The New Opinionated Newsweek: 'A Pretty Stupid Idea for a Magazine

May 31st, 2009 11:09 PM

Newsweek Editor: Iran Wants Nukes...But Only for Civilian Uses

May 24th, 2009 10:50 AM
(Oops! "Ugly reality" already seems to have contradicted the naive premise of this Newsweek editor. See update below.)I'm not sure what's scarier: the fact that Newsweek International editor Fareed Zakaria wants us to believe that Iran seeks nuclear power only for peaceful purposes or that President Obama might be seriously buying into this guy's delusions by reading his book, The Post-American…

Media Let Culture Wars Cloud 'American Idol' Win

May 21st, 2009 3:47 PM
After the winner of "American Idol" is crowned, the appropriate action is to congratulate the newly crowned Idol on his success. Yet on May 21 media focus was clearly elsewhere. That day, reports on all three networks' morning broadcasts, marveled at how Kris Allen beat Adam Lambert and gave unusual attention to contestants who did not win, but are still successful, leaving little doubt that…

Newsweek's Miller Pontificates Against Poor Papal PR; Furthers Discred

May 18th, 2009 11:57 AM
Not only does Pope Benedict XVI have crappy PR, he has absolutely no excuse for it, Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller informs readers in a May 14 piece written for the May 25 dead-tree edition. Yet while insisting that her advice is submitted "with respect," Miller failed to remove the log from her own eye by considering the role that she and other reporters play in trumping up alleged papal…

Newsweek Editor: Woo Hoo! Our Magazine Circulation Is Being Cut in Hal

May 18th, 2009 10:19 AM
"Hey Dad! Great news! My report card grades are half of what they were last term!"And just before my father would have smacked me upside my head for being so absurd, I would have quickly pointed out that the editor of Newsweek, Jon Meacham, is celebrating the fact that his magazine's circulation is being cut in half. Of course, back when I was a kid Newsweek at least made an attempt to be…

Obama Says He's Spock Then Misuses English Language

May 17th, 2009 6:36 AM
Remember how the left always asserted that George W. Bush was stupid? Remember how they were so thrilled to have the Obamessiah that spoke so well, a president that was perpetually the smartest man in the room? Well, after the many stammering TelePrompter free stump debacles during the campaign, many began to doubt this claim of his superior intelligence. Here is another small dent in that…

Actor Claims to Newsweek His Evil-Priest Character Suggests Nothing An

May 15th, 2009 3:14 PM

Newsweek Frets about Christian Influence on ‘Idol’ Voting

May 12th, 2009 5:42 PM
According to Newsweek's Ramin Setoodeh, "American Idol's" Adam Lambert could "be heading home" due to those homophobic Christians that watch every week. Lambert, Setoodeh wrote in a May 12 blog post, "has been called the best ‘Idol' singer in the history of the show, thanks to his Celine Dion-like pipes. But he's also one of the most controversial, thanks to his Marilyn Manson-like wardrobe…

NBC and Newsweek Liken Obama to Spock: Both Victims of Prejudice

May 7th, 2009 9:06 PM
Concluding a Thursday NBC Nightly News story on summer movies, correspondent George Lewis previewed the new Star Trek film, set to open on Friday, and found it relevant to highlight how “some Trekkies have compared the Spock character, the product of a mixed marriage between a human and a Vulcan, to President Obama.” Those “some Trekkies” would be Newsweek's Steve Daly, author of last week's…

Newsweek's Disrespectul Treatment of 'Amateur Econo-Cultist' Jack Kemp

May 7th, 2009 11:44 AM
Two days after the death of G.O.P. icon Jack Kemp, Newsweek Senior Editor Michael Hirsh posted a classless obituary on Monday, "The Dangers of Amateurism," calling the football player, politician, and self-taught economist Kemp an "amateur econo-cultist."One does not want to be disrespectful of the dead, and Jack Kemp was an admirable man in many ways. If the Republican Party had only followed…

Newsweek Compares Bush Era as Star Wars to Obama's as Star Trek

May 7th, 2009 4:00 AM
Naturally all Bush's folks are the Evil Characters In a transparently unhinged and partisan hit job against several Bush administration officials, Newsweek thought it would be amusing to compare the Bush era and the Obama era by analogizing them with Star Wars and Star Trek respectively. Naturally Newsweek's Bush Derangement Syndrome was given full throated expression -- phasers set to kill not…

Newsweek Gives Sideways Arrow to Joe Biden for Swine Flu Comment

May 5th, 2009 5:29 PM
The nation's gaffer-in-chief Joe Biden really stepped in it last week with his remarks about how Americans should avoid flying and taking the subway to avert coming down with the swine flu. It's safe to say the conventional wisdom around the country and inside the Beltway is that Biden really blundered.But not to Newsweek's Conventional Wisdom, which in the May 11-18 edition gave Obama's veep a…

Newsweek's Clift Examines Biden, Rendell Roles in Specter Switch

April 29th, 2009 2:10 PM
Eleanor Clift is by no stretch a conservative apologist, but her reporting in Newsweek on the Specter switch exposes an angle that the broadcast networks are omitting: the Machiavellian maneuvers behind-the-scenes to coax Specter to jump the GOP ship.Of particular interest is Clift's revelation that Gov. Ed Rendell's motive for pushing Specter to become a Democrat was to shut down a potential…

Newsweek’s Jon Meacham: ‘We're Not A Partisan Magazine

April 28th, 2009 1:37 PM
Appearing on FNC’s O’Reilly Factor Monday, Newsweek managing editor Jon Meacham was asked by host Bill O’Reilly: "What, you're a not a left-wing magazine?" Meacham denied any liberal agenda in the magazine: "No, I don't -- We're not a partisan magazine. We're just not." A skeptical O’Reilly replied: "Come on." Meacham defended his assertion: "We're not. We try to be provocative. We try to break…