Newsweek Fawns Over Lady Gaga's Music Videos

July 16th, 2010 3:19 PM
Newsweek’s Ramin Setoodeh apparently really likes controversial pop star Lady Gaga, enough to praise her for revolutionizing music vidoes while ignoring her controversial "artistic" decisions. In a July 15 article, “I Want My Music Video,” Setoodeh gushed over Lady Gaga, as well as YouTube, for helping revitalize the dying art of the music video. But not once did Setoodeh point out how…

Attacks on Business Fill Newsweek's List of 'Best Business Literature

July 15th, 2010 1:36 PM
If Newsweek magazine isn't anti-business enough for you, perhaps their list of "Business Books You Need to Read Now" will satisfy. On July 14, Newsweek published a list of ten books they described as "best business literature out there." The list of ten current titles was decidedly anti-business. Newsweek included an interview with each book's author. The list included: "War at the Wall…

Newsweek's Graham: Conservative Ire Over New Black Panther Voter Intim

July 14th, 2010 5:02 PM
During the previous presidential administration, the liberal media were more than happy to promote the Left's allegations of improper political interference by Bush officials in the workings of the federal government. The Bushies improperly revised government scientists' conclusions, bullied CIA analysts over their interpretation of Iraq intelligence, and perhaps worst of all, politicized the…

Eleanor Clift: Obama's Poll Numbers Down Because He Hasn't Blamed Bush

July 14th, 2010 11:19 AM
After the release of a number of polls Tuesday showing President Obama's favorability rating plummeting, his minions in the media were out in force trying to blame the slide on something or someone else.Newsweek's Eleanor Clift, ever the dutiful shill always at a Democrat's service when the chips are down, took a predictably absurd tack: Obama hasn't blamed George W. Bush enough for all that ails…

Newsweek Bombshell: 'Environment No Longer a Surefire Political Winner

July 12th, 2010 10:35 AM
After pushing manmade global warming for years, the folks at Newsweek appear to be cooling on the idea.Prominently placed at the front page of the magazine's website Monday was a large, overhead picture of what appeared to be a golf fairway or park with the following headline in green:A Green Retreat: Why the Environment is No Longer a Surefire Political WinnerEven more surprising was the…

Newsweek Mocks Reagan Enthusiasts As Idolatrous Conservatives with Sha

July 9th, 2010 4:18 PM
With just a few word changes, Andrew Romano's lead paragraph for his latest Newsweek item would make perfect sense: Grown men don’t tend to worship other grown men—unless, of course, they happen to be professional journalists, in which case no bow is too deep, and no praise too fawning, for the 44th president of the United States: Saint Barack Obama.Only in his version, it's "professional…

Time: 'Is Bobby Jindal Making Sense

July 8th, 2010 6:13 PM
While the media have apparently given up -- if they ever seriously attempted -- on holding the Obama administration to account for its handling of the Gulf oil spill cleanup, Republican governors in the Gulf are a different story, particularly Louisiana's Bobby Jindal, a potential 2012 presidential hopeful.In a short post at entitled "Battlefield General: Is Bobby Jindal Making Sense?",…

Newsweek Promotes Parent-free Pill Access for Teens

July 7th, 2010 3:07 PM
Should it be easier for your teenage daughter to get birth control pills without your knowledge? One Newsweek contributor thinks so. In a July 7 op-ed, Meredith Melnick praised the “movement” to make the Pill more accessible by making it available over the counter, in part because it would remove parents from the equation. “Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to access problems because it is…

Newsweek: Sexist Treatment of Republican Women is Sarah Palin's Fault

July 3rd, 2010 2:00 PM
Newsweek on Saturday did an astonishingly poor job of exploring why Republican women are suddenly being attacked for their beauty even suggesting it's all the former governor of Alaska's fault."There seems to be an insistent, increasingly excitable focus on the supposed hotness of Republican women in the public eye, like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, and Nikki Haley-not to…

The NYT's Skewed View: Liberal Newsweek 'Strives to Be Apolitical," Fa

July 2nd, 2010 9:12 AM
Two stories in Thursday's New York Times featured the paper avoiding pinning liberal labels on two media organs: the liberal newsmagazine Newsweek and the far-left political blog Daily Kos.Reporter Jeremy Peters insisted in Thursday's Business Day that the left-leaning magazine Newsweek was "apolitical," yet easily spotted a right tilt in two potential purchasers of the struggling weekly: "2…

Failing Newsweek Rejects Bid from Conservative Buyer

July 1st, 2010 11:35 AM
If the folks at Newsweek had a Bartlett's handy, they might know that Albert Einstein is credited with defining insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." But The New York Times reported June 30 that the Washington Post Company is committed enough to the failing magazine's liberal ideology that it has rejected a bid from a conservative buyer. "The…

Newsweek Blogger: Tea Party Coverage Isn't Harsh Enough

June 22nd, 2010 4:53 PM
Newsweek blogger Ben Adler thinks the national media are giving the Tea Parties gentle treatment. "Unfortunately," Adler wrote in a June 21 post, "what appear to be false notions of objectivity - or perhaps a lack of interest in policy - is preventing that coverage from illuminating what the movement actually represents and what it would do if empowered." Adler complained that a recent…

Flashback: Media Promoted Military Criticism of President Bush

June 22nd, 2010 2:03 PM
No general should criticize his or her commander, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal is no exception. But the mainstream media is primarily concerned with the political fallout of McChrystal's apparent insubordination as revealed by a piece in Rolling Stone. They are not concerned with whether his critiques are accurate, in stark contrast to other military officers' critiques of war policy under the…

Newsweek Wonders if Utah Republicans Will 'Play Dirty' by Voting for L

June 22nd, 2010 11:30 AM
Liberals in the media frequently paint conservatives and Tea Party activists as pushing the GOP too far to the right to be electable in general elections. But the same complaint isn't repeated on an endless loop when it comes to leftist activists challenging more centrist Democratic incumbents in primary contests. In fact, in some of those occasions, the media find a way to cast aspersions on…