Newsweek's Begley: Bring On the Rationing

September 2nd, 2009 5:34 PM
"Rationing is already here," done by insurance companies, so why not "start rationing useless interventions right out of medical practice?" asks Newsweek's Sharon Begley in a September 2 "Web exclusive" entitled "Health-Care Rationing: Bring It On."Begley made clear that her complaint is with how patients under the current health care structure can easily order up expensive tests (MRIs, CAT scans…

Newsweek's Weisberg Claims 'The GOP Is Gunning for Grandma

August 31st, 2009 7:26 AM
Outraged by Sen. Charles Grassley’s worries that Democratic health care proposals would "pull the plug on Grandma," Newsweek columnist Jacob Weisberg (who also worked as a reporter for Newsweek early in his career) turns the tables and suggests the Republicans are urging the deaths of the elderly in a myriad of ways: It's not preposterous to imagine laws that would try to save money by…

Former Newsweek Foreign Editor: Chappaquiddick One of Ted's 'Favorite

August 28th, 2009 12:24 PM
  Mark Hemingway at the Corner followed up on an item at Jules Crittenden's blog late last night. What perked Hemingway's interest was Mr. Crittenden's relay of the following yesterday concerning an exchange during NPR's Diane Rehm Show: Newsweek’s Ed Klein (told interviewer) Katty Kay about Kennedy’s love of humor. How the late senator loved to hear and tell Chappaquiddick jokes, and was…

Newsweek's Evan Thomas Lionizes Kennedy As Liberal Who Always 'Kept th

August 26th, 2009 4:12 PM
"Edward Kennedy, perhaps more than any United States senator in the past half century, cared about the poor and dispossessed. Though he was relentlessly mocked by the right as a tax-and-spend liberal, he kept the faith."  Thus wrote Newsweek's Evan Thomas of the late Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy today in an obituary that acknowledged and in places excused the late senator's sins even as it remembered…

CBS Touts Gitmo Torture Charges; Ignores ACLU Showing CIA Agent Photos

August 24th, 2009 3:48 PM
Early in Saturday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor reported: "Tonight there are new allegations of torture by the CIA. Newsweek magazine is reporting that a secret 2004 report reveals that interrogators used mock executions to intimidate prisoners." Glor went on to talk to Newsweek reporter Mark Hosenball, who claimed: "And in the case of one detainee that we know about, somebody named Abdel-…

Newsweek's Profile of Late-Term Abortionist Riddled With Misrepresenta

August 18th, 2009 10:28 PM
A shoddy and slanted profile of late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy Carhart by Sarah Kliff in Newsweek magazine contains misrepresentation of the practice of late-term abortion. It also omits a serious episode in the career of Dr. Carhart that resulted in the tragic death of a 19-year-old woman.In writing about the grisly practice of late-term abortion, Kliff falsely claims, "Past viability, no…

VFW: Woodstock Wasn't the Only Thing Happening 40 Years Ago

August 12th, 2009 1:47 PM
While some in the media have been dusting off their love beads, bell-bottoms and broomstick skirts in an effort to wax nostalgic about Woodstock, the VFW has reminded its members that the world did not stop for those four days in August 1969. In fact, for 109 American soldiers, the world ended that weekend. VFW Magazine honored those soldiers in the August 2009 cover story, "While…

Newsweek: ‘Traditionalists Better Get Used to’ Polyamory

July 31st, 2009 8:20 AM
According to Newsweek, polyamory is here to stay and “the traditionalists had better get used to it.” Polyamory, reporter Jessica Bennett explained in her July 29 article, is the act of “engaging in loving, intimate relationships with more than one person – based upon the knowledge and consent of everyone involved.” While Bennett acknowledged that keeping track of multiple partners’ (and their…

Newsweek: 'What Green Jobs? Washington Is Spending $60 Billion...But N

July 29th, 2009 9:26 PM
Newsweek magazine had yesterday a web exclusive entitled "What Green Jobs?"  Subtitled:  "Washington is spending $60 billion to create the careers of the future, but not a single green job yet exists. Obama's 'green czar' explains."The Leftist publication deserves some plaudits for exploring this $60 billion gaping hole in the $787 billion "stimulus" package President Barack Obama signed into law…

Revolving Door from Journalism to Team Obama Now Up to a Dozen

July 29th, 2009 10:37 AM
With the revelation that Newsweek Washington bureau reporter Daren Briscoe will start a new job on Monday as Deputy Associate Director of Public Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (earlier NB item), my list of journalists who have jumped to the Obama administration -- plus one who traveled through the revolving door from helping the Obama campaign into a news media slot -- is…

CBS Discredits Steele and DeMint on ObamaCare as 'Harsh' and 'Incendia

July 20th, 2009 8:49 PM
For the second weekday in a row, Katie Couric teased the CBS Evening News on Monday night by delivering President Obama's aggressive retorts to critics of his health plan as reporter Chip Reid pitched in to help, discrediting critics by disparaging their perspectives as “harsh” and “incendiary” attacks -- all before Couric caught up with ABC and NBC from the night before and promoted Ted Kennedy'…

Networks Ignore Chappaquiddick Anniversary; NPR’s Rudin Gets 'Ugly

July 20th, 2009 4:51 PM
While the big liberal media usually find it hard to skip any news related to the Kennedy family, ABC, CBS and NBC breathed not a word about Saturday’s 40th anniversary of Chappaquiddick. On the night of July 18, 1969, Senator Edward Kennedy left a party with 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne and later drove off a bridge. Kennedy left the scene with Kopechne still in the submerged vehicle; he did not…

Unhappy 'Humpday

July 20th, 2009 4:13 PM

Nets Plug Kennedy's 'Dramatic' and 'Emotional Pitch for Health Care Re

July 19th, 2009 8:50 PM
Newsweek engaged itself deeper in the battle for nationalized health care by turning over its cover story -- “We're Almost There” -- to Senator Ted Kennedy for his lengthy personal recitation of “the cause of my life.” ABC and NBC on Sunday night dutifully championed his cause as World News anchor Dan Harris highlighted how “Kennedy is using his own battle against brain cancer to make an…