Yahoo! Hypes Newsweek Poll With 15-Point Obama Lead

June 21st, 2008 7:52 AM

Olbermann Sneers at ABC's Lack of 'IQ' for Claiming Obama Flip-Flopped

June 20th, 2008 2:42 PM
In 1992, reporters like Joe Klein and Sidney Blumenthal were mocked as Clinton Conformity Cops, telling other journalists that the goal of electing Bill Clinton was too important to create any obstacle of objectivity that might get in the Democrat's way. This came to mind when watching MSNBC on Thursday night, but Keith Olbermann took it a step further. He attacked ABC’s Charles Gibson and George…

Newsweek's CW: Obama Could Signal Death of Public Campaign Financing

June 20th, 2008 11:47 AM
Today's Conventional Wisdom at gives the imperial thumbs down for public campaign financing system, and all because the all-but-anointed Democratic champion is foregoing federal funding.:[Down arrow] Public campaign financing: Obama decision to forgo funds could signal the end of system.Besides being entirely too premature to make a pronouncement like that, it's a blown opportunity…

Pay Attention, Stephen King; New Study: Minorities, Women Satisfied in

June 12th, 2008 6:56 PM
Here's something Stephen King might want to read before scoffing at military service.A new study shows women and minorities are more satisfied in general with their jobs than white men in the military and that military women are generally much more positive about their career and career prospects than their civilian counterparts, according to a new study. Newsweek's Sarah Kliff has the story in a…

Newsweek Asks McCain: How Can You Beat 'Hugely Gifted' Obama

June 10th, 2008 7:02 PM
Presumptive GOP nominee John McCain granted an interview to Newsweek’s Jon Meacham and Holly Bailey, and in the first sign of a long, uphill campaign with the media, McCain was asked how he could defeat such a "hugely gifted politician" in a "brutal year on a clinical level for any Republican to be running." Newsweek’s duo (or most plausibly, Newsweek editor Meacham) lectured McCain not to use a…

Alter Loves McClellan Now, Bashed Stephanopoulos in

June 2nd, 2008 10:55 PM

Bozell Column: Sex and the Skittish

May 31st, 2008 8:32 PM
That sleazy yet hallowed HBO television series "Sex and the City" is now in theaters as a feature film, and the cultural elites are having a religious experience. Newsweek previewed the movie by reporting how an estimated 50,000 people, some from far-away lands like Australia and Japan, "make the pilgrimage each year to the shrine," the fictional New York City home of "Sex" protagonist Carrie…

Newsweek Pens Cover Story That's a Friendly Obama Advice Memo

May 29th, 2008 5:43 PM

Newsweek Poll Creates 'Racial Resentment Index' for Whites Not Blacks

May 24th, 2008 1:40 PM
In an attempt to explain how race will impact Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama's run for the White House, Newsweek has created a "Racial Resentment Index" exclusively for white people without measuring such biases of non-whites.Apparently, it's only important to Newsweek to identify if racism is a factor in why whites prefer Republican presidential candidate John McCain and not if…

Newsweek CW: 'Energy Conservation' the 'One Clear Winner' in Face of E

May 22nd, 2008 3:58 PM

Newsweek's Alter Hypocritical on the Popular Vote

May 22nd, 2008 11:36 AM
The popular vote should supercede statewide results for the presidential election in November, but Hillary Clinton's popular vote argument for why she should win the Democratic nomination is specious. Both points of view have been held forth by Newsweek's Jonathan Alter.In "Popular Vote Poison: How Hillary's latest math hurts the party," Jonathan Alter cranks up the "Wrap it Up!" box on the New…

Morning Joe's Lib-Heavy Lineup

May 20th, 2008 11:35 AM
Doesn't Mika Brzezinski have any Republicans in her Rolodex? With Joe Scarborough home in Florida awaiting the birth of a baby, Mika has been filling in as anchor, and I sense doing much of the show's booking [mention is often made of her work in that regard]. Today's guest lineup consisted of six Dems/liberals versus a sole Republican, brought in almost at show's end.Here's the list, in order…

Oops! Newsweek CW Reverses Itself on Chinese Earthquake Response

May 19th, 2008 12:48 PM
Last week I noted how's Conventional Wisdom gave an "up" arrow to China, praising its response to a devastating earthquake:Chinese government: Unlike Burma's generals, officials are responding quickly and openly to natural disaster. Now the Jonathan Alter-edited featurette has reversed itself for the May 26, 2008 dead-tree edition:[down arrow] China: Quake damage highlights price…

Eleanor Clift: White Male Reagan Dems Are Racist, Sexist

May 18th, 2008 8:34 AM
Eleanor Clift's latest online column for Newsweek assumes that white male "Reagan Democrats" are racist and sexist, or at least they're sickened by appeals by too much focus on the "rights" of blacks and women.Whether the term is Reagan Democrats or NASCAR dads, they're euphemisms for the white men who deserted a party they thought focused too much on the rights of blacks and women. Isn't that a…