Rove Not Being Devil 'Complicates World View' of Newsweek Editor

May 14th, 2008 2:46 AM
FNC's Brit Hume on Tuesday night highlighted how “some in the media elite have found that Karl Rove, in his new role as a commentator” for Fox News and writer for the Wall Street Journal and Newsweek, “is, to their apparent astonishment, a pretty good guy.” Hume cited the admission, by an unnamed Newsweek editor, that realizing Karl Rove is not the devil portrayed by the media “complicated my…

Bozell Column: The Big Bad Right-Wing Wolf

May 13th, 2008 8:28 PM

MRC's Worst of the Week: GOP ‘Slime and Hate’; Coddling Obama

May 13th, 2008 3:20 PM
The general election has apparently begun. This week, the liberal media launched a pre-emptive attack on Republican campaign tactics even as TV interviewers slobbered all over Barack Obama. Here are the Media Research Center’s "Worst of the Week" (audio and video links below the fold):# GOP: Merchants of Slime and Hate. It’s Hillary Clinton’s campaign, not the GOP, which has pummeled Barack Obama…

Newsweek CW: Up Arrow for Chinese; May Be Dictators, But They Aren't I

May 13th, 2008 2:42 PM

Newsweek Impugns Republicans: 'Merchants of Slime and Sellers of Hate

May 12th, 2008 5:06 PM
In this week’s cover story, Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe and Evan Thomas juxtapose Democratic talking points about the sliminess of Republicans (“successfully scaring voters since 1968”) and testimonials to the managerial wizardry of Barack Obama (“he has ‘grace under fire’”) and present the entire package as an insightful look inside “The O Team.”The eight-page spread, decorated with several behind…

Newsweek Taking Heat for Obama Article Critical of McCain

May 12th, 2008 2:00 PM
On Sunday, my colleague Warner Todd Huston apprised readers of a truly disgraceful Newsweek article which continued to demonstrate just how in the tank media are for Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama.On Monday, the good folks at National Review Online were similarly outraged, and expressed concern about Newsweek's obvious lack of impartiality.First up was Jim Geraghty who took issue…

Obama-Infatuated Newsweek Reporter Defends Obama for Not Leaving Jerem

May 12th, 2008 1:18 AM

Newsweek: Republicans 'Successfully Scaring Voters Since 1968,' Obama

May 11th, 2008 2:07 PM
Here is a perfect example of the sort of wild-eyed leftism that is so infused into the very souls of every journalist that claims the mantle of the fourth estate. It's also a perfect example of how they are in the tank for their messiah, Obama. Newsweek's Rich Wolffe and Evan Thomas have presented a fawning review of how Barack Obama is so cool and collected under political fire, but warns their…

Profanity in the Liberal Blogosphere: Urinating on Presidents

May 10th, 2008 2:00 PM
For years, NewsBusters has reported the unfortunate incidence of vulgarity and virulence in the liberal blogosphere, as well as how some prominent politicians and left-leaning media members have expressed concern regarding how such behavior negatively reflects on the Democrat Party.On Friday, this invective hit a new low at Daily Kos when a piece that was quickly promoted to the highly-coveted "…

Newsweek’s Fineman: Tune to Fox for Iran War; Bloggers Are Lazy [w/a

May 2nd, 2008 11:04 AM
Want to see how the mainstream media views Fox News? Look no further than Newsweek's Howard Fineman and the way he thinks the Bush administration uses the network. Fineman, who is Newsweek magazine's senior Washington correspondent and a regular on MSNBC, told an audience at the Politics & Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C. on May 1 that if you want to know what the Bush administration…

Obama vs. Father Coughlin, Joe McCarthy, and George Wallace

May 1st, 2008 9:19 AM

Who Had the Fairer Panel: Meet the Press or Fox News Sunday

April 27th, 2008 2:43 PM
For a moment, let's step away from the commentary, per se, and focus on the commentators. Liberals love to chide Fox News for its alleged conservative bias. So why don't we see, when it comes to being fair and balanced, how this morning's Fox News Sunday panel stacked up against that of its main competitor, Meet the Press?Here are the line-ups—you be the judge.MEET THE PRESS Host–Tim Russert…

MSM Papal Trip Postmortem: Benedict Did 'Better Than Expected

April 21st, 2008 1:59 PM
With Pope Benedict back in Rome, the media are rendering their verdict of the pontiff's U.S. visit. The pontiff did "better than expected" seems to be the verdict coming from secular journalists, who, of course, found that the pontiff bested the low expectations of unnamed "experts." Take the following from Washington Post staffers Michelle Boorstein and Jacqueline L. Salmon (emphasis mine):NEW…

Newsweek's Ali on Pope Benedict: Is He Clueless About Muslims or Just

April 17th, 2008 12:42 PM