Desperate Carney Latches Onto Ryan Lizza's 'No Trouble

October 19th, 2013 4:27 PM
The White House is apparently so desperate to pump anything positive about the disaster known as that it took a reporter's ability to "set up an account" as proof that the web site is working fine for some users. Uh, no. Early Thursday afternoon, Ryan Lizza, the Washington correspondent for The New Yorker (also the guy who may have been in the best position to prove that Barack…

New Yorker Mag Cover Depicts Empire State Building as Anthony Weiner's

July 26th, 2013 3:04 PM
Is nothing sacred? Next week's cover of New Yorker magazine features a drawing of disgraced mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner straddling the Empire State Building with the top spire obviously representing his genitals: Artist John Cuneo explained how he came up with the idea:

Former Interns Say New Yorker, Condé Nast Paid Less Than $1 Per Hour

June 13th, 2013 6:49 PM
Judging from a recent lawsuit filing, it would appear that Condé Nast Publications, owner of many well-known magazines, has a serious case of Algoreitis: preaching liberalism as a philosophy for everyone else but not living it themselves. Earlier today, two former interns, one of whom worked at the New Yorker and another who worked at W Magazine, filed a lawsuit against the big media…

Nicholas Kristof's Ridiculous IRS Spin: 'Every Second Term Has Scandal

June 3rd, 2013 3:04 PM
Is the IRS scandal just not that big a deal in New York City? Perhaps for out-of-touch journos like liberal Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and The New Yorker editor David Remnick, who downplayed the controversy on Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS. Kristof predictably spun the scandals into a "so what?" narrative for the White House: "I think it's true that the White House has often been tone-…

University of Oklahoma Touts Plagiarist Fareed Zakaria As Commencement

March 11th, 2013 11:00 AM
The University of Oklahoma, like every higher education institution in the country, is opposed to plagiarism.  So why did the home of the Sooners invite admitted plagiarist Fareed Zakaria to deliver the class of 2013's commencement address after the CNN anchor and Time plagiarism scandal? In a statement announcing Zakaria's selection, University of Oklahoma President David Boren insisted…

Did The New Yorker Draw Dirty Pic of Pope

March 6th, 2013 12:28 PM
It’s probably not too much of a stretch to say the just-retired Pope Benedict XVI isn’t a terribly popular figure around the offices of The New Yorker, one of the flagship publications of East Coast liberalism. One subtle clue might be the Feb. 12 article, “The Disastrous Influence of Pope Benedict XVI,” in which John Cassidy accused “Benedict’s Vatican” of “setting its face against the modern…

Scarborough Clashes With 'New Yorker' Editor Over Mag's Bush-Bashing O

October 24th, 2012 10:07 AM
Some serious fur flew on the Morning Joe set today, as Joe Scarborough clashed with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker.  Setting Scarborough off was the magazine's endorsement of Barack Obama that lauded the president for relieving the "national shame inflicted by the Bush administration." Scarborough saracastically asked Remnick "who got paid the bonus for being able to squeeze in,…

‘Atlas Shrugged 2’ Gives Media Another Chance to Demonize Rand

October 9th, 2012 12:09 PM
Traditional media weren’t the biggest fans of the movie “Atlas Shrugged: Part I” when it was released in April 2011. With “Atlas Shrugged Part II: The Strike” set to hit theaters on Oct. 12, it’ll be hard to top the derision of the last movie. Most reviews of the first film were short and to the point – this movie was terrible because conservatives, more specifically the Tea Party, will like…

New Yorker Writer: Obama Ditched Outdoor Stadium Speech Because of Hum

September 11th, 2012 1:03 PM
The title of John Cassidy's column in the New Yorker is "Rational Irrationality" but after reading the reason he gives for Barack Obama ditching his outdoor stadium speech at the Democrat convention in Charlotte, NC, I think it would be safe to ditch the "Rational" part of the column title. One of the big reasons why Cassidy pretty much comes off as completely irrational was his explanation…

Anti-Catholic Media Claim Paul Ryan is Not Catholic Enough

September 3rd, 2012 11:04 AM
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is a Catholic – but not a good enough Catholic in the eyes of the media. Writers, bloggers, and talking heads have hammered Ryan for his supposed “dissent” from Catholic teaching. Journalists have falsely claimed that the bishops “rebuked” Ryan and called his budget “un-Christian.” Writers who usually scorn the Church and its hierarchy fretted…

CNN's Kurtz Credits NewsBusters With Exposing Zakaria's 'Cardinal Jour

August 12th, 2012 8:29 PM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN host Howard Kurtz lashed out at CNN’s own host Fareed Zakaria for committing plagiarism in a gun control article for Time magazine. Kurtz gave credit to us: “A conservative watchdog site Newsbusters, acting on a tip from the NRA, broke the story that Fareed's column was not entirely his own work.” Kurtz put the two passages side by side on the screen to…

Time, CNN Star Fareed Zakaria Suspended for Admitted Plagiarism

August 10th, 2012 6:19 PM
[UPDATED below page break: TIME magazine, CNN have suspended Zakaria.] When CNN host and Time editor-at-large Fareed Zakaria wrote a new piece called “The Case for Gun Control,” it ended with a bang: “So when people throw up their hands and say we can't do anything about guns, tell them they're being un-American--and unintelligent.” Here’s something that suggests a lack of intelligence:…

New Yorker Magazine Was Set to Depict Roberts Pushing Granny Down the

July 10th, 2012 9:58 PM
Anticipating “a real defeat for Obama and the end of health-care coverage for many,” The New Yorker had several covers ready to go if ObamaCare was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, including one which depicted Chief Justice John Roberts poised to push an elderly woman in a wheelchair down the Court's stairs. Francoise Mouly was so sure that ObamaCare would be struck down that…

New Yorker Magazine Cover: White House With Rainbow Columns

May 13th, 2012 4:29 PM
The media's victory lap for President Obama's flipflop on same-sex marriage is starting to get downright disgraceful. The cover of Monday's issue of New Yorker magazine features an animated picture of the White House with rainbow columns: