CNN's Toobin Lets Obama Claim His Judges Are 'Very Much Centrist'

October 20th, 2014 10:36 PM
The New Yorker magazine was a fierce opponent of President Bush (starting with Jane Mayer’s attacks on Bush anti-terrorist policies) and is now a enthusiastic supporter of President Obama. The latest proof comes in an article on Obama’s judicial legacy by New Yorker writer (and CNN legal analyst) Jeffrey Toobin. Like many a liberal journalist, Toobin wants to help the president pretend that…

New Yorker Blogger: Nixon Pioneered Politics of ‘Perpetual Grievance

August 8th, 2014 7:35 AM
A great many movement conservatives weren’t fans of Richard Nixon’s presidency, to the point that some of them, including William F. Buckley Jr., William Rusher, and M. Stanton Evans, backed a 1972 primary challenge to Nixon by Rep. John Ashbrook of Ohio. But has Nixon, despite his ideological squishiness, greatly influenced today’s Republican party? New Yorker blogger Jeff Shesol says he has…

Clinton White House Speechwriter: Conservatives Favor Judicial Activis

July 19th, 2014 6:08 AM
Jeff Shesol, a presidential speechwriter during Bill Clinton’s second term as well as a book and comic-strip author, posted a piece Friday on The New Yorker’s website about “how Republicans have learned to stop worrying and love the lawsuit” – or, less charitably, about conservatives setting aside their traditional opposition to judicial activism whenever an activist decision would benefit them…

Leftist Blogger Lumps Tea Party With Pro-Russia Forces That Shot Down

July 18th, 2014 2:10 PM
In a Friday-morning post, Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall likened the Tea Party to pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine who apparently are responsible for the shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Marshall wrote, “Here we have them break into nursing homes to photographs [sic] senator's comatose wives; there Putin gives them heavy armaments designed for full…

Fmr. WashPost Editor Steve Coll Invokes Taliban in Critique of Hobby L

July 3rd, 2014 12:21 AM
If you’re choosing one person who best represents America’s journalistic establishment, it’d be hard to top Steve Coll, a former Washington Post reporter and managing editor who’s now dean of Columbia University’s journalism school; a member of the Pulitzer Prize board; and a staff writer for the New Yorker. On Wednesday, Coll posted a piece on the New Yorker’s website in which he argued that…

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin: Ted Cruz’s Goal Is a Right-Wing ‘Purificatio

June 28th, 2014 4:44 PM
Last fall, not long after the federal government’s partial shutdown ended, The New Yorker’s David Denby alleged that shutdown point man Ted Cruz seemed to be pursuing the presidency “by sowing as much confusion and disorder as possible—playing the joker in a seemingly nihilistic charade whose actual intent is a rational grab for power.” There’s nothing as pointed or nasty as that in “The…

Jane Mayer: Tip O'Neill Handled Beirut Attack Appropriately, While Iss

May 7th, 2014 12:32 PM
Chris Matthews's recent book Tip and the Gipper examined how President Reagan and Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill sometimes set aside their ideological differences in favor of compromising and dealmaking. In a Tuesday post, the New Yorker's Jane Mayer also portrays the '80s O'Neill positively, but in her case it's to contrast his statesmanlike reaction to terrorist attacks that occurred on…

Mourning Their Idiot: Liberals Are Seriously Exaggerating the Loss of

April 15th, 2014 7:12 AM
One of the tender mercies of Stephen Colbert's ascension to the "Late Show" set at CBS is his shedding of the faux-conservative "high-status idiot" character. To conservatives, this "Colbert" has never seemed authentic or sustained cleverness -- how many times can you say you don't read or even like books? It mostly marks the deep ruts of liberal arrogance in their own mental superiority.…

'New Yorker' Editor: U.S. Lacks 'Historical Leverage' Against Russia B

March 3rd, 2014 9:51 AM
Appearing on NBC's Today on Monday, New Yorker magazine editor and former Washington Post Moscow correspondent David Remnick fretted that the United States lacked the moral authority to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine: "The United States also does not have the leverage it wants in historical terms. Invading countries is something the United States knows about from really raw experience. And…

New Yorker Writer Claims Heroin Helped Philip Seymour Hoffman Performa

February 5th, 2014 10:20 AM
Of all the stories written about the tragedy of the life of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman being cut short by heroin, the most bizarre has to be the article written by Lee "Sockpuppet" Siegel at the New Yorker. Unbelievably Siegel has actually found an upside to Hoffman's heroin addiction. He claims that it  helped Hoffman's performances. I kid you not. Here is Siegel coming close to glorifying…

Obama Plays Race Card on Falling Poll Numbers While New Yorker's Remni

January 19th, 2014 10:04 PM
Much will be written, and should be, about President Barack Obama's whining that racism partially explains the year-long plunge in his popularity since his reelection in 2012. What's also worth noting about the ponderous and painfully long (18 web pages) January 27 writeup in The New Yorker ("Going the Distance; On and off the road with Barack Obama") is David Remnick's apparent obsessions with…

That Snobby New Yorker: Don't Hate Roger Ailes, Hate... Fox News Fans

January 13th, 2014 10:05 PM
Jill Lepore at The New Yorker magazine took on the new book on Roger Ailes by comparing Ailes to William Randolph Hearst. This is odd, since Hearst’s actual tycoon character at Fox would be Rupert Murdoch, not Ailes. In one classic paragraph, Lepore explained that urbane liberals shouldn’t be so lazy as to despise Ailes (as they did Hearst) when they should really loathe “the vulgarity and…

As Obamacare Flails and Fails, New Yorker Mag Writer We

November 22nd, 2013 10:20 AM is so insecure that IT experts say they wouldn't use it themselves. The supposedly firm November 30 deadline for the web site's repair and recovery really isn't. Back-end problems abound. Earlier this week, Henry Chao told a congressional committee that "the back-office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems, they still need be built." That is, they apparently haven…

New Yorker Mag Cover Slams Obama and Sebelius

November 1st, 2013 11:10 AM
Don't look now, but even New Yorker magazine is piling on the disaster that is ObamaCare. Take a gander at the cover for the issue to hit newstands Monday: