Newsweek's Alter Defends Media's Reporting of Palin Pregnancy

September 2nd, 2008 4:39 PM

Lib Media Meme: Woman's Place Not in the Veep's House

September 1st, 2008 6:08 PM
We've noted how CNN's John Roberts asked it last week, only to get politely rebuked by colleague Dana Bash, and how ABC News's Bill Weir picked up on Saturday with a similar question about whether Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) can handle being vice president while also being a mother of five, only to have colleague Cokie Roberts object:Without mentioning Weir, Roberts said questions "about who's…

Alter Hints Carville Chilly to Obama for the Money

August 27th, 2008 11:07 PM
Jonathan Alter has had enough of James Carville not being a team player and boosting Sen. Barack Obama and he has a working theory that centers around a cynical, quasi-conspiratorial view of the Carville-Matalin marriage. From an August 27 Stumper blog post at the Newsweek Web site.John McCain is the least popular person at the Democratic convention. But if bad-mouthing by Obama forces is a way… Finds 'House Effects,' Not Bias, to Blame for Volatile Po

August 27th, 2008 12:56 PM
Wild swings in polling results have been an ongoing big story this election cycle. The LAT, as Dave Pierre pointed out a week ago, experienced a huge shift in their polling away from their man, Barack Obama, and were left scrambling to come up with a solution. But the LAT is not alone. Last month, P.J. Gladnick highlighted a similarly drastic shift in the Newsweek poll.What, then, are we to…

Newsweek's Alter: No One Ever Accused Biden of Racism

August 25th, 2008 11:43 AM
Joe Biden's insulting remark about Indian-Americans and Dunkin' Donuts franchises didn't indelibly taint the Delaware senator not because the media don't hype Democratic race gaffes but because "no one ever accused Biden of being a racist."That according to Newsweek's Jonathan Alter in an August 23 column exploring why some politicians' gaffes stick and go on to practically define them -- Dan…

Newsweek Editor Touts Democratic 'Two Prize Fighter' Ticket

August 24th, 2008 11:22 PM
On the roundtable segment of Sunday’s Meet the Press, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham exclaimed that the Democratic Party should be elated that for years, the Democrats "wanted a prize fighter. And they have two right now." The NBC show was discussing Meacham's  interview with Obama in the September 1 Newsweek, in which Meacham supportively volunteered to Obama that while some worry he won’t be tough…

Fineman: Obama Did Hillary Favor by Not Considering Her

August 23rd, 2008 7:05 AM
That didn't take long.  Exactly five minutes before Obama's official text message went out this morning, Howard Fineman had an article up at Newsweek praising the process by which Obama picked his running mate.  He even turned lemons into lemonade, claiming Hillary really didn't want to be considered and that Obama "did her a favor" by not doing so. R-i-g-h-h-t.First, the praise:The minute-by-…

Newsweek: Preppy Look is Racist, Classist

August 20th, 2008 1:00 PM
Leave it to the liberal print media to find some way to kill everyone's Olympics buzz.For instance, did you know that the choice by the U.S. Olympic Committee to have Ralph Lauren stitch the threads for Team USA's opening ceremonies uniform was an unfortunate nod to racism and classism and a futile, nostalgic clinging to America's waning WASP empire? That according to Sameer Reddy (pictured at…

Newsweek's Dickey Blames Bush for Georgia Crisis

August 14th, 2008 3:56 PM
The crisis in Georgia is all Bush's fault, the Republicans offered America a soft-pedaled version of George Wallace's racism, and Obama-voting Southern Democrats are intelligent, defiant people living in occupied territory. I learned all that from just one Newsweek column.I may have to watch "The View" to earn back some I.Q. points.Yes, Christopher Dickey enlightened Newsweek readers on "The…

WaPo: Stop Blaming Everything on Global Warming

August 4th, 2008 11:05 AM
In our ongoing series "What's Happening at the Washington Post," today's "I Can't Believe I Saw This There" moment is a rather lengthy article by Joel Achenbach, conspicuously placed on the cover of Sunday's section B, and conspicuously skeptical about the liberal bogeyman known as global warming.Maybe more surprising, Achenbach took on media representatives that feel the need to blame every…

MSNBC: 'Jack Nicholson' McCain 'Demonizing' Obama, Playing 'Race Card

August 3rd, 2008 7:57 PM
On Thursday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and Newsweek Washington correspondent/MSNBC political analyst Howard Fineman went after John McCain for his recent ads attacking Barack Obama, and the Arizona Republican's charge that Obama was "playing the race card" because the Illinois Democrat has repeatedly joked that his opponents will try to discourage people from voting for him…

Despite Standing O for Obama, Reporters Deny Bias of Minority Journali

July 30th, 2008 1:43 PM
After Barack Obama’s more-than-enthusiastic greeting by many attendees at the UNITY convention for minority journalists in Chicago on Sunday, some in the media have expressed outrage that some have now questioned their objectivity, despite the appalled reactions from some of their own peers to the display and the live video shown on CNN (at right).April Yee wrote on Andrew Romano’s blog on…

'He Has a Little Bit of an Arrogant Streak in Him. He Does

July 28th, 2008 5:58 PM
Between now and Election Day, we're sure to see—and chronicle at NB—plenty of MSM sycophancy for Barack Obama.  But between the thrills going up assorted media legs, evidence is emerging that some in the media are beginning to assess the Dem candidate in a clearer light.  Take for example, Gabriel Sherman's piece at the New Republic which as its title—End of the Affair—suggests, has as its thesis…

Newsweek CW: Surge Worked, Helps... Obama

July 24th, 2008 10:40 AM
Finally an admission that the surge in Iraq has worked. What's the catch? You guessed it, it helps the Obamessiah.From the July 24 "Conventional Wisdom" on[up arrow] Obama: It worked--but, ironically, benefiting Obama more than McCain.Is that why the latest tracking poll by Rasmussen shows Obama with a small single-digit lead?: