'GMA' Cancels 'Idol' Runner-up Adam Lambert's Concert; CBS Picks Him U

November 24th, 2009 12:36 PM
UPDATE: The New York Times confirmed the rumors:  CBS's Early Show has picked Adam Lambert up for tomorrow. Was "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert's disgraceful performance at the American Music Awards Sunday a career ender?Such thinking might be a tad premature.However, TVNewser's Chris Ariens has learned that ABC has cancelled his scheduled concert on Wednesday's "Good Morning America":

Networks That Jumped at Complaints About a ‘Deniers’ ‘Conspiracy

November 24th, 2009 12:20 PM
The broadcast networks still haven’t uttered a single word about the revelations late last week of e-mails showing scientists on the left-wing side of the global warming debate plotting to hide data and silence those on the other side in an effort prop up the notion of a “consensus” on the issue. But when the liberal side of the debate charged that their opponents were involved in a “conspiracy”…

Newsweek Recruits Porn Star to Mock Wives of Straying Politicians, Hei

November 23rd, 2009 3:47 PM

Newsweek Editor Admits: Health Care Bill a ‘Fiscal Fraud’ But ‘I

November 23rd, 2009 1:44 PM
Over the weekend, Newsweek assistant managing editor Evan Thomas offered an intriguing insight into the MSM’s approach to the liberal health care bill slowly rolling its way through the Democratic-controlled Congress. After conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer accurately pointed out how the Senate bill only pretends to be “deficit-neutral” by front-loading the tax collection process while…

Newsweek Top 10 List of Tactical Blunders Leads With Bill Maher Articl

November 23rd, 2009 10:23 AM
Newsweek’s 20/10 Project has a list of the Decade’s Worst Tactical Blunders. It might not be a shock that Newsweek decided three of the top four were made by Team Bush – and the fourth was John Kerry for letting Swift Boaters prevent him from taking that awful Bush out. What might be surprising are the authors of the little articles that accompany the list. The number one blunder was "Bush’s…

Newsweek's Fineman: Barack Obama Is A Lot Like Ronald Reagan

November 23rd, 2009 10:07 AM
Newsweek's Howard Fineman thinks Barack Obama is a lot like Ronald Reagan.This humorously comes coincident with MSNBC's Chris Matthews declaring the current White House resident "Carteresque." Obviously they can't both be right, right?Of course not, for in the case of "Channeling the Gipper: For inspiration, Obama looks to Reagan," Fineman couldn't be more wrong (h/t Jennifer Rubin):

Foreign Policy Magazine: Ft. Hood Happened Because Muslims Aren’t 'C

November 20th, 2009 4:23 PM
On Nov. 18, Foreign Policy's Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson wrote an article titled "The Real Shock of Fort Hood." If you thought that the shock of Fort Hood was that an Army Major fired over 100 rounds into a crowded processing center on a military base - killing 13 and wounding 29 - you're wrong. "It's not that the massacre occurred," said the article. "It's that it hadn't occurred before…

Newsweek: Butterfly Ballot in 2000, Obama as 2004 Dem Keynoter 'Histo

November 19th, 2009 1:05 PM
As part of an ongoing retrospective of the the first decade of the 21st century, Newsweek has ginned up a boatload of top 10 lists and assigned some Hollywood celebrities and Washington politicians to pen brief blurbs to accompany some of the entries. One such list, the top 10 "History-Altering Decisions" of 2000-2009 has at least two such entries that are worthy of addressing here: Actor/…

Newsweek's Miller Complains 'Abortion Is Not the Only Moral Issue' in

November 18th, 2009 6:31 PM
"This week's abortion conversation is about politics. Let's not pretend it's about anything else," Newsweek's Lisa Miller huffed in a November 18 Newsweek.com post, complaining about how the moral issues surrounding abortion are taking on a life of their own in the health care debate.We suffer, this week, from a moral myopia. Thanks to the passage in Congress of a health-reform bill, abortion is…

Newsweek’s Lisa Miller Labels Passion of the Christ 'Anti-Semitic

November 18th, 2009 5:57 PM
Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller, contributing to her magazine’s “20/10” list of top 10 cultural moments of the past decade, revisited the “furor surrounding...[the] alleged anti-Semitism” of Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ, and concluded “the film is, in fact, anti-Semitic.” Miller also accused Gibson of making “Jesus in his own image.”The 2004 film was number eight on Newsweek’…

On Today: Newsweek Editor Denies Palin Cover Was Sexist

November 18th, 2009 12:55 PM
NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Newsweek managing editor Dan Klaidman, on Wednesday's Today, to answer Sarah Palin's charge that the magazine's recent cover photo of her, in a jogging outfit, was "sexist," but Klaidman denied the accusation as he claimed: "Well, what it really represented was what the story was about, and that's what our mission is. I mean, look, since she's been on the national…

Newsweek Suggests NRA on Side of Terrorists in Amtrak Gun Policy Fight

November 17th, 2009 5:13 PM
Posing the question, "Will Gun Measure Threaten Amtrak [with] Terror Attacks," Newsweek's Michael Isikoff informed readers of a legislative battle to allow passengers aboard Amtrak to transport unloaded firearms in their checked luggage.Isikoff pitted supporters of gun rights, particularly the National Rifle Association (NRA) against "security-minded" legislators worried about gun use in…

Palin Calls Newsweek's Cover Of Her 'Out-of-Context' and 'Sexist

November 17th, 2009 4:41 PM
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has responded to Newsweek's cover of her, and needless to say she was none too pleased.As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Newsweek ran a cover story on Palin in its most recent issue, and the picture they decided to use was of her in jogging shorts and sneakers."The out-of-context Newsweek approach is sexist and oh-so-expected by now," wrote Palin in a posting at…

Newsweek Admits 74 Percent of Gore Letters Are Critical, But Fails to

November 15th, 2009 10:19 PM