Newsweek Mocks CPAC: Huckabee, Boehner as Jonas Brothers

March 2nd, 2009 8:49 PM

Newsweek: Obama Economic Guru Is 'Lucid' and 'Dazzling,' Unless He Mov

February 23rd, 2009 10:36 PM

Newsweek: Obama 'Is Well Poised to Bring Us Back From the Brink

February 23rd, 2009 11:11 AM
Americans increasingly see the danger in Barack Obama's scheme to spend our way out of economic difficulty.  So for the mainstream media, it's all hands on deck to bolster confidence in Obama and his decisions.  The dependable Jonathan Alter reports for duty in the March 2 Newsweek, also posted on the magazine's Web site.  Titled "America’s New Shrink: Chin up, everyone. This president is well…

Richard Belzer Unloads a ‘Heil Hannity’ Salute on Fox News

February 20th, 2009 5:31 PM
Sean Hannity invited radical-left actor Richard Belzer to his "Great American Panel" on February 13, and Belzer was hardly returning the honor. After Belzer tried to play professor and suggest that Reaganism was Hobbesian and "antitheticallly opposed" to John Locke and Jefferson, he raised his hand to interrupt, and then decided to offer his other arm in a "Heil Hannity" salute. When will lefties…

Time Lists Daily Kos As One Of The Most Overrated Blogs

February 18th, 2009 11:30 AM
Whether it's a shot at competitor Newsweek for putting Markos Moulitsas on the payroll, or a brief moment of clarity, Time magazine has named the disgustingly liberal website Daily Kos as one of the most overrated blogs on the Internet.I kid you not.  Such a revelation seems even more odd given the absence of any conservative websites in Time's "25 Best Blogs of 2009." But before we get there,…

From the Ones Who Brought Us 'We Are All Socialists Now': Tax Cuts Won

February 13th, 2009 6:24 PM
Sigh. Here we go again. First it was our capitalist society deemed gone as Newsweek magazine declared, "We're socialists now." This time - it's the death of supply-side economics, according to Newsweek Senior Editor Daniel Gross. To sum it up, Gross declared tax cuts obsolete, a theory that only works on paper, in a time when employers come and go and institutions aren't stable like they once…

Alter Rejects Notion GOP Stimulus Opposition is Principled, Blames Pol

February 12th, 2009 10:02 AM
How could anyone take a principled stand against the $789 billion economic stimulus bill? Any opposition to this massive expansion of the federal government must be sheer political posturing. Or so said Newsweek magazine's Jonathan Alter. Alter said on MSNBC's Feb. 11 "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" that congressional Republicans oppose the stimulus bill based on an ill-conceived, low-…

A Big Lie: Newsweek Claims On Cover 'We Are All Socialists Now

February 11th, 2009 9:01 AM

MSNBC's Olbermann, Newsweek's Fineman Star At Fundraiser for N.Y. Chap

February 10th, 2009 5:36 PM

Newsweak: Shrinking Mag to Include a 'Bluffer's Guide

February 10th, 2009 9:48 AM
Newsweek Magazine, referred to frequently by yours truly as "Newsweak," is deliberately shrinking its circulation base by half, in effect giving up on its formerly mass audience, and going through a top-to-bottom redesign.As is the case with its fellow declining competitor Time, it never occurs to these people that their legacy of bias, double standards, and inexplicable sloppiness have chased…

Media's Pentecostal Double Standard: Palin vs. Obama's Faith-based Ini

February 9th, 2009 12:38 PM
President Barack Obama's pick to head his faith-based initiative is a 26-year old former Pentecostal pastor by the name of Joshua DuBois. The media have largely noted DuBois's religious affiliation in a matter-of-fact manner. Yet when it came to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's former membership in a Pentecostal church, it was a far different story, as we at NewsBusters noted in September.:In a Newsweek…

Newsweek: Celebrating America as a New, Socialist France

February 8th, 2009 10:20 AM
Newsweek's Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas are tired of all this talk of socialism. We need to stop talking about yesterday's news, they say, and embrace the great new fact that America is already a socialist country. They chortle that America is just like France. Meacham and Thomas chide Sean Hannity for using socialism as a dirty word because it "seems strangely beside the point." The pair is…

Newsweek Film Critic Turns Chick Flick Into an Out-With-Bush Metaphor

February 5th, 2009 11:16 PM Omits 'Pro-Life' Groups' Connections to Democrats

January 28th, 2009 5:42 PM
Newsweek’s Sarah Kliff, in a January 27, 2009 web-exclusive article entitled “Pro-Lifers In Obamaland,” failed to mention how several organizations and individuals she labeled as “pro-life” have friendly relations with pro-abortion Democrats. She also tried to portray the pro-life movement as being “split” between “those who are preparing for the fight of their lives and those who see an…