanders is the "most Christian candidate" in the race. Also: reporters condemn the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's conservative philosophy, while playing the race card when it comes…

Jeffrey Toobin: Scalia’s Successor Should Be the Opposite of Scalia

February 21st, 2016 4:02 PM
CNN and New Yorker pundit Jeffrey Toobin considers Antonin Scalia “a perfect model for everything that President Obama should avoid in a successor.” The late SCOTUS justice, asserted Toobin in the New Yorker, “lived within the sealed bubble of contemporary conservative thought” and “devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy…

NBC, CBS Promote NY Daily News's 'Terrorist' Smear of the NRA's CEO

December 5th, 2015 12:35 AM
Friday's NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News both spotlighted the New York Daily News's latest anti-conservative front page, which denigrated Wayne LaPierre of the NRA as a "terrorist." CBS's Nancy Cordes touted how "the always-heated gun debate has gotten personal. The New York Daily News...called the head of the National Rifle Association a 'terrorist.'" NBC's Hallie Jackson played up the…

Blogger: I’ll Buy Harwood a Beer For Questioning Rubio on Taxes

October 29th, 2015 5:38 PM
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio put media bias on the front burner at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, but conservatives and liberals differed sharply on whether what was in the pot smelled appetizing. Several lefty bloggers turned up their noses at the idea that in last night’s event and in general, the media favor Democrats.

New Yorker Writer: Second Amendment ‘Sanity’ = Gun Control

October 3rd, 2015 11:17 AM
In recent years, some advocates of increased gun control have called for repeal or revision of the Second Amendment, but Adam Gopnik believes that either would be superfluous. In a Friday article, Gopnik asserted that “the only amendment necessary for gun legislation…is the Second Amendment itself, properly understood, as it was for two hundred years in its plain original sense. This sense can…

Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky: A Democrat Won the GOP Debate

September 17th, 2015 10:21 PM
Among the insights: Fiorina "has a notable facility for delivering answers that thrill conservatives but fall apart under close examination"; a discussion of childhood vaccines showed that the party is "fervid, claustrophobic, recklessly insinuating, and, at the same time, utterly timid when it comes to extremism in its own ranks”; and the GOP as a whole is "wedded to the tenets of [George W.]…