Newsweek's Connolly: Daddy Obama Needs to Get Congresskids in Line

December 17th, 2009 6:19 PM
Reminiscing about how her father would end dinner table squabbles between her and her sister, Newsweek's Katie Connolly on Tuesday rejoiced that President Obama had said "Enough!" in order to get Senate Democrats in line:Today, it sounds like the president has finally reached that point with the Senate Democrats and their increasingly aggravating health-care squabbles. He's ready to issue a…

Newsweek's Setoodeh: Blame George Bush for Depressing Hollywood Movies

December 16th, 2009 10:16 AM
There is absolutely no shock in stating much of the Hollywood media tend to lean slightly more to the left than a fuel gauge pointing to empty. This week I read the upcoming Oscar season seems to focus on movies trending towards morose and dark subjects, and therefore it was with little surprise, and a great deal of mirth, that I learned from an entertainment writer that the reason behind this…

Newsweek's Adler: Dems Aren't Soft on Crime, Look at Gun Control, Waco

December 15th, 2009 12:48 PM
Tackling "The Myth That Democrats Are Soft on Crime," Newsweek's Ben Adler took to the magazine's The Gaggle blog to critique New York Times columnist Ross Douthat for his latest column. Adler praised Douthat for saying that conservatives need to "take ownership of prison reform" to "correct the system they helped build" but took strong exception to his suggestion that, even so, Democrats "still…

Newsweek Writer: Open Marriages Key to Ending ‘Cheating Scandals

December 11th, 2009 5:43 PM
For Newsweek writer Jenny Block, it's not Tiger Woods who got himself into the trouble he's currently facing, it's his marital vows.   "What should not be tolerated is hypocrisy - and that's where Tiger's vow of marriage got him into trouble," she argued in a Dec. 10 article. "If you want to be monogamous, great - but don't think you can claim it while you sleep around. It's not fair and,…

Newsweek's Connolly: Obama's Nobel About 'America the Ideal

December 10th, 2009 3:39 PM
Newsweek writer and native Australian Katie Connolly set out to lecture American readers today on the magazine's Gaggle blog yesterday about how Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize isn't really about the man or the United States as a country, but rather the U.S. as a lofty ideal -- an ideal she reckons in the eyes of "the collective world" to have been "almost entirely undone" by the Bush…

Newsweek: Recession's Good - Makes Men Do More Housework

December 10th, 2009 2:27 PM
Newsweek writer Kathleen Deveny found a strange way to spin the current economic recession as a blessing in disguise. In a column published Friday called "Unemployed Families Need to Man Up," Deveny visited the topic of working mothers and the difficulties of raising children while juggling a career. Conservatives who broach this subject are usually met with disdain from the liberal media for…

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: Media Refs 'Calling All The Plays' For Obama

December 4th, 2009 6:47 PM
Responding to President Obama criticizing media coverage of the White House jobs summit, on Friday’s Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews wondered why the President wasn’t more appreciative of all the media’s help: “Why would you ride the ref when he’s calling all the plays for you? What’s he out there bashing the media for?” During a town hall meeting in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Friday,…

Newsweek's Sarah Kliff Advises Gay Lobby to Go Federal in Marriage Que

December 3rd, 2009 12:23 PM
Voters in state after state have said no to gay marriage. So what's the lesson Newsweek's Sarah Kliff draws? Well, maybe it's time for the gay marriage lobby to go over the heads of the people and push Congress to act.Reacting to yesterday's 38-24 vote by the Democratic-majority New York State Senate to kill a gay marriage bill, Kliff suggested in a December 2 The Gaggle blog post:Rather than…

Lib Fantasy From Gore Elected in 2000, No 9/11 Attacks o

December 2nd, 2009 4:58 PM on Tuesday offered a bizarre, liberal fantasy that posited what would happen if Al Gore won the 2000 election. Writer David Rakoff composed the supposedly satirical article, which features Gore averting the 9/11 terrorist attacks: "An August 2001 Daily Intelligence Briefing warns, 'Bin Ladin [sic] Determined to Strike in the U.S.,' which prompts the president to authorize the…

Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Names Abu Ghraib ‘Startling Scoop’ of

December 1st, 2009 4:03 PM
Writing for Newsweek magazine’s feature on the top ten “startling scoops” of the past ten years, ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather identified the most shocking: “Abu Ghraib has opened our eyes, serving as a dark icon that reminds us our fiercest enemies – hubris, cruelty, and ignorance – wage war from within.”Rather went on to proclaim that the prisoner abuse scandal “is still the subject of…

Buchanan: Gore’s Moment 'Passed' - No Proof of Manmade Global Warmin

November 29th, 2009 9:55 PM
If you're curious to see how the mainstream Washington, D.C. press views the global warming debate, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift may have tipped off the public off. On the Nov. 29 edition of "The McLaughlin Group," host John McLaughlin asked about the prospects of a Copenhagen climate change treaty and its possible impact on the U.S. economy. MSNBC and "The McLaughlin Group" regular Pat Buchanan…

Feminist Newsweek Editor Bashes Palin, Makes Excuses for Running-Short

November 28th, 2009 7:43 AM

Contrary to Leftist Accusations, Census Worker's Death Ruled Suicide

November 24th, 2009 5:00 PM
After a Census Bureau worker was found dead in rural Kentucky in September, liberals jumped at the chance to attribute his death to right-wing extremists whipped into a frenzy by the hate-filled sermons of Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck. It turns out the Census employee committed suicide and tried to make it seem like a murder to recoup life insurance payments for his son.USA Today reports that…

Will Anyone Try the 'Fancy State Dinner In Hard Times' Angle? They Did

November 24th, 2009 3:20 PM