Newsweek's Alter: Sideways on Pope, Down on Cheney for Fishy Photo Fla

April 16th, 2008 3:10 PM
Newsweek's Conventional Wisdom is something of a throwaway feature that senior editor Jonathan Alter could easily churn out in between his morning constitutional and brushing his teeth.His choices are almost always reliably liberal, as his recent takes on Pope Benedict XVI and Vice President Dick Cheney reflect. Alter gave the pontiff a sideways arrow on April 16 for his U.S. trip. It's dripping…

Newsweek Anoints Squishy Methodist as New Kind of Evangelical on Abort

April 7th, 2008 4:04 PM
Finding Christian leaders concerned with global climate change is one thing, but it's hard for the secular media to find an evangelical Christian who can assent to one of the Left's most favored sacraments, abortion.That's where Newsweek's Lisa Miller comes in finding a new challenge to the traditionally pro-life political views of evangelical Christians. Miller invites readers to meet Adam…

The Incredible Shrinking Newsweek

March 31st, 2008 3:13 PM
Newsweek magazine is undergoing massive restructuring, buying out the contracts of over 100 employees and offering to buy out many more including its two liberal opinion-mongers Jonathan Alter and Howard Fineman:The staff of Newsweek will shrink dramatically, after 111 staffers on its news and business sides accepted a buyout last week. [...] More staffers than expected accepted the offer, so at…

Newsweek: Pope, Wilders Hope for Murdered Nuns and Priests

March 29th, 2008 4:46 PM

New Special Report: Apostles of Atheism

March 25th, 2008 4:43 PM
In all the brouhaha last week over the incendiary comments made by Barack Obama's pastor the media seemed to forget to partake in their traditional Holy Week Christian-bashing excercise.  There were a few entries in the "Easter Hit Parade," like the Comedy Central show "Root of All Evil" which my boss, Brent Bozell, wrote about in a column recently, and an episode of "Law and Order" which…

Newsweek: Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh Are 'Hating America

March 24th, 2008 1:45 PM
Newsweek's snarky "Conventional Wisdom Watch" column has once again displayed the inaccuracy of its title. "Pathetic Liberal Spin In 20 Words Or Less" is more accurate, but not very catchy. In the new (March 31) edition, Barack Obama gets a sideways arrow -- like he had an okay week instead of a down-arrow week??? -- while "Hannity" is singled out for a down arrow with these twelve words of…

Newsweek Editor Hints at Democrat Party Split if Clintons Steal Nomina

March 23rd, 2008 7:28 PM
On Sunday's "Meet the Press," Newsweek editor Jon Meacham hinted that if the Clintons were to execute a "corrupt bargain" which gave Hillary the nomination, it could lead to a split in the Democrat Party akin to what happened in 1824.In that election, only one Party, the Democratic-Republicans, ran presidential candidates. Although Andrew Jackson won the most popular and electoral votes, he didn'…

Newsweek Distorts Precedent, Role of NRA in Gun Ban Case

March 18th, 2008 7:42 PM
The Newsweek article "When Reason Meets Rifles" discusses the case of District of Columbia v. Heller, which was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court today. The basic dispute in the case is whether D.C.'s outright handgun ban and de facto ban on rifles, shotguns, and other firearms are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. Notice that the bias begins in the title itself, where "reason" and…

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift: Don’t Judge Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wrigh

March 18th, 2008 3:09 PM
One of the criticisms of the media's coverage of Sen. Barack Obama's candidacy - both from his opponents on the right and on the left, has been that he's been given a free pass on a lot of issue. The latest in particular had been the recently uncovered of Obama's former church minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who had made several incendiary remarks about race and the government. Eleanor Clift…

Olbermann: Ferraro Statement 'Clearly Racist: Are We in South Africa

March 11th, 2008 9:40 PM
Forget the popcorn: it could take a case of Cognac and a humidor of good cigars to fully savor the warfare that's breaking out in Dem ranks. Who could have predicted that Keith Olbermann would be accusing a prominent Clinton team member and former Dem VP candidate of making a "clearly racist" statement evoking the apartheid era in South Africa? And yet . . . On this evening's Countdown,…

Oprah Abandoned 'The Hot-Flash Cohort

March 9th, 2008 1:03 PM
Look for NOW to be setting up picket lines outside Rush's Southern Command, protesting the way Limbaugh has demeaned mature women, writing them off as the "hot-flash cohort."Outrageous! When will these right-wing men realize we will no longer tolerate their misogynist --What? It wasn't Rush? It was that avatar of elite liberal thought Tina Brown, writing in Newsweek? Never mind.Here's how…

Bozell Column: Rape Films at Yale

March 8th, 2008 1:17 PM

Newsweek Editor Wouldn't Want Hillary On That 3 AM Phone Call

March 5th, 2008 7:04 PM
Obama still has his fans in the MSM, or Hillary her detractors . . . Appearing on this afternoon's Hardball, the seemingly mild-mannered Evan Thomas of Newsweek took a surprisingly tough shot at Clinton, disputing the very premise of her now-famous "it's 3 AM" ad. Discussing Hillary's comeback, Evans offered his blunt assessment with no real prompting. EVAN THOMAS: What I don't get about this ad…

The Audacity of Silence About Tony Rezko

March 4th, 2008 7:22 AM
Jury selection began Monday in Chicago in the trial of Syrian-born businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a major supporter of Barack Obama. Two days before the 2006 elections in which Democrats won by running against a "culture of corruption," Chicago newspapers revealed that Obama purchased a home in the summer of 2005 for $1.6 million, but to complete the deal, he would need to buy an adjoining…