Newsweek Warns GOP Could Try 'A Willie Horton Replay' on Arizona Immig

May 9th, 2010 6:43 AM
Political junkies under 30 might not be so familiar with Willie Horton, the murderer who stabbed a gas station attendant like a pin cushion. He became a major issue in the 1988 presidential race when supporters of George H.W. Bush noted that under Gov. Michael Dukakis, Horton was let out of jail on weekend furloughs, and on one, he abducted and raped a woman in Maryland.Ever since then, liberal…

Angry Journalists Refuse to Review Anti-Obama Book

May 8th, 2010 2:42 PM
One of the worst ways that the lack of ideological diversity in America's newsrooms shows forth is in the media's treatment of sensational accusations against the current president.Oftentimes, explosive allegations against presidents are either untrue or drastically overstated: George W. Bush deliberately lying to get the U.S. to war so he can cash in or deliberately ignoring Hurricaine Katrina…

Newsweek Offers Offensive Explanation For Why Media Ignored Nashville

May 7th, 2010 12:06 PM
NewsBusters on Wednesday shared a truly heartbreaking video with its readers dealing with the Nashville flood that so many people in the nation hadn't heard about due to the media's focus on the Gulf oil spill and Faisal Shahzad.News outlets are beginning to try to explain to their patrons why such a devastating event got so over-shadowed.On Thursday, Newsweek's Andrew Romano offered his view on…

Newsweek Hysterically Accuses Media of Helping Tea Party in Indiana

May 5th, 2010 10:33 PM
On Wednesday, Newsweek's Andrew Romano celebrated news out of Indiana that "establishment" Republican Dan Coats fended off two conservative opponents in the Senate primary. Romano's obvious delight came through loud and clear starting with the headline, "The Tea Party is Now Irrelevant in Indiana." You see, one loss in a Senate primary was enough to declare the movement DOA - and Romano was…

Flashback: Newsweek as Obamaweek; Might It Help Explain Their Downfall

May 5th, 2010 1:34 PM
News today that the Washington Post Company has put the money-losing Newsweek up for sale reminded me of how during the last presidential campaign the “news” weekly repeatedly showcased their favorite candidate, Barack Obama, on the cover. Might such obvious blatant liberal advocacy, which anyone could see in the grocery store checkout line, help explain its decline in fortunes – in credibility…

Washington Post Co. Seeking to Unload Money-losing Newsweek

May 5th, 2010 12:13 PM
Apparently all those loyal subscribers from dentist offices all over the fruited plain just isn't cutting it anymore.Andrew Vanacore of the Associated Press has the story:NEW YORK—The Washington Post Co. is putting Newsweek up for sale in hopes that another owner can figure out how to stem losses at the 77-year-old weekly magazine. While magazines in general have struggled with steep…

Newsweek Reporter: Why Arizona Isn't Crazy

May 5th, 2010 6:38 AM
While the vast majority of national media stories from the controversy over Arizona's new immigration law are sympathetically centered on the plight of the illegal alien, Eve Conant offered a stunning contrast inside the pages of Newsweek based on reporting from Arizona last year. She said you might think the suburbs of Phoenix "were a safe and friendly place to raise kids. Ask me now and I'd say…

Newsweek Tries to Sell Hillary and Obama as...Starsky and Hutch

May 1st, 2010 8:14 AM
Newsweek will go to some pretty silly lengths to paint Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as no liberal hippies on foreign policy. Their cover story promoted Hillary as "Obama's Bad Cop" and a "steely messenger." The cover story by Michael Hirsh went further, comparing Hillary and Obama to the 1970s TV buddy cops "Starsky and Hutch."Hirsh began at the Copenhagen global-warming summit, which most…

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Pro-abortion Activist Scorned

April 30th, 2010 3:00 PM
"After a recent NEWSWEEK article angered many young abortion-rights activists, we gathered a roundtable to discuss the future of the movement," the magazine noted on its Web site today.The recent article in question was Sarah Kliff's April 16 Web-published article "Remember Roe!", in which the writer lamented the "lack of passion" among millennial generation pro-choicers.  Apparently Kliff's…

Race-Obsessed Professor Helps Media 'Prove' Tea Partiers Are Racist

April 27th, 2010 8:38 PM
News outlets across the country have latched on to a survey that suggests TEA party supporters tend to be resentful toward minorities. Newsweek published two different pieces on the same item, while a handful of newspapers also gleefully relayed the findings. There are just a few problems. First, the survey was conducted by a University of Washington professor bent on proving racism exists…

Newsweek's Transparent Call for Legalizing Gay Marriage

April 26th, 2010 6:52 PM
Newsweek's article "The Right to Love - and Loss" pretends to fight for gay couples' "right" to divorce. Instead, it is simply a transparent ruse to fight for gay marriage. How else could gay divorce be legal unless gay marriage preceded it?In a shining example of journalistic bias, reporter Eve Conant included seven different sources in favor of the government recognizing gay divorce (and hence…

Hitchens Boasts About Anti-Papal Stunt in Newsweek; Hints Vatican is F

April 26th, 2010 5:59 PM
Newsweek continued its campaign against the Catholic Church on Friday by letting one of the leading atheist (not to leave out anti-Catholic) voices internationally, Christopher Hitchens, spout half-truths and smears about Pope Benedict XVI and the Church. Most egregiously, Hitchens inaccurately stated that Vatican City "was created by Benito Mussolini," thus trying to tie Catholicism to fascism.…

Newsweek Writer Claims 200,000 Coffee Party Members

April 24th, 2010 7:34 PM
Does anyone out there remember the Coffee Parties? You can be forgiven if you have forgotten them. They made a brief appearance due to media driven hype over a month ago and then quickly disappeared from view when they inspired a collective yawn from the public. The photo at right shows a typical Coffee Party "rally" from back then. Typical in that few people showed up to protest against private…

Media Reality Check: 20 Years of Advocacy, Not Journalism, On Global W

April 22nd, 2010 3:04 PM
For more than two decades, the so-called mainstream media have preached the dangers of manmade global warming, insisting American businesses and consumers must make massive economic sacrifices to ward off a global climate catastrophe. Not even last November’s exposure of e-mails from leading scientists on the alarmist side of the debate — showing them conniving to fudge or suppress data,…