Newsweek Hits 'Pipeline to Nowhere'; Suggests Palin Too 'Optimistic' A

September 22nd, 2008 5:44 PM
Borrowing from the nickname for a federal earmark that would have built a multi-million dollar bridge for an Alaska town of 50 people, Newsweek's Mark Hosenball offers readers of the September 29 print magazine a look at "[Gov. Sarah] Palin's Pipeline to Nowhere." Hosenball suggests that Palin's $500-million "principal achievement" as governor "might never be built after all." But while the…

Newsweek: 'All the Candidates’ Cars

September 22nd, 2008 11:08 AM

Hitting Obama for 'Whopper' and 'False' Statements on Soc. Sec

September 21st, 2008 9:55 AM
NewsBusters is, of course, a site dedicated to exposing liberal bias in the press. But, once in a while the liberal press gets something right and this is one of those cases. On Spetember 20, Newsweek hosted an article by that exposed the outright lies contained in the claims Barack Obama made against John McCain's record on Social Security in order to scare as many elder citizens…

Newsweek's 'Invisible' Elderly Gays Story Transparent Plug for Same-Se

September 18th, 2008 2:26 PM
If at first you don't succeed in making Americans open to same sex marriage by highlighting monogamous gay couples in their 20s and 30s, try to guilt them into it by finding elderly gay people who are all but "invisible and overlooked" in America. That's essentially what Newsweek's Jessica Bennett did with her September 18 Web exclusive deadling with the "growing population of lesbian and gay…

Newsweek: Palin 'Inflicts' Her Religion on US, She's 'Not a Woman

September 16th, 2008 7:26 AM
The racist Reverend Wright wanted God to "damn America." Jesse Jackson called New York City "hymie town." Various Evangelical preachers have been heard to utter some pretty nasty comments here and there, as well. So, flawed as we are, apparently being religious doesn't preclude a venomous diatribe now and again. And now comes hate wrapped as political commentary from another supposed person of…

Newsweek's Smalley: McCain 'Down & Dirty,' Obama Must Fight Back

September 12th, 2008 2:02 PM
Newsweek reporter Suzanne Smalley declared on MSNBC shortly before 1 PM EDT this afternoon that “over the past few weeks, the McCain campaign has really gotten down and dirty. A lot of their ads have been flat-out lies.” So, she pleaded: “Obama needs to really take the steering wheel back. Many Democrats in Washington are worried.” Smalley was encouraged, however, by how at Thursday night's…

Memo to Andrea and Eleanor: In Ohio, Not College-Educated Women Are Su

September 12th, 2008 12:33 PM
On August 31 at Newsbusters, Warner Todd Huston caught NBC political correspondent Andrea Mitchell's assessment about the kind of women who would be supporting the McCain-Palin ticket: ..... they (McCain-Palin) think that they can peel off some of these working class women, not college educated, who, the blue collar women who were voting for Hillary Clinton and may be more conservative on social…

Alter: Republicans Working to Disenfranchise Blacks

September 12th, 2008 12:59 AM
Republicans aren't racist per se, but they'll use the law to disenfranchise black voters who overwhemingly cast their ballots for Democrats.That according to Newsweek's Jonathan Alter in a September 11 article on "Jim Crawford Republicans." Crawford was the losing party in a Supreme Court case earlier this year upholding Indiana's Voter ID law.[W]ith the help of a 2008 Supreme Court decision,…

How Does Howard Know? 'Obama Wasn't Making Fun of Palin

September 10th, 2008 4:46 PM
H/t reader MB.  Fineman the Magnificent? Here's how Howard Fineman begins his MSNBC column today [emphasis added]:No, Barack Obama was not making fun of Sarah Palin when he talked about some Republican putting “lipstick on a pig.”He was trying to be colloquial, and John McCain’s campaign knew as much – even as it was going theatrically ballistic.To which I have a simple question: how does Howard…

Slate's Weisberg to MSNBC on Palin Pregnancy: Reagan Would Be Rolling

September 9th, 2008 8:30 PM
Jacob Weisberg of, and a contributor at Newsweek, told David Schuster of MSNBC yesterday that President Reagan would be “rolling over in his grave” if he knew that Sarah Palin brought her unwed pregnant daughter on to the stage with the family at the Republican National Convention. I was shocked to see her unmarried pregnant teenage daughter on stage with the Republican nominee.…

Newsweek Publishes Debunking of Internet Smears Against Palin

September 9th, 2008 1:45 PM
On Sunday, NewsBusters informed readers about how lies published by liberal bloggers are actually driving some of the mainstream media attacks against Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. On Tuesday, Newsweek not only published a debunking of many of the falsehoods being spread by the Palin-haters, but also featured a link to the piece on the front-page of its website.…

Slate's Weisberg: Abortion Essential to Family Values

September 8th, 2008 11:38 AM
Do you ever get the impression the liberal media disdain Gov. Sarah Palin not just because she's a strong conservative addition to the McCain ticket, but because she's a mother of five who practices the family values she preaches? I would submit that's a strong likelihood, at least in the case of Slate's Jacob Weisberg, who posits in the September 15 Newsweek that (emphases mine):Palin's pro-life…

Newsweek Takes on Sarah Palin's Religion

September 2nd, 2008 7:24 PM

Time's Joe Klein: No Reporter Has Said Bristol Palin Anything But Priv

September 2nd, 2008 5:47 PM
Updated below.Time's Joe Klein apparently blogs under a rock.:I'm slightly perplexed by the various Republican efforts to express outrage over the press and Democratic reaction to Bristol Palin's pregnancy. Maybe I'm missing something, but I haven't heard or read a single journalist--or Democrat--say that this was anything other than a private matter. In fact, Barack Obama, the son of an 18-year-…