'Hardball' Host Matthews Refers to Sarah Palin as a 'Mail-Order Bride

March 30th, 2009 9:35 PM
If you watch MSNBC's "Hardball," you really have to scratch your head and wonder what host Chris Matthews is thinking when he opens his mouth sometimes. On the March 30 broadcast of "Hardball," Matthews, MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan and Newsweek's Howard Fineman were discussing what they perceived to be a rift between former GOP vice-presidential candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her…

Olbermann Accuses Bachmann of Breaking 'Serious Laws' for Urging Conse

March 28th, 2009 4:15 PM
Just hours after MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews calls Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., the "Mata Hari of Minnesota" and Rolling Stone editor Matt Taibbi says "a guy huffing glue out of a paper bag" was making more sense the Bachmann, MSNBC "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann comes in for clean-up duties.On the March 27 broadcast "Countdown," Olbermann confirms that Michele Bachmann Derangement…

Special Captionfest: Obama's Big Screen Teleprompter

March 25th, 2009 1:08 PM
                        Photo via Newsweek's "The Gaggle" blog.

Mark Levin Takes On Media Bias in New Book

March 25th, 2009 11:34 AM
In his newly released book ‘Liberty and Tyranny’ author Mark Levin criticizes the mainstream media for its systematic support of left-wing causes. In chapter 8, entitled "On Enviro-Statism," Levin focuses on the media’s slanted coverage of global warming and points out its confusion on the subject:In 1975, scientists again raised the specter of global cooling. A famous article appearing in…

Eleanor Clift Losing Faith in Obama

March 25th, 2009 9:52 AM
Is this a sign of the times? Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift has joined her ideological colleagues, Mika Brzezinski and Paul Krugman, in criticizing President Barack Obama recently. What set Clift off was Obama's evasiveness in revealing whether he approved or knew in advance the AIG bonuses provided by his stimulus bill. Clift takes aim at both Obama and Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, in her…

Newsweek Explores 'Jihad Chic' in London

March 17th, 2009 9:22 AM

Newsweek: Living Like it's

March 16th, 2009 10:25 AM
Newsweek has some prescriptions to save us all. We should live like it's 1899 instead of 2009. Don't use a dryer for your clothes, chop your own wood for heating fuel, buy a black and white TV because it's "just as good," and don't get the Internet or cable TV. Sheese, talk about a kill-joy! Of course, the piece by Steve Tuttle isn't all stone-ageie, new-ageiness. Some of the points Tuttle…

Essay: Newsweek and Air America Join Forces -- Both Reputations Tarnis

March 16th, 2009 9:12 AM
Notes: This first appeared in today's Human Events.   We first reported this on March 11th.A Gust of Hot Air (America)It's official -- what we the sentient public, doctor and dentist patients in waiting rooms across America and the eight diehards still subscribing have long known: Newsweek is a horrendously biased left-wing rag.  Newsweek announced on Tuesday that they are partnering with…

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter: Conservatives Need to Stop the 'BS' of Call

March 14th, 2009 7:53 AM
Left-wing talk show host Ed Schultz guest-hosted MSNBC’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Tuesday night (could it be a tryout for that fourth spot in the ultraliberal MSNBC evening batting order after Maddow?) In one interview, Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter reminded all conservatives of a certain age how eager he is for socialist health care, just as he was for Hillary’s plan the last time around. The…

MRC's Bozell Reacts to Newsweek/Air America Partnership

March 11th, 2009 3:12 PM
Imagine a partnership between the owners of the Titanic and the Hindenburg, and you've pretty much got the brilliance behind Newsweek's newly-announced alliance with Air America."[G]iven the respective ratings, it’s an outstanding business decision. Clearly, Newsweek wanted a radio partner whose listenership mirrors their readership -- minimal and declining rapidly," quipped Media Research Center…

Newsweek's Fineman Joins List of Obama Supporters Losing Faith

March 10th, 2009 11:41 PM
Throughout last year's presidential campaign, NewsBusters routinely reported that without the unprofessional and unconditional support of an adoring media, Barack Obama would never have gotten past the Iowa caucuses let alone John McCain.One of his staunchest fans was Newsweek's Howard Fineman who right after Election Day said: “Obama's changing everything as he moves. His victory speech last…

Newsweek Cover Story: Conservative Frum's 'Why Rush is Wrong

March 8th, 2009 1:33 AM
The media attack on Rush Limbaugh will take an interesting turn Monday when the March 16 issue of Newsweek hits newstands around the country for the cover story is an astoundingly negative article about the conservative talk radio host written by former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum.With "Why Rush is Wrong" getting published at Newsweek's website Saturday evening, it is also sure to be…

Newsweek’s Alter on MSNBC: GOP ‘Party of Jell-O’ For Not Standin

March 5th, 2009 6:16 PM
During the 3:00PM EST hour on MSNBC on Thursday, anchor Norah O’Donnell teased an upcoming segment on Rush Limbaugh and the Republican Party: "Coming up, is the party of Lincoln in danger of becoming the party of jell-o? Why conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh could be a liability for the Grand Old Party." O’Donnell was referring to an Newsweek article by columnist Jonathan Alter and later…

Newsweek Map Labels Israel as 'Palestinian Territory

March 3rd, 2009 10:00 AM
Update (14:20 EST): Newsweek has now corrected the graphic, showing the West Bank and Gaza Strip in red with Israel in gray.I don't know if Newsweek is as eager to be rid of Israel as "The State of Islam" is these days or not, but on its interactive online map of the mid east, the news mag is featuring a map of Israel labeled as "Palestinian Territory." Once you click over to the Newsweek map,…