Name That Party: Capsizing Island Edition

April 2nd, 2010 11:57 AM
Yesterday, Newsweek's The Gaggle blog shared with its readers video of Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., in a congressional hearing expressing his concern that expanding the U.S. military presence on Guam might cause the island to tip over: My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.Yet in the caption beneath the video embed, Newsweek failed to…

Newsweek's Kliff: House of Reps Has 'Anti-Abortion-Rights Majority

April 1st, 2010 4:53 PM
"A strong Democratic majority in Congress does not mean a strong abortion-rights majority," Newsweek's Sarah Kliff lamented in a March 31 "Web exclusive," the subhead for which asks "[W]hy is there an anti-abortion-rights majority in the House?" "That fact became painfully clear during the health-care-reform debate, when intraparty fissures over abortion threatened to derail the Democrats'…

Captionfest: Newsweek's Idea of An April Fools' Joke

April 1st, 2010 3:36 PM
Ah, good ol' Joe Biden, America's favorite uncle. At least, the American Left's favorite, according to Newsweek's Katie Connolly in her March 30 "Web exclusive" entitled, "Say It Just So, Joe: Liberals love Joe Biden because he keeps things interesting in the White House."

Newsweek Helps Energy Secretary Chu Push Cap-and-Trade

April 1st, 2010 11:48 AM
At Newsweek, the global warming crusade remains an important mission. The magazine's latest push came in an interview by CNN contributor Fareed Zakharia of Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Zakaria threw softballs to Chu throughout the article, as Newsweek showed it was simply a matter of when - not if - the administration should continue to pursue a drastic environmental agenda. It was revealing…

Happy Easter, Newsweek Fans: Religion Editor Defines Jesus as 'Typical

March 30th, 2010 8:13 AM
Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller has two big articles in this week's issue. "The Bad Shepherd" is another piece trashing Pope Benedict over the sex-abuse charges emerging in Europe. But Miller even trashed Jesus Christ as a "typically cranky" religious figure. This came in an excerpt from Miller's new book on Heaven, as she explained how implausible the religious concept of resurrection is:…

Newsweek Rolls Eyes at 'ObamaCare' Label But Loved Dismissive 'Reagano

March 25th, 2010 4:00 PM
Newsweek's Liz White took to her magazine's The Gaggle blog today to decry how conservatives critical of the Democratic health care bill have slapped it with "the ominous-sounding term ‘Obamacare.'"You see, most mainstream media sources only use the term when quoting opponents of the bill or when "carefully placed in quotations or alongside an explanation that Obamacare is how opposition refers…

Newsweek vs. Catholic Church's 'Whiff of Freakishness

March 24th, 2010 3:50 PM
Newsweek knows who they hate. Its section "The Take" in the March 29 edition begins with a full-page picture of Pope Benedict with this nasty sentence imposed above his head: "I would argue that the pope is already sufficiently tainted to trade his Prada shoes for a hair shirt for the rest of his life." Turn to page 24, and Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller’s hate-filled column is titled "Save…

Newsweek's Katie Paul: It's 'Nonsense' That al Qaeda Hates West For It

March 24th, 2010 12:35 PM
"Let's just get it out of the way right off that bat that Al Qaeda madmen don't actually want to blast through bridges, skyscrapers, and subways in righteous protest of the First Amendment," an exasperated Katie Paul began her March 23 tirade about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent address to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)."It's mind-boggling that…

MSNBC’s Fineman: ObamaCare is ‘Preservation & Enhancement of Exist

March 23rd, 2010 7:42 AM
Appearing on Monday’s Countdown show, MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman – also of Newsweek – dismissed Republican promises of working to repeal ObamaCare, suggesting that because it would be nearly impossible to have the numbers in Congress to do so after the next election, Republicans are merely using the issue as a fundraising and political ploy: "This isn`t about mathematics, Keith, it`s about…

Breaking News on NBC: Michelle Obama Is Not Anti-Twinkie

March 19th, 2010 7:39 AM
It's gooey enough that Newsweek awarded Michelle Obama its cover story this week, titled "Feed Your Children Well: My Fight Against Childhood Obesity." On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams added to the popularity-boosting effort by determining that she is not anti-Twinkie:  BRIAN WILLIAMS: On the same subject, first lady Michelle Obama today continued her campaign against…

Nuns Sign Pro-ObamaCare Letter; AP, Newsweek Fail to Note Left-wing Ca

March 17th, 2010 5:49 PM
"Hot on the heels of Kucinich's declaration of support for health-care reform, the Associated Press is reporting that Catholic nuns are urging Democratic lawmakers to support health-care reform," Newsweek's Katie Connolly informed readers of the magazine's The Gaggle blog this morning. "This is a major break with the church's bishops, who have strongly opposed the legislation on the grounds…

Newsweek's Howard Fineman to Obama: 'Stop Caring What We All Write and

March 14th, 2010 4:36 PM
Newsweek's Howard Fineman has some stellar advice for President Obama in his recent column: stop governing for the press. Though Fineman makes the right diagnosis for Obama's ailment -- his "journalistic" style -- his assessment of its consequences is facile and ignores the intricacies of electoral politics.Fineman insists that it is not really important to cater to the journalistic establishment…

Bozell Column: The Shameless Abortion Carnival

March 10th, 2010 7:03 AM
If anyone was looking for a self-righteous extreme feminist, they found one in Angie Jackson. This is a woman who was so proud she was aborting her baby that she announced she would "tweet" her chemical-cocktail abortion live, as it happened, on Twitter. The liberal media found this made-for-TV slaughter fascinating, and not at all a controversy worthy of discussing with two sides. Newsweek’s…

Malzberg Rips Scarborough For Bush-Newsweek Crop Out: 'Conservative My

March 4th, 2010 10:52 AM
Conservative radio host Steve Malzberg on Wednesday laid into MSNBC and Joe Scarborough for cropping George W. Bush out of the cover of Newsweek.As NewsBusters reported, "Morning Joe" earlier that day showed a picture of the Newsweek cover altered to omit former President Bush's face from the shot. "Big conservative Joe Scarborough. Big conservative my butt," said an angry Malzberg. "They know no…