
‘I’d Be Honored’; Trump Gives Support to Efforts to Defund NPR, PBS

March 25th, 2025 4:56 PM

On Tuesday during a White House press pool Q&A ahead of a meeting with prospective U.S. Ambassadors, President Donald Trump gave his support to the House Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) Subcommittee as it prepares to hold a hearing Wednesday with the heads of taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) and PBS, adding “I’d be honored” if he were the president to finally defund…


PBS Hypes NPR Podcast on Crazy Dad with Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories

March 25th, 2025 9:52 AM

PBS News Weekend helped their brethren at NPR promote a podcast series on Sunday in a segment headlined "How online misinformation is ‘supercharging’ conspiracy theories." Podcaster Zach Mack made a three-part podcast on how his conservative Christian father has gone down a "rabbit hole" of conspiracy thinking.

NewsBusters Podcast: Cheering and Laughing at the 'Tesla Takedown'

March 24th, 2025 10:46 PM

Rooting for bad things to happen to your adversaries isn't unusual. But when Rush Limbaugh said "I hope he fails" about incoming President Obama in 2009, leftists suggested he should be executed for treason. Now, people are talking about vandalism against Elon Musk's Tesla vehicles and dealerships, and crowds cheer and laugh as the Tesla stock price sinks. The double standard is obvious, with…

NPR Hosts Debate -- Between Begala Democrats and Nutty AOC Democrats

March 22nd, 2025 1:53 PM

NPR recently hosted a debate between two sides. No, it's not between Democrats and Republicans, but between liberal Democrats and really radical Democrats. On Tuesday's Morning Edition, the establishment Democrat was old Clinton spinner Paul Begala, and the radical was Waleed Shahid.

'PUBLIC' Broadcasting Watch: 'Fresh Air' Adores Leftist Media Outlets

March 20th, 2025 10:25 AM

Right now, the guardians of the "public" broadcasting empire are defending their tax subsidies by claiming it's somehow extremely unique, and not just another liberal set of networks. In reality, PBS and NPR are echo chambers for legacy liberal media outlets. The NPR talk show Fresh Air has lavished hours on The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and other…


PBS Echoes NPR in Pushing 'Murder the Truth' Book Against Trump

March 19th, 2025 11:16 AM

On Monday, PBS News Hour followed NPR's Fresh Air in promoting New York Times reporter David Enrich's anti-Trump book Murder The Truth: Fear, the First Amendment, and a Secret Campaign to Protect the Powerful. Right-wingers from President Trump to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are cartooned as "truth murderers."

George Will Surprise! CPB Is Useless, Like an Appendix, So Defund It

March 17th, 2025 10:38 AM

In recent years, Washington Post columnist George Will has not been our favorite. I called him "Jennifer Rubin with shorter hair." But he still pens a conservative column from time to time, clearly upsetting left-wing Post subscribers with a Sunday column suggesting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is useless, and should be defunded.

NPR Show Selects Paranoid Leftist Caller: The GOP Might Rule Forever!

March 15th, 2025 9:09 PM

One way you can identify the leftist tilt on NPR stations is by listening to the callers that are taken on NPR-distributed talk shows. On the latest episode of Left, Right, and Center, coming out of KCRW out of California, the host (or "center") David Greene set the agenda with a paranoid leftist caller who asked what's to stop Trump, the congressional Republicans, and the…

NPR Pushes NY Times Reporter's Thesis: Trump Will 'Murder the Truth'

March 14th, 2025 5:15 PM

NPR loves The New York Times, and vice versa. On Tuesday, NPR's Fresh Air granted most of its hour to a 44-minute interview with David Enrich, the paper's business investigations editor. His new book focusing on Donald Trump and Justice Clarence Thomas is titled Murder The Truth: Fear, The First Amendment, And A Secret Campaign To Protect The Powerful.

Column: Network 'News' Bows Supinely to Trans Commands

March 14th, 2025 5:59 AM

Trans woman activist Dylan Mulvaney did a happy-go-lucky softball interview tour to promote the book Paper Doll: Notes from a Late Bloomer. The “mainstream” media are out of the mainstream on trans issues, and their extreme fawning and flattery only underlines it.


As GOP Talks Defunding, 'Morning Joe' Fawns Over Pro-NPR Author

March 13th, 2025 5:02 PM

On Monday's Morning Joe, MSNBC gave author Steve Oney a forum to promote his book, On Air: The Triumph and Tumult of NPR, and to lament the possibility that the "down the middle" NPR will be defunded by Republicans.

Chuck Rocha Ashley Davis CNN This Morning 3-11-25

Cornish's Latest Republican: Stock Market Drop's 'Around Trump's Neck'

March 11th, 2025 11:44 AM

In her debut appearance on CNN This Morning, hosted by Audie Cornish, former George W. Bush official Ashley Davis says the stock market's recent dive is "around [Trump's] neck." An unfortunate metaphor in regard to someone who has suffered two recent assassination attempts.

NPR Lets D.C. Mayor Dump All Failings On Big Bad Trump

NPR Anchor Lets D.C. Mayor Dump All City Failures On Big Bad Trump

March 10th, 2025 5:18 PM

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser sounded off Monday on NPR about her municipal government’s relationship with the Trump administration. Interviewer Michel Martin allowed her to pass along the buck for all and any of her own failures to the federal government, headed by the hated President Trump, and especially federal employment cuts, directed by the even-more-hated Elon Musk, and challenged her on…

UNFAIR Fight: PBS, NPR Use Their Money to Lobby for More of YOUR Money

March 10th, 2025 12:40 PM

If you want to defund PBS and NPR, it’s an unfair fight. Public broadcasting uses all its own resources – including its taxpayer subsidies – to lobby for more taxpayer money. NPR station WBEZ in Chicago sent an email titled “Stand up for public media — your voice matters.” The graphic inside proclaimed “PROTECT FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: Support public media.”