Newsweek Praises Holder, Contrasts With Gonzales, Who Ran Justice Depa

July 13th, 2009 9:09 AM

WaPo: 'Bruno' Exposes America's Fear of Sex

July 10th, 2009 10:12 AM
For Hank Stuever of the Washington Post, Sacha Baron Cohen's latest movie, "Bruno," is a reflection of America's "giant case of sex phobia."Cohen's movie tells the tale of Bruno, a gay Austrian fashionista who embarks on a quest for fame (to become "the most famous Austrian since Hitler"). Its depictions of gay sex and a gay man flamboyantly flaunting his sexuality caused worry among gay…

Kennedy-Townsend in Newsweek: Obama 'More Catholic' Than Pope

July 9th, 2009 11:05 PM
Newsweek took their criticism of Pope Benedict XVI to the next level on Thursday- not only did guest columnist Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend affirm that the pontiff could learn from President Obama (something Newsweek and their partners at the Washington Post agreed upon back in April), but also blasted the Bishop of Rome and the Catholic hierarchy for their supposed “disdain” towards women and…

Are Black Female Reporters In The Tank for Michelle? 'Fabulously

July 2nd, 2009 8:43 AM

Newsweek Shocker: 'Obama Closes Doors On Openness

June 21st, 2009 12:10 PM
In today's "You're Not Going to Believe This" segment, Barack Obama has gone back on his promise of creating an open and transparent administration, and the good folks at Newsweek not only noticed it, but reported it.Yes, the magazine that seems to have Obama on its cover every week actually exposed the object of their affection for not only going back on a campaign promise, but also for…

CBS Wonders About Possible John Edwards Comeback

June 19th, 2009 11:11 AM
CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez wondered on Friday: "Lots of politicians get caught having affairs, as you know. The trick, though, is making a comeback. It’s happened before, but the question is does John Edwards have a political future?"Rodriguez later introduced the segment by citing Edwards’ recent comments about his political future in a Washington Post interview: "Newt Gingrich and…

Evan Thomas on Obama the God: 'I Was Not Being Literal

June 17th, 2009 5:36 PM

Wolffe: President Missed Rev. Wright’s Racist Rants Because 'He Wasn

June 16th, 2009 3:11 PM
If you've ever wondered why the mainstream media didn't show much curiosity about how 20 years of attending Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church shaped President Barack Obama, there is a perfectly logical explanation. Obama wasn't really there. According to Richard Wolffe, an MSNBC contributor and former Newsweek columnist that covered the Obama presidential campaign for the weekly magazine, people don…

Newsweek's Fineman Bashes Newt for Dishing 'Old-School Insults' Like

June 15th, 2009 9:32 AM

Newsweek’s Clift: ‘I Heard Nothing But Rave Reviews’ for Obama

June 7th, 2009 3:14 PM
Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift seemed flabbergasted on this weekend’s McLaughlin Group as fellow panelists Pat Buchanan, Monica Crowley and Mort Zuckerman all criticized President Obama’s speech to Muslims in Cairo. Perhaps reflecting the mindset of her Newsweek colleagues, Clift exclaimed: “Until I came on this set, I heard nothing but rave reviews for this speech. I feel like I’m in a total parallel…

National Review Skewers Newsweek's Obama Fixation

June 6th, 2009 2:44 PM
The good folks at National Review are absolutely skewering Newsweek's disgraceful Obama fixation with a delicious parody of the magazine including "New, improved, and longer articles extolling the First Family!" (h/t Hot Air, larger picture below the fold):

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God

June 5th, 2009 6:45 PM
  Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." Thomas, appearing on Hardball with Chris Matthews, was reacting to a preceding monologue in which Matthews praised Obama’s speech: "I think the President's speech…

CBS Warns of Bad Oprah Advice, No Mention of Obama Endorsement

June 3rd, 2009 3:29 PM
At the top of Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cast doubt on talk show host and major Obama supporter, Oprah Winfrey: "And call it the ‘Oprah Effect.’ She speaks, people listen. But is her show actually leading her audience astray?" Oddly, no mention was made of Winfrey’s very public endorsement Barack Obama in the 2008 campaign.Later, co-host Julie Chen also teased the upcoming…

MRC's Graham Discusses Newsweek Columnist's Discovery: Media Infatuate

June 3rd, 2009 11:56 AM
Appearing on the June 3 "America's Newsroom" program, Graham discussed Newsweek economics columnist Robert Samuelson's gripe that the media's "Obama infatuation is a great unreported story of our time."  Samuelson "is a reasonable guy" who "has got to know that we've had years of pro-Obama bias, and certainly in the pages of his own magazine, where there are syrupy pictures of Barack and/or…