Newsweek: Teen Abstinence Is 'About as Likely As Seeing the Pope in a

September 30th, 2009 5:33 PM
Is Newsweek even pretending to be a news magazine (or news site) any more? On their Gaggle blog, political writer Katie Connolly decried Sen. Orrin Hatch for reinstating federal funding for abstinence-only sex education: "I've been trying to think of a measured way to riff on this, but instead I'll be frank. It's an absolute waste of money." Newsweek doesn't favor a "measured" take these days.…

Time Explains 'Why the French Are Outraged' at Roman Polanski Arrest

September 28th, 2009 3:56 PM
There's a side of America that scares Frenchmen, French Culture Minister Frédéric Mitterrand was quoted by Time magazine Paris-based writer Bruce Crumley, and it's the side of American determination that doesn't let a 32-year-old rape case die, even if the perpetrator is an elderly survivor of the Holocaust.Seeking to explain the "cultural divide" that's as "wide as the Atlantic" between America…

Howard Fineman: Enough TV, Mr. President. How About Governing

September 28th, 2009 11:23 AM
How do you know when an extraordinarily liberal politician is failing badly?When extraordinarily liberal journalists like Newsweek's Howard Fineman not only notice, but are willing to write about it AND get their critiques published.Adding insult to injury, in Fineman's most recent column, he expressed concern that "[u]nless Obama learns to rely less on charm, rhetoric, and good intentions and…

Newsweek's Lithwick Perplexed at Public Approval of the Roberts Court

September 24th, 2009 3:01 PM
Wondering if she's peering into the "Heart of Darkness," Newsweek's Dahlia Lithwick takes a look at the new Supreme Court term opening in October and laments how the general public generally approves of the Court's job. Don't be fooled, average Joe American, Lithwick pleads in her October 5 printe edition column (published on the Web site on September 24), for the Roberts court is a right-wing…

Newsweek's Kosova Sees Red Over 'Green' Biz, Laments Money-making Oppo

September 23rd, 2009 4:24 PM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's how American business could describe media coverage of their efforts, or alleged lack thereof, to "go green."Witness Newsweek's Weston Kosova gripe about businesses that couch cost-curbing measures as "green" or Earth-friendly. In his September 21 "Web exclusive," Kosova slams the hotel industry for dishonesty for encouraging some conservationist…

Newsweek's Bailey Stomps All Over DeLay for 'Dancing with the Stars' A

September 23rd, 2009 2:57 PM
Exulting in the "awesome train wreck" that was former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's (Texas) first appearance on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," (DWTS) Newsweek's Holly Bailey spewed vials of venom in her September 22 post at the magazine's The Gaggle blog. Her invective seems more befitting the pen keyboard of a leftist blogger than an ostensibly balanced journalist:

News Photographer Excoriates Newsweek for Cropping to Make Cheney Look

September 22nd, 2009 4:59 PM
Famed news photographer David Hume Kennerly took to the New York Times' “Lens” blog last week, with an update on Monday in which he denounced Newsweek's “skewed imagery to advance its editorial agenda,” to excoriate the magazine for “photo fakery” in how it cropped a picture he took of former Vice President Dick Cheney to imply “something sinister, macabre, or even evil was going on.” Kennerly…

Newsweek's Kelley: Protests Against Obama Are Because He's Black

September 19th, 2009 1:12 PM
Media cries of racism every time someone criticizes Barack Obama are becoming quite commonplace now, but this one from Newsweek's Raina Kelley takes the cake:Let me say this clearly so there are no misunderstandings: some of the protests against President Obama are howls of rage at the fact that we have an African-American head of state. I'm sick of all the code words used when this subject comes…

Newsweek's Reid Pushes 'Ethical' Manner of Spreading Misery Equally a

September 16th, 2009 11:00 AM
"All socialism does is spread misery equally," Rush Limbaugh has oft asserted. Newsweek's T.R. Reid found a Canadian health care enthusiast who would proudly agree. In a September 21 print edition piece entitled "No Country for Sick Men," -- subtitled "To judge the content of a nation's character, look no further than its health-care system" --  Reid turned to Marcus Davies of the Saskatchewan…

Newsweek Writer Laments Overzealous Health Care Kept Grandma From Dyin

September 15th, 2009 11:38 AM
Two days after her magazine published Evan Thomas's "Case for Killing Granny" -- see related NewsBusters post here -- Newsweek staffer Jesse Ellison lamented that her "grandmother lived a full life and sought a quiet death" but "America's health-care system had a different idea of what was best." In a September 14 Newsweek Web exclusive, Ellison laid out a story of zealous coverage aimed at…

Newsweek's Evan Thomas on 'The Case for Killing Granny

September 14th, 2009 1:33 PM
A prudent gerontologist may opt to remove the September 21 edition of Newsweek from his waiting today has a cheeky frontpage headline in "The Case for Killing Granny," with a subheader promising an explanation as to "Why curbing excessive end-of-life care is good for America."For good measure the magazine also promises readers to explain "Why We Should Insure Illegals" and how "…

On Eve of 9/11, AP Focuses on the Victims – Muslims

September 10th, 2009 11:20 PM
With the eight year anniversary of 9/11 mere hours away, the Associated Press has written a very moving, very emotional piece, focusing on victims who fear leaving the house on that day, victims who will never view that day as routine, victims who get a sick feeling in their stomach when the anniversary arrives each year - Muslims.  While nobody is promoting discrimination against any group of…

Today's Push for ObamaCare Matches Media Spin for HillaryCare in 1990s

September 9th, 2009 12:27 PM
As President Obama prepares to deliver his 29th speech on health care, this time before a joint session of Congress, it recalls Bill Clinton’s September 22, 1993 speech to Congress on the same topic. Back then, media liberals hit some of the exact same points journalists are making today: “reform” would end the “shame” of America being the only industrialized nation without universal coverage;…

'The Real Burkean In American Politics Right Now Is Barack Obama

September 9th, 2009 9:17 AM
"[I am] against this most monstrous of all meddling on the part of authority: the meddling with the subsistence of its people. . . . [One must] manfully . . . resist the very first idea, speculative or practical, that it is within the competence of government . . . to supply the poor with necessaries. . . . To provide for us in our necessities is not in the power of government. It would be a vain…