Newsweek's Liz White Complains of 'ObamaCare' Label Use Again

April 21st, 2010 6:02 PM
Last month I noted Newsweek's Liz White's complaint about the term "ObamaCare" being used as shorthand for the Democratic health care legislation. White griped that the term was "ominous-sounding" and favored by the legislation's conservative opponents as reasons why mainstream media outlets should eschew the term.Now a full 27 days later, White is back at it with her complaint about the term "…

After Obsessing Over Enron's Political Friends, Media Mostly Ignore Mu

April 20th, 2010 5:02 PM
President Obama has extensive ties to Goldman Sachs. Yet even given record-breaking financial contributions and sketchy relationships between Goldman executives and Obama officials at the highest level, the mainstream media will not afford Obama the same scrutiny it gave to George W. Bush during the collapse of Enron.Obama's inflation-adjusted $1,007,370.85 in contributions from Goldman employees…

Newsweek's Kliff Laments 'Lack of Passion' Among Millennial Generation

April 20th, 2010 1:06 PM
"How can the next generation defend abortion rights when they don't think abortion rights need defending?"That's the question posed by the subheader to Sarah Kliff's article for the April 26 dead-tree edition of Newsweek entitled, "Remember Roe!" You may recall Kliff as the Newsweek staffer who complained that the House of Representatives has an "anti-abortion rights majority." In her April 26…

Liberal Media-Speak: When a 'Stubborn Catholic' Loves Atheist Rants Ag

April 18th, 2010 7:52 AM
It's quite clever and misleading for Newsweek and The Washington Post to name their religion site "On Faith." It's a little like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals starting a website simply called "On Meat." Author Donna Freitas, called "The Stubborn Catholic," is absolutely thrilled with the idea that two very publicly vicious atheists want to arrest the Pope when he visits the United…

Honoring How Justice Stevens Channeled His 'Inner Wise Latina Woman

April 17th, 2010 6:46 PM
Newsweek's Dahlia Lithwick and law professor Sonja West wrote for about how empathy is a much better quality than diversity in Supreme Court justices: "If we can't in fact have a court that looks like America, we should seek a court that feels for America." But this push grew really weird when they suggested retiring Justice John Paul Stevens was somehow a Latina:  He grew up white,…

Newsweek Denounces Hateful 'Antigovernment Extremists' -- Like Glenn B

April 15th, 2010 4:39 PM
The April 19 Newsweek cover that's shamelessly selling the "remarkable" tale of our economic recovery also promises a story on "Hate on the Right." In fact the word "HATE" takes up half a page, white letters on a black background, with the subhead "Antigovernment extremists are on the rise – and on the march." Pictures illustrating the article strangely connect Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin with…

Newsweek's Ben Adler Slams 'Stupid Idea' of Putting 'Tax' On Homeless

April 15th, 2010 12:29 PM
Combining bleeding heart bluster with soak-the-rich envy, Newsweek's Ben Adler savaged liberal billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an April 14 The Gaggle blog post for his green-lighting city homeless shelters to levy a monthly rent on residents who hold down jobs:Don't complain about your taxes today, they are surely less than the 44 percent of one's income that homeless New…

Fineman: Private Campaign Financing More 'Sordid' Than Spending Money

April 14th, 2010 11:53 AM
In Howard Fineman's mind, the real "sordid" story behind the now infamous RNC/Voyeur Club kerfuffle is not the inappropriateness of the venue or the expensing of the outing on the donors' dime, but the whole system of raising money from large-dollar private donors in the first place. The Newsweek writer complained in the April 19 print edition:Talk about bondage. It feels like we are in thrall to…

Brian Williams, Media Critic? Anchor Questions Newsweek's Headline 'Am

April 13th, 2010 10:07 AM
After the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) cracked the 11,000 mark on April 12, some are asking if the economy is back. And while some want to credit President Barack Obama for this so-called recovery, is this financial market rally a true indicator of returning economic prosperity?  The anchor of "NBC Nightly News" asked just that question, pointing out the cover of the April 19 issue of…

Justice Stevens a Conservative

April 12th, 2010 10:02 PM
Retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is actually a conservative according to Newsweek columnist Andrew Romano, who apparently hasn't read any Supreme Court decisions in the last 20 years or so.Romano rejects the notion that Stevens is a liberal, going so far as to chastise his fellow members of the media who frequently get suckered by "whichever shorthand, cheat-sheet label gets…

Newsweek Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patrio

April 12th, 2010 6:40 PM
Why does the mainstream media keep trotting out the Boy Who Cried Right-Wing Terrorist? Better known as Mark Potok of the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center, he has been trumpeted by a number of media outlets seeking to promote the notion that "right-wingers" are lurking behind every corner to overthrow the federal government.The fact that he is consistently wrong about, well, just about…

Newsweek Editor Promotes Obama View that Opponents Are 'Afraid of the

April 8th, 2010 11:07 AM
Unsurprisingly, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham bowed deeply to New Yorker editor David Remnick and his new book on their agreed-upon hero, Barack Obama: "envy gives way to admiration" of Remnick’s skills, he wrote in his "Top of the Week" commentary in the magazine. Meacham hyped the notion that when asked about the "racial component of the opposition," Obama told Remnick "I tend to be fairly…

Newsweek: Obama's Nuke Policy 'Middle of the Road

April 7th, 2010 11:54 AM
President Obama is staking out "middle ground" on the new Nuclear Posture Review, Newsweek's Liz White insists in a 3-paragraph-long April 6 The Gaggle blog post.White concludes so because Obama is getting flak from allies on his left and critics on his right.  While it's true that in that sense, Obama is in the middle of criticism from both sides, in a broader historical sense, Obama is…

Bozell Column: The Media's Vatican Coup

April 6th, 2010 11:10 PM
Our secular liberal media elites are never more poisonously insincere than when they recommend that conservatives should move closer to liberals, for their own good. Witnessing the relentless media attacks on the Catholic Church, no member of the flock should assume that the agitators at Newsweek or the New York Times know best how to steer the faithful – or even believe they want to help the…