CNN's Fareed Zakaria Returns ADL Award in Protest to Position on Groun

August 9th, 2010 4:51 PM
At the top of his eponymous program yesterday, CNN's Fareed Zakaria took drastic action to protest the Anti-Defamation League's opposition to the proposed Ground Zero mosque. Zakaria, who was honored by the ADL in 2005 with the Hubert H. Humphrey First Amendment Freedoms Prize, gave back his award because he was "deeply saddened" by the group's respect for the families of 9/11 victims who oppose…

Special NB Bonus: Notable Quotables that Couldn't Fit Into the Regular

August 9th, 2010 11:29 AM
Too much bias, not enough space. Collecting quotes for the latest edition of MRC’s bi-weekly Notable Quotables, I found more outrageous liberal eruptions than could fit into the normal newsletter. So, just for NewsBusters readers, here are a dozen worthy quotes that just couldn’t squeeze into the regular issue:■ Confusing Tired Liberal Cliches with Economic Strategy“Let’s let the entire slew of…

Howard Fineman: Obama's Economic Policies 'Saved The Day

August 7th, 2010 1:33 PM
Despite unemployment sitting at 9.5 percent and over 3 million jobs lost since this President was inaugurated, Newsweek's Howard Fineman says the economic policies enacted by Barack Obama "were good ones and smart ones and saved the day."Chatting with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on Friday's "Countdown," Fineman was nicely set up by the shill asking the questions."Does anyone -- can anyone actually…

Bozell Column: Newsweek, Still Devolving

August 3rd, 2010 11:14 PM
There’s something oddly funny about the cluelessness of liberal media companies when their ratings fall or their subscriptions collapse. They just refuse to admit, even consider that the business problem could be (at least in part) their own incessant liberal agitating. Instead, they seem to double down and make things even worse.ABC’s Sunday show “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” could…

Bozell: The Price Is Right -- Newsweek Only Worth

August 3rd, 2010 4:20 PM
Managing Editor's Note: NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell issued the following statement about The Washington Post Company selling Newsweek to the guy from RoboCop Sidney Harman, for a grand total of one dollar: There’s something entirely believable about the Newsweek sale.  A left-winger pretending to be centrist sold it to another left-winger pretending to be centrist. Newsweek is a…

Wash. Post Company Chairman Sells Newsweek to Harman Because of Comfor

August 2nd, 2010 5:29 PM
Although it's not clear if Sidney Harman made the best offer of the suitors vying to purchase Newsweek magazine, there is one reason that was made clear by Donald E. Graham, chairman of The Washington Post Co. (NYSE:WPO). According to Mike Allen at Politico, Harman's bid was accepted by Graham partly because he felt comfortable with Harman's politics. "Graham felt comfortable with Harman's…

Newsweek's Bizarre Sherrod Response: Touting the Remorseless Rev. Shar

August 1st, 2010 7:36 AM
Newsweek magazine is so shameless that its response to the Shirley Sherrod saga was to put Al Sharpton on the cover, touting that "in debate, no one has a quicker mind or tongue," and his "political instincts are unmatched" and "his personal charisma has been undimmed since high school." When you want to charge the conservative media with shameless fraud, is it really the ideal week to highlight…

Newsweek's Clift Laments Rangel's Fall From Grace, Presents Harlem De

July 30th, 2010 4:00 PM
Imagine that it's 2006, and an elderly, long-serving conservative U.S. congressman from a deep-red congressional district is facing congressional hearings regarding charges of corruption and tax evasion. Also imagine that this congressman was caught on camera being exceedingly condescending and dismissive when asked about these charges by a young reporter. The media drumbeat of indignation would…

Brent Bozell's Open Letter to WaPo Editor Regarding JournoList Scandal

July 28th, 2010 12:50 PM
Managing Editor's Note: What follows is an open letter from NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell to Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli about the controversial [now defunct] e-mail listserv JournoList, founded and operated by the Post's Ezra Klein.The JournoList scandal is getting worse every day and The Washington Post is at the center of it. Blogger Ezra Klein ran the operation and…

Syracuse Journalism Prof: Sherrod's NAACP Was Testimony of God's 'Amaz

July 27th, 2010 1:00 PM
Shirley Sherrod's now-infamous March speech before an NAACP audience is recognizable to practicing Christians as a "testimony." That's the spin that Syracuse journalism professor and former Washington Post staff writer R. Gustav Niebuhr brought to Newsweek/Washington Post's On Faith feature in a July 26 Under God blog post:As she said to members of the Georgia NAACP back on that March day, she…

NPR Invites Newsweek's Alter to Attack 'Fox Obsessions' and 'Notorious

July 24th, 2010 12:03 PM
In all of its Shirley Sherrod coverage this week, National Public Radio never managed to interview a conservative guest on the subject (other than a few tossed-in audio clips of Andrew Breitbart), although NPR never landed a Sherrod interview, either, despite her whirlwind tour. On Wednesday night's All Things Considered news program, anchor Michele Norris interviewed Newsweek columnist Jonathan…

Newsweek's Alter: Fox News Led to Sherrod's Forced Resignation; Van Jo

July 22nd, 2010 4:13 PM
My colleagues Brad Wilmouth and Lachlan Markay have catalogued how Fox News hosts played no role in the forced resignation of former USDA bureaucrat Shirley Sherrod over perceived racist remarks.But why let the truth get in the way of a good screed? Just ask Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, who published a postmortem yesterday to the magazine's The Gaggle blog on "[h]ow the administration mishandled a…

Newsweek Mocks 'Poor Little CEO's,' Attacks Private Sector

July 21st, 2010 9:44 AM
The news media love to bash businesses and support regulation, so Newsweek's mockery of the CEO class and claims that they accomplished nothing between 2001 and 2009 shouldn't be a surprise. In his July 20 "Poor Little CEO's" story, Newsweek's Daniel Gross, known for his "tea bagging" comments and staunch defense of Obama, derided a July 12 "Jobs for America" summit held by the U.S…

Newsweek Promotes the 'Resurrection of Charlie Crist

July 18th, 2010 6:59 PM
Since neither of the likely Democrat nominees for the Senate from Florida appear to have a chance in hell of winning the general election, Newsweek has thrown its obvious support behind the conservative Republican in the race.Just kidding!The likelihood of that happening ranks right around zero which is why Newsweek is promoting Florida governor Charlie Crist, running in that race as an…